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[Xen-devel] [PATCH] [IOEMU] Fix shift key for graphical vnc display

To: "xen-devel" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] [IOEMU] Fix shift key for graphical vnc display
From: "Kasai Takanori" <kasai.takanori@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 18:45:35 +0900
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Hi All,

There is a problem in the input of the key in the VNC connection on the HVM
When client's keyboard is not the same as the kind of the keyboard of qemu-dm
and GuestOS, it is not possible to input it correctly.

  VNC client     qemu-dm & GuestOS
   ja             en-us               ==> NG
   en-us          en-us               ==> OK

Originally, the same keysym-code between client and qemu-dm is transmitted.
However, even if it is the same character, the state of shift is different
according to the kind of keyboard.

  "=" charactor
en-us :  "="
ja    :  shift + "-"

Therefore, it is necessary to handle the state of the shift by setting
qemu-dm and GuestOS. There is information on whether shift is necessary
for each key for the keymap of qemu-dm.

VNC client        : ja
qemu-dm & GuestOS : en-us
input key         : "="
event client to qemu-dm :
 shift(push) >> "="(push) >> "="(release) >> shift(release)
event qemu-dm to guest :
shift(push) >> shift(release) >> "="(push) >> "="(release) >> shift(push) >> shift(release)
This patch handled the state of shift from the set keymap.
When client's keyboard is not same as the kind of qemu-dm/GuestOS,
it is possible to input it correctly.
It was confirmed to input it correctly mutually with this patch between en-us and ja.
Signed-off-by: Takanori Kasai <kasai.takanori@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Best Regards,

Takanori Kasai

Attachment: fix-ioemu-vnc-shift-key.patch
Description: Binary data

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