[2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 26: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 1, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 536870912, 'name_label': 'hvmtest', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {'order': 'c'}, 'platform': {'hpet': 0, 'stdvga': 0, 'vnclisten': '', 'loader': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader', 'rtc_timeoffset': '0', 'vncunused': 1, 'monitor': 0, 'opengl': 0, 'boot': 'c', 'pci': [], 'pae': 1, 'hap': 1, 'acpi': 1, 'localtime': 0, 'timer_mode': 0, 'vnc': 0, 'nographic': 0, 'apic': 1, 'sdl': 0, 'usb': 0, 'guest_os_type': 'default', 'device_model': '/usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'isa': 0}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': ['641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb'], 'shutdown': 0, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': 'BIOS order', 'domid': 26, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293468.2403619, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'memory_static_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': 'b45526b7-7afa-1697-c938-2bed6925a03f', 'cpu_time': 0.0, 'shadow_memory': 5, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {'SUSPEND_CANCEL': 1}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb', 'location': '3'}), 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:20:7c:6c', 'devid': 0, 'type': 'ioemu', 'uuid': 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'})}, 'vif_refs': ['db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vscsi. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vbd. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices irq. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vfb. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices console. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 0. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices pci. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices ioports. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices tap. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2008-09-01 15:24:28 17368] INFO (XendDomain:1172) Domain hvmtest (26) unpaused. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 835198212667L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 1046528L, 'domid': 0, 'max_vcpu_id': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 1, 'maxmem_kb': 17179869180L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 2, 'handle': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 0 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 0: {'vcpus_params': {}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'shutdown': 0, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 1071644672L, 'name_label': 'Domain-0', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': [], 'online_vcpus': 2, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 0, 'VCPUs_max': 2, 'memory_static_max': 17592186040320L, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 1071644672L, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'vcpu_avail': 3, 'is_control_domain': True, 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'cpu_time': 835.19821266700001, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'other_config': {}, 'running': 1, 'devices': {}, 'vif_refs': [], 'vtpm_refs': [], 'dying': 0} [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 2135437L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 1, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 524156L, 'domid': 26, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 532480L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'handle': [180, 85, 38, 183, 122, 250, 22, 151, 201, 56, 43, 237, 105, 37, 160, 63], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 26 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 26: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 536870912, 'name_label': 'hvmtest', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {'order': 'c'}, 'platform': {'hpet': 0, 'stdvga': 0, 'vnclisten': '', 'loader': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader', 'rtc_timeoffset': '0', 'vncunused': 1, 'monitor': 0, 'opengl': 0, 'boot': 'c', 'pci': [], 'pae': 1, 'hap': 1, 'acpi': 1, 'localtime': 0, 'timer_mode': 0, 'vnc': 0, 'nographic': 0, 'apic': 1, 'sdl': 0, 'usb': 0, 'guest_os_type': 'default', 'device_model': '/usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'isa': 0}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': ['641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb'], 'shutdown': 0, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': 'BIOS order', 'domid': 26, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293468.2403619, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'memory_static_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': 'b45526b7-7afa-1697-c938-2bed6925a03f', 'cpu_time': 0.002135437, 'shadow_memory': 5, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {'SUSPEND_CANCEL': 1}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb', 'location': '3'}), 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:20:7c:6c', 'devid': 0, 'type': 'ioemu', 'uuid': 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'})}, 'vif_refs': ['db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:89) XendDomainInfo.create(['vm', ['name', 'hvmtest-dm'], ['memory', 32], ['vcpus', 1], ['on_xend_start', 'ignore'], ['on_xend_stop', 'ignore'], ['target', 26], ['image', ['linux', ['kernel', '/usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz'], ['args', ' -d 26']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['uname', 'phy:/dev/empirevg/lenny.hvm'], ['dev', 'hda'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['uname', 'file:/home/iso/debian-LennyBeta2-amd64-CD-1.iso'], ['dev', 'hdc:cdrom'], ['mode', 'r']]], ['device', ['vif', ['ip', '']]], ['device', ['vif', ['bridge', 'eth0']]], ['device', ['vkbd']], ['device', ['vfb', ['type', 'vnc'], ['xauthority', '/root/.Xauthority']]]]) [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2028) XendDomainInfo.constructDomain [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 2530332 KiB free; need 2048; done. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (XendDomain:447) Adding Domain: 27 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2134) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 27 256 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:302) No VNC passwd configured for vfb access [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2215) _initDomain:shadow_memory=0x0, memory_static_max=0x2000000, memory_static_min=0x0. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (balloon:132) Balloon: 2530324 KiB free; need 33792; done. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] INFO (image:166) buildDomain os=linux dom=27 vcpus=1 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:631) domid = 27 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:632) memsize = 32 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:633) image = /usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:634) store_evtchn = 1 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:635) console_evtchn = 2 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:636) cmdline = -d 26 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:637) ramdisk = [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:638) vcpus = 1 [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (image:639) features = [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1900) createDevice: vkbd : {'uuid': '246f7df4-65a1-6b94-c5d3-34ef1e5f7171'} [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'protocol': 'x86_64-abi', 'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vkbd/27/0'} to /local/domain/27/device/vkbd/0. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'frontend-id': '27', 'domain': 'hvmtest-dm', 'frontend': '/local/domain/27/device/vkbd/0', 'state': '1', 'online': '1'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vkbd/27/0. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1900) createDevice: vfb : {'other_config': {'type': 'vnc', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority'}, 'type': 'vnc', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'uuid': '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05'} [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'protocol': 'x86_64-abi', 'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vfb/27/0'} to /local/domain/27/device/vfb/0. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'domain': 'hvmtest-dm', 'frontend': '/local/domain/27/device/vfb/0', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'state': '1', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '27', 'type': 'vnc', 'uuid': '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vfb/27/0. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1900) createDevice: vbd : {'uuid': '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', 'bootable': 1, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hda', 'uname': 'phy:/dev/empirevg/lenny.hvm', 'mode': 'w'} [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '768', 'device-type': 'disk', 'protocol': 'x86_64-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/27/768'} to /local/domain/27/device/vbd/768. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'domain': 'hvmtest-dm', 'frontend': '/local/domain/27/device/vbd/768', 'uuid': '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', 'dev': 'hda', 'state': '1', 'params': '/dev/empirevg/lenny.hvm', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '27', 'type': 'phy'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/27/768. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1900) createDevice: vbd : {'uuid': '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05', 'bootable': 0, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hdc:cdrom', 'uname': 'file:/home/iso/debian-LennyBeta2-amd64-CD-1.iso', 'mode': 'r'} [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'virtual-device': '5632', 'device-type': 'cdrom', 'protocol': 'x86_64-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/27/5632'} to /local/domain/27/device/vbd/5632. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'domain': 'hvmtest-dm', 'frontend': '/local/domain/27/device/vbd/5632', 'uuid': '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05', 'dev': 'hdc', 'state': '1', 'params': '/home/iso/debian-LennyBeta2-amd64-CD-1.iso', 'mode': 'r', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '27', 'type': 'file'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/27/5632. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1900) createDevice: vif : {'ip': '', 'mac': '00:16:3e:65:6f:6c', 'uuid': 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8'} [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:65:6f:6c', 'handle': '0', 'protocol': 'x86_64-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/27/0'} to /local/domain/27/device/vif/0. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'domain': 'hvmtest-dm', 'handle': '0', 'uuid': 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'ip': '', 'mac': '00:16:3e:65:6f:6c', 'frontend-id': '27', 'state': '1', 'online': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/27/device/vif/0'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/27/0. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1900) createDevice: vif : {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:7d:9f:1a', 'uuid': '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13'} [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'mac': '00:16:3e:7d:9f:1a', 'handle': '1', 'protocol': 'x86_64-abi', 'backend-id': '0', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/27/1'} to /local/domain/27/device/vif/1. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'bridge': 'eth0', 'domain': 'hvmtest-dm', 'handle': '1', 'uuid': '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-bridge', 'mac': '00:16:3e:7d:9f:1a', 'frontend-id': '27', 'state': '1', 'online': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/27/device/vif/1'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/27/1. [2008-09-01 15:24:29 17368] INFO (image:375) spawning device models: /usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm ['/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm', '-d', '27', '-domain-name', 'hvmtest-dm', '-vnc', '', '-vncunused', '-serial', 'pty', '-M', 'xenpv'] [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] INFO (image:422) device model pid: 17528 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2729) Storing VM details: {'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'shadow_memory': '0', 'uuid': '5074920e-4cda-4eaa-20c1-6ced639e45d2', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1220293470.02', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'image': "(linux (kernel /usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz) (args ' -d 26') (device_model /usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm) (notes))", 'name': 'hvmtest-dm'} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1359) Storing domain details: {'console/ring-ref': '775093', 'console/port': '2', 'name': 'hvmtest-dm', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/5074920e-4cda-4eaa-20c1-6ced639e45d2', 'domid': '27', 'store/port': '1', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '32768', 'control/platform-feature-multiprocessor-suspend': '1', 'store/ring-ref': '775094', 'console/type': 'ioemu'} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 836645481629L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 1046528L, 'domid': 0, 'max_vcpu_id': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 1, 'maxmem_kb': 17179869180L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 2, 'handle': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 0 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 0: {'vcpus_params': {}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'shutdown': 0, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 1071644672L, 'name_label': 'Domain-0', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': [], 'online_vcpus': 2, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 0, 'VCPUs_max': 2, 'memory_static_max': 17592186040320L, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 1071644672L, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'vcpu_avail': 3, 'is_control_domain': True, 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'cpu_time': 836.64548162899996, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'other_config': {}, 'running': 1, 'devices': {}, 'vif_refs': [], 'vtpm_refs': [], 'dying': 0} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 2135437L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 1, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 524156L, 'domid': 26, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 532480L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'handle': [180, 85, 38, 183, 122, 250, 22, 151, 201, 56, 43, 237, 105, 37, 160, 63], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 26 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 26: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 536870912, 'name_label': 'hvmtest', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {'order': 'c'}, 'platform': {'hpet': 0, 'stdvga': 0, 'vnclisten': '', 'loader': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader', 'rtc_timeoffset': '0', 'vncunused': 1, 'monitor': 0, 'opengl': 0, 'boot': 'c', 'pci': [], 'pae': 1, 'hap': 1, 'acpi': 1, 'localtime': 0, 'timer_mode': 0, 'vnc': 0, 'nographic': 0, 'apic': 1, 'sdl': 0, 'usb': 0, 'guest_os_type': 'default', 'device_model': '/usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'isa': 0}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': ['641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb'], 'shutdown': 0, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': 'BIOS order', 'domid': 26, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293468.2403619, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'memory_static_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': 'b45526b7-7afa-1697-c938-2bed6925a03f', 'cpu_time': 0.002135437, 'shadow_memory': 5, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {'SUSPEND_CANCEL': 1}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb', 'location': '3'}), 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:20:7c:6c', 'devid': 0, 'type': 'ioemu', 'uuid': 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'})}, 'vif_refs': ['db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 1, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 32768L, 'domid': 27, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 32768L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'handle': [80, 116, 146, 14, 76, 218, 78, 170, 32, 193, 108, 237, 99, 158, 69, 210], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 27 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:122) DevController: writing {'protocol': 'x86_64-abi', 'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/console/27/0'} to /local/domain/27/device/console/0. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:124) DevController: writing {'domain': 'hvmtest-dm', 'frontend': '/local/domain/27/device/console/0', 'uuid': '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3', 'frontend-id': '27', 'state': '1', 'location': '2', 'online': '1', 'protocol': 'vt100'} to /local/domain/0/backend/console/27/0. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] INFO (image:511) waiting for sentinel_fifo [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 27: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': ' -d 26', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 1, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': ['433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05'], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 33554432, 'name_label': 'hvmtest-dm', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {'device_model': '/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm'}, 'PV_kernel': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz', 'console_refs': ['2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05', '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3'], 'shutdown': 0, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 27, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293470.0187321, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'memory_static_max': 33554432, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 33554432, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': '5074920e-4cda-4eaa-20c1-6ced639e45d2', 'cpu_time': 0.0, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 26, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:7d:9f:1a', 'devid': 1, 'uuid': '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13'}), '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3', 'location': '2'}), '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5': ('vbd', {'uuid': '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', 'bootable': 1, 'devid': 768, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hda', 'uname': 'phy:/dev/empirevg/lenny.hvm', 'mode': 'w'}), '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05': ('vbd', {'uuid': '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05', 'bootable': 0, 'devid': 5632, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hdc:cdrom', 'uname': 'file:/home/iso/debian-LennyBeta2-amd64-CD-1.iso', 'mode': 'r'}), 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8': ('vif', {'ip': '', 'mac': '00:16:3e:65:6f:6c', 'devid': 0, 'uuid': 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8'}), '246f7df4-65a1-6b94-c5d3-34ef1e5f7171': ('vkbd', {'devid': 0, 'uuid': '246f7df4-65a1-6b94-c5d3-34ef1e5f7171'}), '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05': ('vfb', {'other_config': {'type': 'vnc', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority'}, 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'devid': 0, 'location': 'localhost:5900', 'type': 'vnc', 'uuid': '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05'})}, 'vif_refs': ['f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8', '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:1390) XendDomainInfo.storeChanged [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 836869876602L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 1046528L, 'domid': 0, 'max_vcpu_id': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 1, 'maxmem_kb': 17179869180L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 2, 'handle': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 0 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 0: {'vcpus_params': {}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'shutdown': 0, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 1071644672L, 'name_label': 'Domain-0', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': [], 'online_vcpus': 2, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 0, 'VCPUs_max': 2, 'memory_static_max': 17592186040320L, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 1071644672L, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'vcpu_avail': 3, 'is_control_domain': True, 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'cpu_time': 836.86987660199998, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'other_config': {}, 'running': 1, 'devices': {}, 'vif_refs': [], 'vtpm_refs': [], 'dying': 0} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 2135437L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 1, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 524156L, 'domid': 26, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 532480L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'handle': [180, 85, 38, 183, 122, 250, 22, 151, 201, 56, 43, 237, 105, 37, 160, 63], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 26 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1443) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 26: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 536870912, 'name_label': 'hvmtest', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {'order': 'c'}, 'platform': {'hpet': 0, 'stdvga': 0, 'vnclisten': '', 'loader': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader', 'rtc_timeoffset': '0', 'vncunused': 1, 'monitor': 0, 'opengl': 0, 'boot': 'c', 'pci': [], 'pae': 1, 'hap': 1, 'acpi': 1, 'localtime': 0, 'timer_mode': 0, 'vnc': 0, 'nographic': 0, 'apic': 1, 'sdl': 0, 'usb': 0, 'guest_os_type': 'default', 'device_model': '/usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'isa': 0}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': ['641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb'], 'shutdown': 0, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': 'BIOS order', 'domid': 26, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293468.2403619, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'memory_static_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': 'b45526b7-7afa-1697-c938-2bed6925a03f', 'cpu_time': 0.002135437, 'shadow_memory': 5, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {'SUSPEND_CANCEL': 1}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb', 'location': '3'}), 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:20:7c:6c', 'devid': 0, 'type': 'ioemu', 'uuid': 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'})}, 'vif_refs': ['db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 1, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 32768L, 'domid': 27, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 32768L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'handle': [80, 116, 146, 14, 76, 218, 78, 170, 32, 193, 108, 237, 99, 158, 69, 210], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 27 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 27: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': ' -d 26', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 1, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': ['433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05'], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 33554432, 'name_label': 'hvmtest-dm', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {'device_model': '/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm'}, 'PV_kernel': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz', 'console_refs': ['2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05', '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3'], 'shutdown': 0, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 27, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293470.0187321, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'memory_static_max': 33554432, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 33554432, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': '5074920e-4cda-4eaa-20c1-6ced639e45d2', 'cpu_time': 0.0, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 26, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:7d:9f:1a', 'devid': 1, 'uuid': '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13'}), '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3', 'location': '2'}), '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5': ('vbd', {'uuid': '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', 'bootable': 1, 'devid': 768, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hda', 'uname': 'phy:/dev/empirevg/lenny.hvm', 'mode': 'w'}), '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05': ('vbd', {'uuid': '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05', 'bootable': 0, 'devid': 5632, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hdc:cdrom', 'uname': 'file:/home/iso/debian-LennyBeta2-amd64-CD-1.iso', 'mode': 'r'}), 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8': ('vif', {'ip': '', 'mac': '00:16:3e:65:6f:6c', 'devid': 0, 'uuid': 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8'}), '246f7df4-65a1-6b94-c5d3-34ef1e5f7171': ('vkbd', {'devid': 0, 'uuid': '246f7df4-65a1-6b94-c5d3-34ef1e5f7171'}), '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05': ('vfb', {'other_config': {'type': 'vnc', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority'}, 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'devid': 0, 'location': 'localhost:5900', 'type': 'vnc', 'uuid': '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05'})}, 'vif_refs': ['f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8', '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 837131211323L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 1046528L, 'domid': 0, 'max_vcpu_id': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 1, 'maxmem_kb': 17179869180L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 2, 'handle': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 0 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 0: {'vcpus_params': {}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'shutdown': 0, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 1071644672L, 'name_label': 'Domain-0', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': [], 'online_vcpus': 2, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 0, 'VCPUs_max': 2, 'memory_static_max': 17592186040320L, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 1071644672L, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'vcpu_avail': 3, 'is_control_domain': True, 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'cpu_time': 837.131211323, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'other_config': {}, 'running': 1, 'devices': {}, 'vif_refs': [], 'vtpm_refs': [], 'dying': 0} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 2135437L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 1, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 524156L, 'domid': 26, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 532480L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'handle': [180, 85, 38, 183, 122, 250, 22, 151, 201, 56, 43, 237, 105, 37, 160, 63], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 26 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 26: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 536870912, 'name_label': 'hvmtest', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {'order': 'c'}, 'platform': {'hpet': 0, 'stdvga': 0, 'vnclisten': '', 'loader': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader', 'rtc_timeoffset': '0', 'vncunused': 1, 'monitor': 0, 'opengl': 0, 'boot': 'c', 'pci': [], 'pae': 1, 'hap': 1, 'acpi': 1, 'localtime': 0, 'timer_mode': 0, 'vnc': 0, 'nographic': 0, 'apic': 1, 'sdl': 0, 'usb': 0, 'guest_os_type': 'default', 'device_model': '/usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'isa': 0}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': ['641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb'], 'shutdown': 0, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': 'BIOS order', 'domid': 26, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293468.2403619, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'memory_static_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': 'b45526b7-7afa-1697-c938-2bed6925a03f', 'cpu_time': 0.002135437, 'shadow_memory': 5, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {'SUSPEND_CANCEL': 1}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb', 'location': '3'}), 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:20:7c:6c', 'devid': 0, 'type': 'ioemu', 'uuid': 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'})}, 'vif_refs': ['db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 1, 'cpu_time': 0L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 32768L, 'domid': 27, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 32768L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'handle': [80, 116, 146, 14, 76, 218, 78, 170, 32, 193, 108, 237, 99, 158, 69, 210], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 27 [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 27: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': ' -d 26', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 1, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': ['433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05'], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 33554432, 'name_label': 'hvmtest-dm', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {'device_model': '/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm'}, 'PV_kernel': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz', 'console_refs': ['2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05', '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3'], 'shutdown': 0, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 27, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293470.0187321, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'memory_static_max': 33554432, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 33554432, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': '5074920e-4cda-4eaa-20c1-6ced639e45d2', 'cpu_time': 0.0, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 26, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:7d:9f:1a', 'devid': 1, 'uuid': '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13'}), '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3', 'location': '2'}), '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5': ('vbd', {'uuid': '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', 'bootable': 1, 'devid': 768, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hda', 'uname': 'phy:/dev/empirevg/lenny.hvm', 'mode': 'w'}), '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05': ('vbd', {'uuid': '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05', 'bootable': 0, 'devid': 5632, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hdc:cdrom', 'uname': 'file:/home/iso/debian-LennyBeta2-amd64-CD-1.iso', 'mode': 'r'}), 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8': ('vif', {'ip': '', 'mac': '00:16:3e:65:6f:6c', 'devid': 0, 'uuid': 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8'}), '246f7df4-65a1-6b94-c5d3-34ef1e5f7171': ('vkbd', {'devid': 0, 'uuid': '246f7df4-65a1-6b94-c5d3-34ef1e5f7171'}), '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05': ('vfb', {'other_config': {'type': 'vnc', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority'}, 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'devid': 0, 'location': 'localhost:5900', 'type': 'vnc', 'uuid': '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05'})}, 'vif_refs': ['f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8', '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vif. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 0. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:645) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/27/0/hotplug-status. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:659) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 1. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:645) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/27/1/hotplug-status. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:659) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vscsi. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vbd. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 768. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:645) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/27/768/hotplug-status. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:645) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/27/768/hotplug-status. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:659) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 5632. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:645) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/27/5632/hotplug-status. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:659) hotplugStatusCallback 1. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices irq. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vkbd. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vfb. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices console. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:160) Waiting for 0. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices pci. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices ioports. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices tap. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] DEBUG (DevController:155) Waiting for devices vtpm. [2008-09-01 15:24:30 17368] INFO (XendDomain:1172) Domain hvmtest-dm (27) unpaused. [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 838061786222L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 1046016L, 'domid': 0, 'max_vcpu_id': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 1, 'maxmem_kb': 17179869180L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 2, 'handle': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 0 [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 0: {'vcpus_params': {}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'shutdown': 0, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 1071644672L, 'name_label': 'Domain-0', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': [], 'online_vcpus': 2, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 0, 'VCPUs_max': 2, 'memory_static_max': 17592186040320L, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 1071644672L, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'vcpu_avail': 3, 'is_control_domain': True, 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'cpu_time': 838.06178622200002, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'other_config': {}, 'running': 1, 'devices': {}, 'vif_refs': [], 'vtpm_refs': [], 'dying': 0} [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 1118818002L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 1, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 532348L, 'domid': 26, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 532480L, 'shutdown': 1, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'handle': [180, 85, 38, 183, 122, 250, 22, 151, 201, 56, 43, 237, 105, 37, 160, 63], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 26 [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] INFO (XendDomainInfo:1634) Domain has shutdown: name=hvmtest id=26 reason=poweroff. [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2389) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=26 [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 26: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 536870912, 'name_label': 'hvmtest', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {'order': 'c'}, 'platform': {'hpet': 0, 'stdvga': 0, 'vnclisten': '', 'loader': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader', 'rtc_timeoffset': '0', 'vncunused': 1, 'monitor': 0, 'opengl': 0, 'boot': 'c', 'pci': [], 'pae': 1, 'hap': 1, 'acpi': 1, 'localtime': 0, 'timer_mode': 0, 'vnc': 0, 'nographic': 0, 'apic': 1, 'sdl': 0, 'usb': 0, 'guest_os_type': 'default', 'device_model': '/usr/lib/xen/bin/stubdom-dm', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'isa': 0}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': ['641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb'], 'shutdown': 1, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': 'BIOS order', 'domid': 26, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293468.2403619, 'online_vcpus': 0, 'memory_static_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 536870912, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': 'b45526b7-7afa-1697-c938-2bed6925a03f', 'cpu_time': 1.118818002, 'shadow_memory': 5, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {'SUSPEND_CANCEL': 1}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '641d720a-13a0-84fb-8c74-f2573cb52cfb', 'location': '3'}), 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:20:7c:6c', 'devid': 0, 'type': 'ioemu', 'uuid': 'db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'})}, 'vif_refs': ['db4dfe4b-b73c-290d-148b-d66e2bfb4467'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 443911820L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 32768L, 'domid': 27, 'max_vcpu_id': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 0, 'maxmem_kb': 32768L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'handle': [80, 116, 146, 14, 76, 218, 78, 170, 32, 193, 108, 237, 99, 158, 69, 210], 'blocked': 1}) on domain 27 [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2406) XendDomainInfo.destroyDomain(26) [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 27: {'vcpus_params': {'cap': 0, 'weight': 256}, 'PV_args': ' -d 26', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'vcpu_avail': 1, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': ['433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05'], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 33554432, 'name_label': 'hvmtest-dm', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {'device_model': '/usr/lib64/xen/bin/qemu-dm'}, 'PV_kernel': '/usr/lib/xen/boot/ioemu-stubdom.gz', 'console_refs': ['2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05', '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3'], 'shutdown': 0, 'dying': 0, 'blocked': 1, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 27, 'VCPUs_max': 1, 'start_time': 1220293470.0187321, 'online_vcpus': 1, 'memory_static_max': 33554432, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 33554432, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'is_control_domain': False, 'uuid': '5074920e-4cda-4eaa-20c1-6ced639e45d2', 'cpu_time': 0.44391182000000001, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 26, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'notes': {}, 'other_config': {}, 'running': 0, 'devices': {'55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13': ('vif', {'bridge': 'eth0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:7d:9f:1a', 'devid': 1, 'uuid': '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13'}), '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3': ('console', {'other_config': {}, 'protocol': 'vt100', 'uuid': '4dc370c5-218d-4d6f-fcc6-b8248c558ad3', 'location': '2'}), '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5': ('vbd', {'uuid': '433e6c5f-45ff-25f3-2f26-3f67fb148de5', 'bootable': 1, 'devid': 768, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hda', 'uname': 'phy:/dev/empirevg/lenny.hvm', 'mode': 'w'}), '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05': ('vbd', {'uuid': '15bd6bc8-1c3d-5737-325a-2ed58c50bb05', 'bootable': 0, 'devid': 5632, 'driver': 'paravirtualised', 'dev': 'hdc:cdrom', 'uname': 'file:/home/iso/debian-LennyBeta2-amd64-CD-1.iso', 'mode': 'r'}), 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8': ('vif', {'ip': '', 'mac': '00:16:3e:65:6f:6c', 'devid': 0, 'uuid': 'f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8'}), '246f7df4-65a1-6b94-c5d3-34ef1e5f7171': ('vkbd', {'devid': 0, 'uuid': '246f7df4-65a1-6b94-c5d3-34ef1e5f7171'}), '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05': ('vfb', {'other_config': {'type': 'vnc', 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority'}, 'xauthority': '/root/.Xauthority', 'devid': 0, 'location': 'localhost:5900', 'type': 'vnc', 'uuid': '2ced39ef-df51-aadf-f21c-59e428156a05'})}, 'vif_refs': ['f0df36ec-e573-c742-a6f0-0243997be6c8', '55b2b10f-4ebd-7beb-16e8-9b44eb3daa13'], 'vtpm_refs': []} [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1939) Destroying device model [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1946) Releasing devices [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1952) Removing vif/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:888) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vif, device = vif/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1952) Removing console/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:888) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = console, device = console/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2389) XendDomainInfo.destroy: domid=27 [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:2406) XendDomainInfo.destroyDomain(27) [2008-09-01 15:24:32 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1939) Destroying device model [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] WARNING (image:472) domain hvmtest-dm: device model failure: no longer running; see /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-hvmtest-dm.log [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1946) Releasing devices [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1952) Removing vif/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:888) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vif, device = vif/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1952) Removing vif/1 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:888) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vif, device = vif/1 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1952) Removing vbd/768 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:888) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vbd, device = vbd/768 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1952) Removing vbd/5632 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:888) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vbd, device = vbd/5632 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1952) Removing vkbd/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:888) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vkbd, device = vkbd/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1952) Removing vfb/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:888) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = vfb, device = vfb/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1952) Removing console/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:888) XendDomainInfo.destroyDevice: deviceClass = console, device = console/0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 839402978583L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 1046016L, 'domid': 0, 'max_vcpu_id': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 1, 'maxmem_kb': 17179869180L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 2, 'handle': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 0: {'vcpus_params': {}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'shutdown': 0, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 1071644672L, 'name_label': 'Domain-0', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': [], 'online_vcpus': 2, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 0, 'VCPUs_max': 2, 'memory_static_max': 17592186040320L, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 1071644672L, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'vcpu_avail': 3, 'is_control_domain': True, 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'cpu_time': 839.40297858300005, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'other_config': {}, 'running': 1, 'devices': {}, 'vif_refs': [], 'vtpm_refs': [], 'dying': 0} [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1944) No device model [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1946) Releasing devices [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2835) XendDomainInfo.update({'paused': 0, 'cpu_time': 839517351104L, 'ssidref': 0, 'hvm': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'dying': 0, 'mem_kb': 1046016L, 'domid': 0, 'max_vcpu_id': 1, 'crashed': 0, 'running': 1, 'maxmem_kb': 17179869180L, 'shutdown': 0, 'online_vcpus': 2, 'handle': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'blocked': 0}) on domain 0 [2008-09-01 15:24:33 17368] TRACE (XendDomainInfo:2860) XendDomainInfo.update done on domain 0: {'vcpus_params': {}, 'PV_args': '', 'features': '', 'cpus': [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]], 'paused': 0, 'shutdown_reason': 0, 'actions_after_reboot': 'restart', 'shutdown': 0, 'VCPUs_live': 1, 'PV_bootloader': '', 'actions_after_crash': 'restart', 'vbd_refs': [], 'PV_ramdisk': '', 'memory_dynamic_min': 1071644672L, 'name_label': 'Domain-0', 'VCPUs_at_startup': 1, 'HVM_boot_params': {}, 'platform': {}, 'PV_kernel': '', 'console_refs': [], 'online_vcpus': 2, 'blocked': 0, 'on_xend_stop': 'ignore', 'memory_static_min': 0, 'HVM_boot_policy': '', 'domid': 0, 'VCPUs_max': 2, 'memory_static_max': 17592186040320L, 'actions_after_shutdown': 'destroy', 'on_xend_start': 'ignore', 'crashed': 0, 'memory_dynamic_max': 1071644672L, 'actions_after_suspend': '', 'is_a_template': False, 'vcpu_avail': 3, 'is_control_domain': True, 'uuid': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'cpu_time': 839.517351104, 'shadow_memory': 0, 'target': 0, 'PV_bootloader_args': '', 'other_config': {}, 'running': 1, 'devices': {}, 'vif_refs': [], 'vtpm_refs': [], 'dying': 0} [2008-09-01 15:25:28 17368] WARNING (image:472) domain hvmtest: device model failure: no longer running; see /var/log/xen/qemu-dm-hvmtest.log