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Re: [Xen-devel] XENFEAT_supervisor_mode_kernel ???

To: Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] XENFEAT_supervisor_mode_kernel ???
From: Mukesh Rathor <mukesh.rathor@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 15:03:21 -0800
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Oh, cool. I was looking at syscalls on PV x86_64 guests, and one of my thoughts was running in HVM mode but do all MMU stuff using hypercalls like PV. Other than having to change the hyp domain create portions, setting things up, is there a technical reason it can't be done today... thanks, Mukesh
Keir Fraser wrote:
On 20/11/08 22:42, "Mukesh Rathor" <mukesh.rathor@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm trying ot figure out what that's all about? I see in 64 PV domU, it's
being checked prior to returning from syscall.  On the xen side, I see it tied
to supervisor_mode_kernel, but the only info I find is changelog comment which
suggests it's purpose is to allow dom0 run in ring 0... So why the check in a
domU kernel?
It's useful if the hypervisor runs the guest kernel in ring 0. Current Xen
doesn't do that, but in future we may run 64-bit PV guests in HVM context as
that may actually be faster.

 -- Keir

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