[Xen-ia64-devel] Re: [Xen-devel] xend "sysctl operation failed"
On 7/11/07 17:26, "Aron Griffis" <aron@xxxxxx> wrote:
>> The sysctl is almost certainly failing because of a interface version
>> mismatch. Could you be building the tools and Xen against different versions
>> of the public sysctl.h header file?
> Yeah, I think that's it. I'm building on one system, then tar/untar
> to the test system to do the final "make install-tools"
> Maybe it's rebuilding something it doesn't need to? I'd probably
> rather fix that than worry about keeping the userlands in perfect
> sync, unless this is going to crop up at runtime regardless.
Well, now you know the likely problem it doesn't sound like it will be very
hard to track down!
-- Keir
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