RE: [Xen-ia64-devel] Create 2nd XenU fail after destroy 1st one
Hi, Yongkang and all
I have reproduced your problem.
Hmm... I look like this fault is occurred at srlz instruction.
I try to debug it.
# Do everyone think xen's printf is buggy?
My environment:
Machine : Tiger4
OS : RHEL4 Update2
gestOS : RHEL4 Update2
How to reproduce
1. xend start
2. xm create domU
3. xm console domU
-> and hit poweroff command.
4. xm create domU
then call trace is happend in xm dmesg.
5. xm destroy domU
-> then system hang up...
Best Regards,
Akio Takebe
>Hi Akio,
>I do "poweroff" in XenU to kill it. It means xenU has been booted up. This
>should more than 20 seconds. :)
>Best Regards,
>Yongkang (Kangkang) モタソオ
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Akio Takebe [mailto:takebe_akio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>>Sent: 2006ト\xF3ヤツ16ネユ 17:42
>>To: You, Yongkang; xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Tristan Gingold
>>Subject: Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] Create 2nd XenU fail after destroy 1st one
>>Hi, YongKang and Tristan
>>I suspect this error may be happened by too early destroy.
>>Please try to create domU after waiting about 20 sec.
>>1. boot Xen0
>>2. create XenU
>>3. sleep 20
>>3. destroy xenU
>>4. sleep 20
>>5. create 2nd XenU
>>6. sleep 20
>>7. destroy 2nd XenU
>>Best Regards,
>>Akio and Kan
>>>Hi all,
>>>I am very glad to see xm destroy xenU will release memory.
>>>But when I try this feature, I found I couldn't create 2nd xenU
>>>I do the following steps:
>>>1. boot Xen0
>>>2. create XenU
>>>3. After xenU boot up, use poweroff in xenU to kill xenU.
>>>4. create 2nd XenU
>>>5. when 2nd XenU boot up to "start udev", xenU stop to boot and serial port
>>> kept reporting "bad hyperprivop". (please see the attachment)
>>>If I destroy the 2nd xenU, the whole system seems hang. I catch this issue
>>>in Cset 9268.
>>>Best Regards,
>>>Yongkang (Kangkang) ・筵ソ・ス・ェ
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