Re: [Xen-devel] nat does not work with hvm
But the network-nat script still runs in that case right? So what should
be in the qemu-ifup script? Also should there also be a qemu-ifdown
script to undo the changes?
I think in the qemu-ifup I should write a rule to switch the vifX.0
created by the network-nat script and the tap interface created by the
qemu-ifup script? Am I right about this?
Thanks for help
Keir Fraser wrote On 14-04-2007 12:37:
On 14/4/07 07:24, "Erdem Bayer" <ebayer@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
#ifconfig $1 up
#brctl addif $2 $1
I have also try commenting only the second line from the script. Still
no luck. In that case an interface named tap is created also.
If you comment out those two lines and don't provide an alternative then the
network backend interface will not even be brought up. It's then no surprise
that no traffic can get to or from your HVM guest.
If you want to route traffic rather than bridging it then you need to add
commands to set up a route to your VM. And you almost certainly want to keep
the first line that you commented out. That's the one that actually brings
the interface online. If routing you'll want to put an actual IP address
rather than
I don't think an IP address can currently be specified to that script, by
the way. At least not directly.
-- Keir
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