Re: [Xen-devel] Queries on time quantum for domains
* Arjun <cse.syslab@xxxxxxxxx> [2006-03-25 19:28]:
> Hi,
> For both SEDF and BVT , what is the minimum and maximum time quantum for
> domains ? Can these be changed ? If so, from where ?
xen/common/sched_sedf.c has the following for min/max
#define PERIOD_MAX MILLISECS(10000) /* 10s */
#define PERIOD_MIN (MICROSECS(10)) /* 10us */
#define SLICE_MIN (MICROSECS(5)) /* 5us */
You can display/modify period/slice/latency/extra/weight of the sedf
scheduler through xm:
# xm sched-sedf
Name ID Period(ms) Slice(ms) Lat(ms) Extra Weight
Domain-0 0 20.0 15.0 0.0 1 0
# xm help sched-sedf
sched-sedf [DOM] [OPTIONS] Show|Set simple EDF parameters
-p, --period Relative deadline(ms).
-s, --slice Worst-case execution time(ms)
(slice < period).
-l, --latency scaled period(ms) in case the domain
is doing heavy I/O.
-e, --extra flag (0/1) which controls whether the
domain can run in extra-time
-w, --weight mutually exclusive with period/slice and
specifies another way of setting a domain's
cpu period/slice.
> Also, is there any information on domain context-switch times ?
There used to be a scheduler latency histogram that would track things
along those lines, but that has been removed from the tree for some
Ryan Harper
Software Engineer; Linux Technology Center
IBM Corp., Austin, Tx
(512) 838-9253 T/L: 678-9253
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