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RE: [Xen-devel] Video Presentation on PCI Express x16 VGA Pass Through t

To: "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [Xen-devel] Video Presentation on PCI Express x16 VGA Pass Through to Xen-based Windows XP Home Edition HVM Virtual Machine
From: "Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)" <enming.teo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 2009 22:48:47 +0800
Cc: "'timothy.moore@xxxxxxxxxxx'" <timothy.moore@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "djmagee@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <djmagee@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Han, Weidong" <weidong.han@xxxxxxxxx>, "'bengheng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <bengheng@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Hi All,

I went through the history and here are the steps I took to patch xen 3.5-unstable for VGA passthrough.
Based on Weidong's advice I checked out changeset earlier than 20144.

Initial trial without secondary gfx passthrough patch

  637  hg clone http://xenbits.xensource.com/xen-unstable.hg
  638  cd xen-unstable.hg
  639  vi tools/firmware/hvmloader/hvmloader.c
  640  hg checkout 20143
641 cp ~enming/intel-gfx-passthru-patches/intel-gfx-passthru-patch01.patch .
  642  patch -p1 < intel-gfx-passthru-patch01.patch
  643  make tools
  644  history
  645  cd tools/ioemu-remote/
646 cp ~enming/intel-gfx-passthru-patches/intel-gfx-passthru-patch02.patch .
  647  patch -p1 < intel-gfx-passthru-patch02.patch
  648  cd ..
  649  cd ..
  650  cp ~enming/intel-gfx-passthru-patches/xen-load-vbios-file.patch .
  651  patch -p1 < xen-load-vbios-file.patch
  652  cp ~enming/intel-gfx-passthru-patches/xen-vBAR-pBAR.patch .
  653  patch -p1 < xen-vBAR-pBAR.patch
  654  cd tools/ioemu-remote/
655 cp ~enming/intel-gfx-passthru-patches/qemu-change-for-vBAR-pBAR.patch .
  656  patch -p1 < qemu-change-for-vBAR-pBAR.patch
  657  cd ../../
  658  make clean
  659  cp ~enming/vgabios-pt.bin tools/firmware/vgabios/
  660  ls tools/firmware/vgabios/vgabios-pt.bin
  661  make xen
  662  make install-xen
  663  make tools
  664  make install-tools

In the above case, intel-gfx-passthru-patch01.patch is actually xen-gfx-passthrough.patch as posted by Weidong.
intel-gfx-passthru-patch02.patch is actually qemu-gfx-passthrough.patch 
as posted by Weidong.
After building and installing everything, I rebooted. When I tried to 
passthrough the nVidia Geforce 8400 GS, I got "not enough free 
resources" in Windows XP domU. This is in fact much better than my 
earlier trial when I got "device cannot start" in Windows XP domU device 
manager with the wrong approach of using onboard gma4500 graphics as 
primary and nvidia geforce 8400 gs as secondary. This time I am using 
nvidia geforce 8400 gs as the primary and nothing else as the secondary.
After Timothy Moore's suggestion, I proceeded to the next trial.

Next trial WITH secondary gfx passthrough patch

  679  cd /usr/src
  680  mv xen-unstable.hg xen-unstable.hg-20143-no-secondary-patch
  681  cp -R xen-unstable.hg-20143-no-secondary-patch xen-unstable.hg
  682  cd xen-unstable.hg
  683  history
  684  cd tools/ioemu-remote/
685 cp ~enming/intel-gfx-passthru-patches/qemu-claim-vga-cycle-for-secondary-gfx-passthrough.patch . 686 patch -p1 < qemu-claim-vga-cycle-for-secondary-gfx-passthrough.patch
  687  cd ../..
  688  make clean
  689  cp ~enming/vgabios-pt.bin tools/firmware/vgabios/
  690  ls tools/firmware/vgabios/vgabios-pt.bin
  691  make xen
  692  make install-xen
  693  make tools
  694  make install-tools

At this point, I encountered an error with build.c as documented with my earlier postings in xen-devel mailing list.
So I applied my very own patch:

Patch created by Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) on 29 August 2009 Saturday at 8:00 P.M. Singapore Time
Email #1: enming.teo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Email #2: space.time.universe@xxxxxxxxx
MSN: teoenming@xxxxxxxxxxx
Mobile Phone: +65-9648-9798

--- ssdt_pm.h 2009-08-29 19:54:52.653088000 +0800
+++ ssdt_pm.h 2009-08-29 19:56:51.813088550 +0800
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* C source code output
-unsigned char AmlCode[] =
+unsigned char AmlCode_PM[] =
0x53,0x53,0x44,0x54,0xD6,0x05,0x00,0x00, /* 00000000 "SSDT...." */
0x02,0xB9,0x58,0x65,0x6E,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 00000008 "..Xen..." */
--- ssdt_tpm.h 2009-08-29 19:55:44.578738954 +0800
+++ ssdt_tpm.h 2009-08-29 19:57:27.896638884 +0800
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
* C source code output
-unsigned char AmlCode[] =
+unsigned char AmlCode_TPM[] =
0x53,0x53,0x44,0x54,0x4C,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 00000000 "SSDTL..." */
0x02,0x2A,0x58,0x65,0x6E,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 00000008 ".*Xen..." */

Then I checked ssdt_pm.h and ssdt_tpm.h to make sure they are correct.

  695  vi tools/firmware/hvmloader/acpi/ssdt_pm.h
  696  vi tools/firmware/hvmloader/acpi/ssdt_tpm.h
  697  make install-tools

But I still get "not enough free resources" in Win XP domU device manager. So apparently the patch qemu-claim-vga-cycle-for-secondary-gfx-passthrough.patch doesn't affect my nvidia geforce 8400 gs passed through operations since I am using nvidia as primary and nothing as secondary. The secondary gfx patch is for cases when you have a primary for dom0 and passing through the secondary gfx to a HVM domU.
Mr. Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming) Dip(Mechatronics Engineering) 
BEng(Hons)(Mechanical Engineering)
Technical Support Engineer
Information Technology Department
Asiasoft Online Pte Ltd
Tampines Central 1 #04-01 Tampines Plaza
Singapore 529541
Republic of Singapore
Company Website: http://www.asiasoft.sg/
Mobile: +65-9648-9798
MSN: teoenming@xxxxxxxxxxx
Alma Maters: Singapore Polytechnic, National University of Singapore

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