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Re: [Xen-devel] [Patch] time resolution fix.

On 19 Mar 2006, at 14:28, Keir Fraser wrote:

        I have a much detail description in the attached slide, hope
this helpful.
Well, freezing the TSC while a guest is descheduled is not very nice 
at all, but I can imagine it stops you getting time went backwards 
messages if you are also forcibly re-setting the TSC on PIT ticks. :-)
The freezing is I guess why you have the new hook schedule_out(), 
which I'm also not madly keen on. Especially since this must surely be 
a short-term workaround (you don't intend to TSC freeze as long-term 
solution, right?).
Actually, I now recall we were going to use this approach long term to 
ensure the guest calibrates TSC rate correctly during boot. But then we 
are going to turn it off the first time the guest reads wall-clock time 
(via RTC, for example). But that means we will need the schedule_out() 
hook long term, and that makes your patch less unattractive. I'll take 
another look and reconsider it.
 -- Keir

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