Re: [Xen-devel] TUN and TAP Documentation
They warrant only a short description because their functionality is very simple. For example a TAP device is simply a device which can be accessed by user-space applications to read() and write() raw Ethernet frames. The TAP device is also visible to the OS network stack and can be included in e.g., bridging, firewalling, routing configurations. Hence the name: it provides a user-space ‘tap’ into the network link layer.
-- Keir
On 8/3/08 13:51, "Pavel Muller" <pav.muller@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I work in the school project which deal with virtualization of network interfaces. My task is describe function of TUN and TAP devices. I didn´t any documentation to this devices on the internet.Can you advise me where is any documentation please? I searched in openVPN, linux forums, kernel.org <http://kernel.org> , google etc and I found only short (basic) description their function. I am sorry for my english.
Thanks for your help.
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