RE: [Xen-devel] New release candidate for Xen 4.0.0 (RC9)
> http://xenbits.xensource.com/
That page seriously needs fixing to correctly reflect the active trees.
> one can see linux-2.6.18-xen.hg repo as a sub-repo of the just-created
> xen-4.0-testing.hg... I was under impression that 4.0 would be using
> pvops0 kernel *only* and that you would not support 2.6.18 anymore for
> this hypervisor...
I don't think it makes sense for anyone to really be using 2.6.18 anymore.
The 2.6.27 tree is probably the most widely tested right now, and is shipping
in commercial xen distros, and xen.org's Xen Cloud Platform and XCI.
pvops is certainly where the development effort is currently focussed, and
hopefully what the commercial distros will all be using later this year[*].
[*] Novell also have a 2.6.32 'classic xen patch port', not to be confused with
> Can you shed some light on this issue -- why is this kernel repo there,
> and what kernel will *really* be the official and stable option for Xen 4?
> What will be part of the next week release?
> Thanks,
> joanna.
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