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Re: [Xen-devel] Hotplug script not working

From: "Ewan Mellor" <ewan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 11:43:02PM +1300, Greg Brackley wrote:

I don't understand how hotplug would work on FC4, as FC4 uses udev (sysctl kernel.hotplug -> "kernel.hotplug = /sbin/udevsend", and udevd is running), but there is a limitation that xen only uses udev for udev 059 and greater
('check_hotplug' script); but FC4 reports `udev- V` -> 058. How are other
people getting this to work on FC4? Why does the check_hotplug script
require udev >= 059?
udev 059 introduced new rule syntax and semantics, which we use.

If you don't have udev 059, you need to use the older hotplug stuff. Do you
have an /sbin/hotplug?
I have worked around this with a very simple set of rules [1]. This 
immediately allowed me to get domU images running. I'm unsure as to what the 
effect of discarding all the other parameters has had.
I notice that 8 vif0/veth interfaces are created in dom0. I believe 
providing a parameter to the driver would overcome this (if it worried me).
What concerned me slightly was a spurious vif5.0 appearing in dom0 (before 
ANY domU's had been created).
I am now back to working out why I can get ICMP traffic working, but getting 
other traffic forwarding is eluding me. It seems to relate to my 
VLAN/bridge/vif configuration. I've looked at ecn, MAC addresses, 
arp_filter, rp_filter, log_martians, bridge stp settings, vlan configs, 
ethtool settings, and googled late into the night. I would still be VERY 
keen to hear from anyone on successes (or failures) with VLANs and xen. 
Possible areas to look at would be great. Strange thing is, I have one 
machine (with a single VLAN) working ok [but I'm reluctant to touch it, 
because I don't know why it works when the other machines don't].
Greg :-)

[1] /etc/udev/rules.d/10-xen-backend.rules

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