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Re: [Xen-devel] Xen3.1 network freeze with IPMI

To: marek cervenka <cervajs@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Xen3.1 network freeze with IPMI
From: Jan Michael <Jan.Michael@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:50:30 +0200
Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Hi Marek,

we are using IPMI with Scientific Linux CERN 4. It is built on the same code base as RHES4.
On one of the test machines has a supermicro chip and runs Xen 3.0.4.

As far as I can say IPMI works fine when using the local interface from within the machine. I was not able to get IPMI working over the LAN interface. But I'm working on that.
A former colleague who investigated and set up IPMI on our machines  
also reports some problems with XEN in conjunction with IPMI:
> For example: now I've a e4 1U machine, with debian etch (2.6.18).  
> Xen shuts down the NIC1 and I cannot reach the BMC in any way.
> I don't know why.

Did you find already find the reason causing your problems. Did you try using XEN 3.0.4?


On 13.06.2007, at 15:12, marek cervenka wrote:

i am using supermicro with remote management IPMI (http:// www.supermicro.com/manuals/other/SUPER_IPMI_2.0.ppt) IPMI card has own MAC adress and IP address (but ethernet cable is shared)
i am using xen 3.1 from www.xensource.com (on centos5.0)

if IPMI card is "freezed*" (cannot connect to IPMI) then xen3.1 kernel(NETWORK) works fine
if i do "mc reset cold" from host system then NETWORK freeze (but  
IPMI works)
i can connect with IPMI to the system. dmesg,messages,ifconfig all  
looks ok
but network do not work. /etc/init.d/network restart does not help,  
i must restart whole server
ping from this machine ends with
PING <other ip>  56(84) bytes of data.
From <server ip> icmp_seq=0 Destination Host Unreachable
this is strange

server without IPMI works fine. server with IPMI without XEN kernel works fine. (IPMI does not like XEN and backward)
do you have idea what is the problem?

* IPMI card sometimes freeze and is unreachable. it must be restarted :(
Marek Cervenka

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