I'm running Xen 4.0.1 on a Sandybridge-based Dell Latitude E6420 and I'm finding that the platform reboot operation hangs.
I've done some investigation and have tracked down the code that dom0 makes in order to reboot the platform is HYPERVISOR_sched_op(SCHEDOP_shutdown, code),
where 'code' is SHUTDOWN_reboot. This hypercall makes its way to the Xen routine machine_restart() in xen/arch/x86/shutdown.c which performs a reboot based on the default reboot_type=BOOT_ACPI. I have overrode the reboot_type and made it BOOT_TRIPLE and BOOT_KBD, and both of these options still hang after the invocation that is supposed to reboot the platform.
I experienced the same behavior from a serial Xen console 'R' reboot action, which is expected since it too calls machine_restart().
I'm out of ideas here as to why these reboot calls are not working. I figured that the triple fault of the processor would be one that always works but it still hangs for me. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions for additional tests?
Thank you in advance.
Roger R. Cruz
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