Re: [Xen-devel] reg dom0 console
On Sat, 2011-10-08 at 03:22 +0100, Prasad B wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:54 PM, Ian Campbell
> <Ian.Campbell@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > After a few months of hiatus, we have resumed working on
> mips port of
> > Xen. We are at the point of booting dom0 userland (init
> process and
> > its children).
> That sounds awesome! Are you close to having any initial
> patches for
> submission?
> We are working with 3.4.0 which is really old. So, we would like to
> run a few heavyweight applications on Linux, forward port our MIPS
> changes to 4.1.0 and then submit the patches along with our PV Linux.
> We are using 2.6.34 Linux kernel and have not been working with pvops
> interface. So, there might have to be some collective effort to move
> our MIPS Linux changes into the pvops framework.
> > The init process gets spawned and in turn forks off
> processes to run
> > commands in /etc/rc.d/init.d/rcS. However, the getty process
> does not
> > seem to run subsequently and hence the login prompt is not
> displayed.
> > Dom 0 does not use the uart and uses the hvc0 driver.
> >
> > I searched the web for hints and there were suggestions to
> add
> > directives such as
> >
> > 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 hvc0
> >
> > to /etc/inittab file. But that does not seem to help.
> >
> > Could you please give any pointers to get getty talk to the
> console
> > driver correctly ?
> Do you have something which is creating the actual /dev/hvc0
> node? You
> can probably boot with init=/bin/sh in order to get a shell to
> poke
> around and check this with, run the getty by hand etc.
> replacing /sbin/init with /bin/sh displays the following output:
> "BusyBox v1.14.0 (2009-05-01 15:38:41 PDT) built-in shell (ash)
> Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
> /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned of"
> and input/commands could not be fed to the shell.
> I had a vague recollection that the busybox inittab syntax was
> a little
> different to standard sysvinit but google threw up various
> things which
> suggest that what you've got is OK. Are you maybe in runlevel
> 1? You
> could try changing the 2345->12345 to be sure. You probably
> want this
> getty in single user mode anyway. Alternatively lots of
> example busybox
> configurations I see on google seems to omit the runlevels,
> which I
> guess means "all"?
> created an hvc device in /dev and played with different runlevels. But
> getty process is either dormant or dead and the cpu_idle() function
> kicks in.
I'm afraid I've not got any real ideas. Do you think that event channels
are working correctly? In particular you will need to be able to receive
Hopefully the stuff in drivers/tty/hvc/hvc_xen.c:xen_hvc_init is taking
the correct xen_initial_domain paths and not the domU ones. I think this
must be correct, or you wouldn't get any output at all, but adding a
printk or two to confirm might be handy.
I'm not 100% sure but it looks like passing xen_irq == -1 to hvc_alloc
might force things into a polled mode? That might be a useful debugging
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