Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] [PATCH]: makes mini-os ia64 cross compilable
Am Montag, 26. Februar 2007 18:11 schrieb Aron Griffis:
> Dietmar Hahn wrote: [Mon Feb 26 2007, 03:57:44AM EST]
> > By the way, how do I setup ia64-xen for cross compiling (not the tools
> > but the make process). Is there a howto around?
> Building for ia64 on another arch:
> make -j2 XEN_TARGET_ARCH=ia64 CROSS_COMPILE=ia64-unknown-linux-uclibc- xen
> kernels
> I was able to get away with uclibc because I wasn't actually building
> the tools. Uclibc dynamic linking doesn't work on ia64, so I only
> used it to support the tools. A better route would be to use
> CROSS_COMPILE=ia64-unknown-linux-glibc-
> Aron
Hi Aron,
many thanks, I will try this.
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