RE: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 1/2] libfsimage
> > [Apparently, libresierfs is moribund and doesn't actually support
> > current v3 filesystems anyhow. We need to look at other ways of
> > pulling kernels out.]
> Ugh. So is pygrub non-functional on Novell/SuSE systems on reiserfs?
> Or are they using a patched libreiserfs?
They use domUloader, which mounts the filesystem and copies out the
kernels. I worry that a maliciously crafted fs image would compromise
> > As I understand it, John's scheme doesn't necessarily prevent using
> > the existing libraries -- you could have external binaries linked
> > against the existing libraries, or you could choose to
> statically link
> > if your distro didn't normally include those libraries.
> Well, the patches as presented moved all the reiser/ext2
> knowledge into pygrub itself. I'm certainly not opposed to
> changes to the pygrub interface, just to unnecessary
> replicating of fs-specific code inside the Xen tools.
I most confess to not atually having read the patches... What I
imagined was a way of invoking a binary (or script) to read a file from
a filesystem. The binary might be linked against e.g. libext2fs, or have
an fs parsing implementation compiled in.
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