[Xen-ia64-devel] Open GFW Howto
Hi All:
As you know, open source firmware is available now.
It performs stable in our internal test. To be a pure
open source project, open firmware is natural for RHEL5.2.
It's really exciting if community could switch to open firmware
in your common test and use.
Here is a doc of how to build open firmware. Hope it make
things happy.
BKM: Open Source Guest Firmware
of XEN/IA64 VTI Guest
1. How to get the source?
Do below command( with HG tool ):
hg clone http://xenbits.xensource.com/ext/efi-vfirmware.hg
*notice: Get HG tool
A. Get HG tool. You can download it from
B. Install HG tool. Follow steps below:
tar xf mercurial-0.9.4.tar
cd mercurial-0.9.4
python setup.py install
2. Get EDK2 Source
The firmware developed base on EDK2 which is an open source EFI
Before building, you must get a specific version of EDK2 source. Follow
below steps:
svn co -r 2398 https://edk2.tianocore.org/svn/edk2/trunk/edk2
The 2398 is the requested version needed by firmware.
*notice: To use SVN download the source, you must register an account
Tianno’s website. The URL is https://www.tianocore.org/
3. Install building tools:
a) Tools pre-requisite(From EDK2 buildnotes):
The following list of tools must be installed on the
development workstation
prior to using the EDK II.
Compiler Tool Chain
A special GCC version 4.x or later (http://gcc.gnu.org). See
Assembler Tool Chain
GNU binutils 2.16.1 or later
Java Development Kit ( Java 5.0 or later)
Bea Systems* jrockit-25.2.0-jdk1.5.0_03 or later
Java Tools
Apache-ANT, version 1.6.5 or later (http://ant.apache.org)
Ant-contrib, version 1.0b2 or later
Saxon8, version 8.1.1
XMLBeans, version 2.1.0 (http://xmlbeans.apache.org)
*** DO NOT download the latest XMLBeans, version 2.2.0. It is
not compatible
with Saxon8, version 8.1.1 ***
b) Install tools:
*** Below info all from tianno's website. We suggest you
installing these
tools without configure environment variable. Because we are
going to do
this in a script which you will see it later ***
Software Installation Order
After installing the compiler tools and your Subversion client,
the following required
tools should be installed in this order:
Java JDK, Apache-Ant, ant-contrib, xmlbeans, saxon8
Java Development Kit
The Java Environment Variable must be set before attempting to
e.g export JAVA_HOME=/root/jrockit-R27.2.0-jdk1.5.0_10
Java Tools
The Apache-ANT requires the ANT_HOME environment variable to be
set before attempting to build:
Unzip apache-ant-1.6.5-bin.zip to a directory. We need to set
an environment variable ANT_HOME to this location:
export ANT_HOME=<full path to where ant was unzipped>
Unzip the ant-contrib-1.0b2-bin.zip file.
The ant-contrib.jar file should be copied into the
%ANT_HOME%/lib directory.
Unzip xmlbeans-2.1.0.zip to a directory.
XMLBeans requires the XMLBEANS_HOME environment variable to be
set before attempting to build:
export XMLBEANS_HOME=<full path to where xmlbeans was
Unzip the saxonb8-1-1.zip file.
The saxon8.jar file should be copied to the %XMLBEANS_HOME%\lib
The Ant and XMLBean tools are required to be in the path.
Other Tools
TortoiseSVN version 1.3.3. (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/)
4. Prepare building:
Congratulations! You have finished install these awesome tools.
Now let
us do some prepare works for building.
a) Create a symbolic link in your efi-vfirmware.hg:
ln -s /path/to/my/private/edk2 edk2
b) Cutomize edk2-spare/env.sh
Correctly define the environment variable and path, for
*************** env.h **********************
export JAVA_HOME=/root/jrockit-R27.2.0-jdk1.5.0_10
export ANT_HOME=/root/EDK2_tool_linux/apache-ant-1.7.0
. ./edksetup.sh
c) Run build.sh, it creates the source hierarchy:
> sh build.sh
d) Start the build:
> cd edk2-xen
> . ./link.sh
> . ./env.sh
> build
5. Get firmware binary:
It is at edk2-xen/Build/Xen/DEBUG_UNIXGCC/FV/FV_RECOVERY.bin.
If you are here, you are
lucky and have an useable firmware!
Good good study,day day up ! ^_^
-Wing(zhang xin)
OTC,Intel Corporation
Description: OpenGFW_BKM.txt
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