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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy

To: "dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx" <dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy
From: Dave Winchell <dwinchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 09:58:00 -0400
Cc: Dave Winchell <dwinchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, xen-devel <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Ben Guthro <bguthro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Dan Magenheimer wrote:

In EL5u1-32 however it looks like the fractions are accounted
for.  Indeed the EL5u1-32 "lost tick handling" code resembles
the Linux/ia64 code which is what I've always assumed was
the "missed tick" model.  In this case, I think no policy
is necessary and the measured skew should be identical to
any physical hpet skew.  I'll have to test this hypothesis though.
I've tested this hypothesis and it seems to hold true.
This means the existing (unpatched) hpet code works fine
on EL5-32bit (vcpus=1) when hpet is the clocksource,
even when the machine is overcommitted.  A second hypothesis
still needs to be tested that Dave's patch will not make this worse.
Interesting, thanks for pointing this out and confirming.

(Note that per previous discussion, my EL5u1-32bit guest
running on an Intel dual-core physical box chose tsc as
the best clocksource and I had to override it with
clock=hpet in the kernel command line.)
Is there one setting for all Linux guests that makes them
choose hpet? Is it "clock=hpet clocksource=hpet"?
I know you wrote at length about this before.

Yes, that makes sense and concurs with what I remember from
the EL4u5-32 code.  If this is true, one would expect the
default "no missed tick" policy to see time moving faster
than an external source -- the first missed tick delivered
after a long sleep would "catch up" and then the remainder
would each add another tick.
Indeed with the existing (unpatched) hpet code, time is
running faster on EL4u5-32 (vcpus=1, when overcommited).
So Dave's patch is definitely needed here.
Its good to get the verification of this.


Will try 64-bit next.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Magenheimer [mailto:dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 9:21 PM
To: 'Dave Winchell'; 'Keir Fraser'
Cc: 'xen-devel'; 'Ben Guthro'
Subject: RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy

I'll tell  you what I recall about this. Tomorrow I'll check the
guest code to verify. I think that Linux declares a full tick,
even if the interrupt is early. That's the problem.
Yes, that makes sense and concurs with what I remember from
the EL4u5-32 code.  If this is true, one would expect the
default "no missed tick" policy to see time moving faster
than an external source -- the first missed tick delivered
after a long sleep would "catch up" and then the remainder
would each add another tick.

On the other hand, if the interrupt is late it in effect declares
a tick plus fraction. If it just declared the fraction in
the first place,
we could deliver the interrupts whenever we wanted.
My read of the EL4u5-32 code is that the fraction is discarded
and a new tick period commences at "now", so the fractions
eventually accumulate as lost time.

In EL5u1-32 however it looks like the fractions are accounted
for.  Indeed the EL5u1-32 "lost tick handling" code resembles
the Linux/ia64 code which is what I've always assumed was
the "missed tick" model.  In this case, I think no policy
is necessary and the measured skew should be identical to
any physical hpet skew.  I'll have to test this hypothesis though.

-----Original Message-----
From: xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Dave Winchell
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 5:35 PM
To: dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx; Keir Fraser
Cc: Dave Winchell; xen-devel; Ben Guthro
Subject: RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy

The Linux policy is more subtle, but is required to go
from .1% to .03%.
Thanks for the good documentation which I hadn't thoroughly
read until now.
I now understand that the essence of your
hpet missed ticks policy is to ensure that ticks are never
delivered too close together.  But I'm trying to understand
WHY your patch works, in other words, what problem it is
I'll tell  you what I recall about this. Tomorrow I'll check the
guest code to verify. I think that Linux declares a full tick,
even if the interrupt is early. That's the problem.
On the other hand, if the interrupt is late it in effect declares
a tick plus fraction. If it just declared the fraction in the first place,
we could deliver the interrupts whenever we wanted.

Its really not that different than the missed ticks policy in vpt.c
except that there the period in vpt.c is based on start of interrupt
and I have improved that with end-of interrupt as described
in the patch note.

I don't recall what prompted me to try end-of-interrupt,
but I saw a significant improvement. I may have been running
a monotonicity test at the same time to explain the lock
contention mentioned in the write-up.

I care about this for more reasons than just
because it is interesting: (1) I'd like to feel confident that
it is fixing a bug rather than just a symptom of a bug;
and (2) I wonder how universally it is applicable.
Its worked well my my small set of guests. You and our
QA are going to tell us about the wider set. It doesn't
matter if guest A handles interrupts closely spaced or not,
just whether it handles them far apart. So it should be pretty
universal with guests that really handle missed ticks.
I think its interesting that some 32bit Linux guests handle
missed ticks for hpet.

I see from code examination in mark_offset_hpet() in
RHEL4u5/arch/i386/kernel/timers/timer_hpet.c, that
the correction for lost ticks is just plain wrong in
a virtual environment. (Suppose for example that a virtual
tick was delivered every 1.999*hpet_tick... I think
the clock would be off by 50%!)  Is this the bug that
is being "countered" by your policy?
I haven't looked at that code, perhaps.
I'll check it tomorrow.

However, the lost tick handling in RHEL5u1/kernel/timer.c
(which I think is used also for hpet) is much better
so I am eager to find out if your policy works there
If the hpet missed tick policy works for both, though,
I should be happy, though I wonder about upstream kernels
(e.g. the trend toward tickless).
I wasn't aware of this trend. If its robust, however, it should
handle late interrupts ...

That said, I'd rather
see this get into Xen 3.3 and worry about upstream kernels
later :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Magenheimer [mailto:dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Mon 6/9/2008 6:02 PM
To: Dave Winchell; Keir Fraser
Cc: Ben Guthro; xen-devel
Subject: RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy

The Linux policy is more subtle, but is required to go
from .1% to .03%.
Thanks for the good documentation which I hadn't thoroughly
read until now.  I now understand that the essence of your
hpet missed ticks policy is to ensure that ticks are never
delivered too close together.  But I'm trying to understand
WHY your patch works, in other words, what problem it is
countering.  I care about this for more reasons than just
because it is interesting: (1) I'd like to feel confident that
it is fixing a bug rather than just a symptom of a bug;
and (2) I wonder how universally it is applicable.

I see from code examination in mark_offset_hpet() in
RHEL4u5/arch/i386/kernel/timers/timer_hpet.c, that
the correction for lost ticks is just plain wrong in
a virtual environment. (Suppose for example that a virtual
tick was delivered every 1.999*hpet_tick... I think
the clock would be off by 50%!)  Is this the bug that
is being "countered" by your policy?

However, the lost tick handling in RHEL5u1/kernel/timer.c
(which I think is used also for hpet) is much better
so I am eager to find out if your policy works there

If the hpet missed tick policy works for both, though,
I should be happy, though I wonder about upstream kernels
(e.g. the trend toward tickless).  That said, I'd rather
see this get into Xen 3.3 and worry about upstream kernels
later :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Winchell [mailto:dwinchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 2:32 PM
To: dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx; Keir Fraser
Cc: Ben Guthro; xen-devel; Dave Winchell
Subject: RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy

Hi Dan,

While I am fully supportive of offering hardware hpet as an option
for hvm guests (let's call it hwhpet=1 for shorthand), I am very
surprised by your preliminary results; the most obvious conclusion
is that Xen system time is losing time at the rate of 1000 PPM
though its possible there's a bug somewhere else in the "time
stack".  Your Windows result is jaw-dropping and inexplicable,
though I have to admit ignorance of how Windows manages time.
I think xen system time is fine. You have to add the interrupt
delivery policies decribed in the write-up for the patch to get
accurate timekeeping in the guest.

The windows policy is obvious and results in a large improvement
in accuracy. The Linux policy is more subtle, but is required to go
from .1% to .03%.

I think with my recent patch and hpet=1 (essentially the same as
your emulated hpet), hvm guest time should track Xen system time.
I wonder if domain0 (which if I understand correctly is directly
using Xen system time) is also seeing an error of .1%?  Also
I wonder for the skew you are seeing (in both hvm guests and
domain0) is time moving too fast or two slow?
I don't recall the direction. I can look it up in my notes at work

Although hwhpet=1 is a fine alternative in many cases, it may
be unavailable on some systems and may cause significant performance
issues on others.  So I think we will still need to track down
the poor accuracy when hwhpet=0.
Our patch is accurate to < .03% using the physical hpet mode or
the simulated mode.

And if for some reason
Xen system time can't be made accurate enough (< 0.05%), then
I think we should consider building Xen system time itself on
top of hardware hpet instead of TSC... at least when Xen discovers
a capable hpet.
In our experience, Xen system time is accurate enough now.

One more thought... do you know the accuracy of the TSC crystals
on your test systems?  I posted a patch awhile ago that was
intended to test that, though I guess it was only testing skew
of different TSCs on the same system, not TSCs against an
external time source.
I do not know the tsc accuracy.

Or maybe there's a computation error somewhere in the hvm hpet
scaling code?  Hmmm...

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Magenheimer [mailto:dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Fri 6/6/2008 4:29 PM
To: Dave Winchell; Keir Fraser
Cc: Ben Guthro; xen-devel
Subject: RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy

Dave --

Thanks much for posting the preliminary results!

While I am fully supportive of offering hardware hpet as an option
for hvm guests (let's call it hwhpet=1 for shorthand), I am very
surprised by your preliminary results; the most obvious conclusion
is that Xen system time is losing time at the rate of 1000 PPM
though its possible there's a bug somewhere else in the "time
stack".  Your Windows result is jaw-dropping and inexplicable,
though I have to admit ignorance of how Windows manages time.

I think with my recent patch and hpet=1 (essentially the same as
your emulated hpet), hvm guest time should track Xen system time.
I wonder if domain0 (which if I understand correctly is directly
using Xen system time) is also seeing an error of .1%?  Also
I wonder for the skew you are seeing (in both hvm guests and
domain0) is time moving too fast or two slow?

Although hwhpet=1 is a fine alternative in many cases, it may
be unavailable on some systems and may cause significant performance
issues on others.  So I think we will still need to track down
the poor accuracy when hwhpet=0.  And if for some reason
Xen system time can't be made accurate enough (< 0.05%), then
I think we should consider building Xen system time itself on
top of hardware hpet instead of TSC... at least when Xen discovers
a capable hpet.

One more thought... do you know the accuracy of the TSC crystals
on your test systems?  I posted a patch awhile ago that was
intended to test that, though I guess it was only testing skew
of different TSCs on the same system, not TSCs against an
external time source.

Or maybe there's a computation error somewhere in the hvm hpet
scaling code?  Hmmm...


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Winchell [mailto:dwinchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 1:33 PM
To: dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx; Keir Fraser
Cc: Ben Guthro; xen-devel; Dave Winchell
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy

Dan, Keir:

Preliminary tests results indicate an error of .1% for Linux 64 bit
guests configured
for hpet with xen-unstable as is. As we have discussed many
times, the
ntp requirement is .05%.
Tests on the patch we just submitted for hpet have
indicated errors of
on this platform under similar test conditions and .03% on
other platforms.

Windows vista64 has an error of 11% using hpet with the
xen-unstable bits.
In an overnight test with our hpet patch, the Windows vista
error was .008%.

The tests are with two or three guests on a physical node, all under
load, and with
the ratio of vcpus to phys cpus > 1.

I will continue to run tests over the next few days.


Dan Magenheimer wrote:

Hi Dave and Ben --

When running tests on xen-unstable (without your patch),
please ensure
that hpet=1 is set in the hvm config and also I think
that when hpet
is the clocksource on RHEL4-32, the clock IS resilient to
missed ticks
so timer_mode should be 2 (vs when pit is the clocksource
on RHEL4-32,
all clock ticks must be delivered and so timer_mode should be 0).


00098.html it's
my intent to clean this up, but I won't get to it until next week.


   -----Original Message-----
   *From:* xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Behalf Of *Dave
   *Sent:* Friday, June 06, 2008 4:46 AM
   *To:* Keir Fraser; Ben Guthro; xen-devel
   *Cc:* dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx; Dave Winchell
   *Subject:* RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy


   I think the changes are required. We'll run some tests
today today so
   that we have some data to talk about.


   -----Original Message-----
   From: xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf
of Keir Fraser
   Sent: Fri 6/6/2008 4:58 AM
   To: Ben Guthro; xen-devel
   Cc: dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx
   Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 0/2] Improve hpet accuracy

Are these patches needed now the timers are built on
Xen system
   time rather
   than host TSC? Dan has reported much better
time-keeping with his
   checked in, and it¹s for sure a lot less invasive than
this patchset.
    -- Keir

   On 5/6/08 15:59, "Ben Guthro" <bguthro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

   > 1. Introduction
   > This patch improves the hpet based guest clock in
terms of drift and
   > monotonicity.
   > Prior to this work the drift with hpet was greater
than 2%, far
   above the .05%
   > limit
> for ntp to synchronize. With this code, the drift
ranges from
   .001% to .0033%
   > depending
   > on guest and physical platform.
> Using hpet allows guest operating systems to
provide monotonic
   time to their
   > applications. Time sources other than hpet are not
monotonic because
   > of their reliance on tsc, which is not synchronized
across physical
   > processors.
   > Windows 2k864 and many Linux guests are supported with two
   policies, one for
   > guests
   > that handle missed clock interrupts and the other for guests
   that require the
   > correct number of interrupts.
> Guests may use hpet for the timing source even if
the physical
   platform has no
   > visible
   > hpet. Migration is supported between physical machines which
   differ in
   > physical
   > hpet visibility.
> Most of the changes are in hpet.c. Two general
facilities are
   added to track
   > interrupt
> progress. The ideas here and the facilities would
be useful in
   vpt.c, for
   > other time
   > sources, though no attempt is made here to improve vpt.c.
   > The following sections discuss hpet dependencies, interrupt
   delivery policies,
   > live migration,
> test results, and relation to recent work with
monotonic time.
   > 2. Virtual Hpet dependencies
   > The virtual hpet depends on the ability to read the
physical or
   > (see discussion below) hpet.  For timekeeping, the
virtual hpet
   also depends
> on two new interrupt notification facilities to
implement its
   policies for
   > interrupt delivery.
   > 2.1. Two modes of low-level hpet main counter reads.
   > In this implementation, the virtual hpet reads with
   > exported by
   > time.c, either the real physical hpet main counter register
   directly or a
   > "simulated"
   > hpet main counter.
   > The simulated mode uses a monotonic version of get_s_time()
   (NOW()), where the
   > last
> time value is returned whenever the current time
value is less
   than the last
   > time
   > value. In simulated mode, since it is layered on s_time, the
   > hardware
   > can be hpet or some other device. The frequency of the main
   counter in
   > simulated
   > mode is the same as the standard physical hpet frequency,
   allowing live
   > migration
   > between nodes that are configured differently.
   > If the physical platform does not have an hpet
device, or if xen
   is configured
   > not
> to use the device, then the simulated method is
used. If there
   is a physical
   > hpet device,
> and xen has initialized it, then either simulated
or physical
   mode can be
   > used.
   > This is governed by a boot time option, hpet-avoid.
Setting this
   option to 1
   > gives the
   > simulated mode and 0 the physical mode. The default
is physical
> A disadvantage of the physical mode is that may
take longer to
   read the device
   > than in simulated mode. On some platforms the cost is
about the
   same (less
   > than 250 nsec) for
> physical and simulated modes, while on others
physical cost is
   much higher
   > than simulated.
> A disadvantage of the simulated mode is that it can
return the
   same value
   > for the counter in consecutive calls.
   > 2.2. Interrupt notification facilities.
   > Two interrupt notification facilities are introduced, one is
   > hvm_isa_irq_assert_cb()
   > and the other hvm_register_intr_en_notif().
> The vhpet uses hvm_isa_irq_assert_cb to deliver
interrupts to
   the vioapic.
> hvm_isa_irq_assert_cb allows a callback to be
passed along to
   > vioapic_deliver()
   > and this callback is called with a mask of the vcpus
which will
   get the
   > interrupt. This callback is made before any vcpus receive an
> Vhpet uses hvm_register_intr_en_notif() to register
a handler
   for a particular
   > vector that will be called when that vector is injected in
   > [vmx,svm]_intr_assist()
> and also when the guest finishes handling the
interrupt. Here
   finished is
   > defined
   > as the point when the guest re-enables interrupts or
lowers the
   tpr value.
   > EOI is not used as the end of interrupt as this is sometimes
   returned before
   > the interrupt handler has done its work. A flag is
passed to the
   > indicating
   > whether this is the injection point (post = 1) or the
   finished (post
   > = 0) point.
   > The need for the finished point callback is discussed in the
   missed ticks
   > policy section.
> To prevent a possible early trigger of the finished
   > logic
   > has a two stage arm, the first at injection
   (hvm_intr_en_notif_arm()) and the
   > second when
   > interrupts are seen to be disabled
   Once fully
   > armed, re-enabling
   > interrupts will cause hvm_intr_en_notif_disarm() to
make the end
   of interrupt
   > callback. hvm_intr_en_notif_arm() and
   are called by
   > [vmx,svm]_intr_assist().
   > 3. Interrupt delivery policies
   > The existing hpet interrupt delivery is preserved.
This includes
> vcpu round robin delivery used by Linux and
broadcast delivery
   used by
   > Windows.
> There are two policies for interrupt delivery, one
for Windows
   2k8-64 and the
   > other
   > for Linux. The Linux policy takes advantage of the
(guest) Linux
   missed tick
   > and offset
   > calculations and does not attempt to deliver the
right number of
> The Windows policy delivers the correct number of
   even if
   > sometimes much
> closer to each other than the period. The policies
are similar
   to those in
   > vpt.c, though
   > there are some important differences.
   > Policies are selected with an HVMOP_set_param
hypercall with index
   > Two new values are added,
HVM_HPET_guest_computes_missed_ticks and
> HVM_HPET_guest_does_not_compute_missed_ticks. The
reason that
   two new ones
   > are added is that
> in some guests (32bit Linux) a no-missed policy is
needed for
   clock sources
   > other than hpet
   > and a missed ticks policy for hpet. It was felt that
there would
   be less
   > confusion by simply
   > introducing the two hpet policies.
   > 3.1. The missed ticks policy
   > The Linux clock interrupt handler for hpet calculates missed
   ticks and offset
   > using the hpet
> main counter. The algorithm works well when the
time since the
   last interrupt
   > is greater than
   > or equal to a period and poorly otherwise.
   > The missed ticks policy ensures that no two clock
interrupts are
   delivered to
   > the guest at
   > a time interval less than a period. A time stamp (hpet main
   counter value) is
   > recorded (by a
   > callback registered with hvm_register_intr_en_notif)
when Linux
   > handling the clock
   > interrupt. Then, ensuing interrupts are delivered to
the vioapic
   only if the
   > current main
> counter value is a period greater than when the
last interrupt
   was handled.
> Tests showed a significant improvement in clock
drift with end
   of interrupt
   > time stamps
   > versus beginning of interrupt[1]. It is believed that
the reason
   for the
   > improvement
   > is that the clock interrupt handler goes for a
spinlock and can
   be therefore
   > delayed in its
> processing. Furthermore, the main counter is read
by the guest
   under the lock.
   > The net
   > effect is that if we time stamp injection, we can get the
   difference in time
   > between successive interrupt handler lock acquisitions to be
   less than the
   > period.
   > 3.2. The no-missed ticks policy
   > Windows 2k864 keeps very poor time with the missed
ticks policy.
   So the
   > no-missed ticks policy
   > was developed. In the no-missed ticks policy we deliver the
   correct number of
   > interrupts,
   > even if they are spaced less than a period apart
(when catching up).
   > Windows 2k864 uses a broadcast mode in the interrupt routing
   such that
   > all vcpus get the clock interrupt. The best Windows drift
   performance was
   > achieved when the
   > policy code ensured that all the previous interrupts (on the
   various vcpus)
   > had been injected
   > before injecting the next interrupt to the vioapic..
   > The policy code works as follows. It uses the
   hvm_isa_irq_assert_cb() to
   > record
> the vcpus to be interrupted in
h->hpet.pending_mask. Then, in
   the callback
   > registered
> with hvm_register_intr_en_notif() at post=1 time it
clears the
   current vcpu in
   > the pending_mask.
   > When the pending_mask is clear it decrements
   hpet.intr_pending_nr and if
   > intr_pending_nr is still
   > non-zero posts another interrupt to the ioapic with
   > Intr_pending_nr is incremented in
   > The missed ticks policy intr_en_notif callback also uses the
   > method. So even though
> Linux does not broadcast its interrupts, the code
could handle
   it if it did.
> In this case the end of interrupt time stamp is
made when the
   pending_mask is
   > clear.
   > 4. Live Migration
   > Live migration with hpet preserves the current offset of the
   guest clock with
   > respect
> to ntp. This is accomplished by migrating all of
the state in
   the h->hpet data
   > structure
   > in the usual way. The hp->mc_offset is recalculated on the
   receiving node so
   > that the
   > guest sees a continuous hpet main counter.
> Code as been added to xc_domain_save.c to send a
small message
   after the
   > domain context is sent. The contents of the message is the
   physical tsc
   > timestamp, last_tsc,
   > read just before the message is sent. When the
last_tsc message
   is received in
   > xc_domain_restore.c,
   > another physical tsc timestamp, cur_tsc, is read. The two
   timestamps are
   > loaded into the domain
   > structure as last_tsc_sender and first_tsc_receiver with
   hypercalls. Then
   > xc_domain_hvm_setcontext
   > is called so that hpet_load has access to these time stamps.
   Hpet_load uses
   > the timestamps
   > to account for the time spent saving and loading the domain
   context. With this
   > technique,
   > the only neglected time is the time spent sending a small
   network message.
   > 5. Test Results
   > Some recent test results are:
   > 5.1 Linux 4u664 and Windows 2k864 load test.
   >       Duration: 70 hours.
   >       Test date: 6/2/08
   >       Loads: usex -b48 on Linux; burn-in on Windows
   >       Guest vcpus: 8 for Linux; 2 for Windows
   >       Hardware: 8 physical cpu AMD
   >       Clock drift : Linux: .0012% Windows: .009%
> 5.2 Linux 4u664, Linux 4u464 , and Windows 2k864
no-load test
   >       Duration: 23 hours.
   >       Test date: 6/3/08
   >       Loads: none
   >       Guest vcpus: 8 for each Linux; 2 for Windows
   >       Hardware: 4 physical cpu AMD
   >       Clock drift : Linux: .033% Windows: .019%
   > 6. Relation to recent work in xen-unstable
   > There is a similarity between hvm_get_guest_time() in
   xen-unstable and
   > read_64_main_counter()
> in this code. However, read_64_main_counter() is
more tuned to
   the needs of
   > hpet.c. It has no
   > "set" operation, only the get. It isolates the mode,
physical or
   simulated, in
   > read_64_main_counter()
   > itself. It uses no vcpu or domain state as it is a physical
   entity, in either
   > mode. And it provides a real
   > physical mode for every read for those applications
that desire
   > 7. Conclusion
   > The virtual hpet is improved by this patch in terms
of accuracy and
   > monotonicity.
   > Tests performed to date verify this and more testing
is under way.
   > 8. Future Work
> Testing with Windows Vista will be performed soon.
The reason
   for accuracy
   > variations
> on different platforms using the physical hpet
device will be
> Additional overhead measurements on simulated vs
physical hpet
   mode will be
   > made.
   > Footnotes:
   > 1. I don't recall the accuracy improvement with end
of interrupt
   stamping, but
   > it was
   > significant, perhaps better than two to one improvement. It
   would be a very
   > simple matter
> to re-measure the improvement as the facility can
call back at
   injection time
   > as well.
   > Signed-off-by: Dave Winchell <dwinchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   > <mailto:dwinchell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   > Signed-off-by: Ben Guthro <bguthro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   > <mailto:bguthro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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   > Xen-devel mailing list
   > Xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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