[Xen-ia64-devel] Re: FW: IA-64 serial driver
On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 11:25:29AM -0700, Dan Magenheimer wrote:
| FYI. I'll take a look at this tomorrow as xeno-unstable
| will undoubtedly be broken for ia64.
| Greg, I hope this doesn't throw a wrench into your work.
| (Hopefully it will make it easier.)
>From a quick look, this should help a lot. I'll try to get something put
together this week on top of the new stuff.
| > -----Original Message-----
| > From: Keir Fraser [mailto:Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
| > Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 3:19 PM
| > To: Magenheimer, Dan (HP Labs Fort Collins)
| > Cc: Keir Fraser; Arun Sharma
| > Subject: IA-64 serial driver
| >
| > Dan, Arun,
| >
| > I've just checked in a big cleanup of the serial driver which has
| > certainly broken IA-64 serial output in cases where you do not use a
| > 16550 uart (e.g., your simulator package).
| >
| > I've separated out the guts of 16550 driver code from the generic
| > 'serial framework'. Each architecture calls a set of initialisation
| > functions for the specific uarts that it supports, before calling the
| > generic serial_init_preirq() function.
| >
| > So far I have added ns16550_init() to arch/ia64, but you will need to
| > add a new uart_driver type for each other type of 'serial device' you
| > have. The driver can be *really* simple: just supporting putc, for
| > example.
| >
| > To define a simple driver:
| > static void hp_skiing_putc(struct serial_port *port, char c) { ... }
| > static struct uart_driver hp_skiing = { .putc = hp_skiing_putc };
| >
| > Then, at the same point we do ns16550_init() in arch/ia64/xensetup.c:
| > serial_register_uart(0, &hp_skiing, NULL);
| >
| > -- Keir
| >
| >
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