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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 2/2] balloon driver: don't use apply_to_page_rang

On 28 Apr 2006, at 10:14, Isaku Yamahata wrote:

Unfortunately no.
Roughly init_mm is only used to map vmalloc area on Linux/ia64.
init_mm of Linux/ia64 doesn't map the area of [PAGE_OFFSET, ...].
Traversing init_mm with a virtual address of the area
gives a zero-filled pte entry.
It also populates unnecessary pud/pmd/pte pages.

Linux/ia64 resolves faults on the area [PAGE_OFFSET, ...]
by tlb insert without init_mm traverse after checking
faulted virtual address and its privilege.
Okay, but the ia64 ifdefs are unfortunate. Your new scheme will work 
for x86 autotranslated guests too (I'm pretty sure). How about we pick 
between the two schemes based on the autotranslate feature flag rather 
than 'ifdef ia64'?
 -- Keir

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