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[Xen-ia64-devel] XenU will crash Xen in CSet # 13773.

To: "xen-ia64-devel" <xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-ia64-devel] XenU will crash Xen in CSet # 13773.
From: "You, Yongkang" <yongkang.you@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 17:48:33 +0800
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Thread-topic: XenU will crash Xen in CSet # 13773.
Hi all,

In latest Changeset 13773, if creating XenU, Xen0 would crash and hang.
The hang happened when XenU try to bring up its network.

The serial console log is attached.

BTW. VTI domain creation also meets a little issue, which is brought from 
xen-unstable. If try to create VTI domain with sdl=1, VTI window won't popup. 
Edwin has sent a patch to xen-devel to fix it. The simple workaround is to use 
vnc to create VTI domain.

No detailed testing report today. 

Best Regards,
Yongkang (Kangkang) 永康

Attachment: xen_crash.log
Description: xen_crash.log

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