Re: [Xen-devel] Microsoft plans 'hypervisor' for Longhorn
Article mentions Xen as Microsoft's competition.
The MS hypervisor is a very interesting beast from our PoV: * drivers run
in a dom0-like "parent" partition (cut down Longhorn) * "child" partitions
devices are plumbed through this * VMM-aware OSes can use APIs called
"enlightenments" (don't you usually achieve enlightenment through
practising Zen? :-D) to avoid full-virt penalties
Their roadmap includes live migration and suspend-resume, USB
virtualisation, etc.
It'll be interesting to see if they require hypervisor-enabled hardware or
if they pull in the binary scanning / rewriting from VirtualPC. It'll also
be interesting to see just how open their "open" device / VMM interfaces
are: in particular, can Linux support them as a guest, can Xen fake them
out to boost performance when running Longhorn guests?
Things are evidently heating up in virtualisation land. It'll be
interesting to see what VMWare's response to this is.
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