Re: [Xen-devel] What are the mechanism for switching between Xen Hypervi
> I'm trying to summerize all the ways of control flow switch between a
> virtual machine and the Xen hypervisor, such as hypercall, either VM->Xen
> or Xen->VM.
> Can you give me a complete list of all the ways and explain in
> general them to some extent?
VM->Xen transitions will occur on some some kind of interrupt-like event. For
instance, a software interrupt by the guest kernel (triggering a hypercall)
and certain kinds of exceptions / faults that may occur whilst running the
guest. Interrupts from hardware devices - whether they're owned by a guest
or Xen itself - will also cause a guest->Xen transition so that Xen can take
appropriate action.
Xen->VM transitions occur after Xen has handled an interrupt of some kind. If
the interrupt was handled internally by Xen, the guest may be unaware of
this. If a hypercall was being executed, the call will return in the guest.
If Xen decided to send an event to a guest then the corresponding event
channel bit will be set. If Xen decided to reschedule then it may be
returning to a *different* guest than when the interrupt occurred.
Hope that helps,
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