In VMXAssist (setup.c), the function setup_ctx() initializes the various
selectors, especially, the TSS is being set up like this:
c->tr_sel = TSS_SELECTOR;
c->tr_limit = sizeof(tss)-1;
c->tr_base = (unsigned long) &tss;
c->tr_arbytes.fields.seg_type = 0xb; /* 0x9 | 0x2 (busy) */
The TSS limit is initialized to be sizeof(tss)-1, this leaves the last
byte of the I/O permission bitmap out, and accesses to ioports above
0xFFF8 causes the emulation to halt (the bits that were left out are
treated as being set and a #GPF is generated but not treated for outw,
for example).
Besides that, all other selectors are initialized in the same way (idt,
I'm guessing that way way way back, the TSS was not a structure but
rather a null-terminated string.
We encountered this problem while developing PCI pass-through support
for Xen.
Signed-off-by: Alex Novik <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Guy Zana <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Description: bug-fix-tss-limit.patch
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