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Re: [Xen-devel] domU Filesystems

To: Anthony Liguori <aliguori@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] domU Filesystems
From: Tupshin Harper <tupshin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 13:48:06 -0800
Cc: Brian Hays <brian.hays@xxxxxxxxx>, xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Anthony Liguori wrote:

Tupshin Harper wrote:

5) use your distro's procedure to bootstrap into a chroot environment (if it has one) such as debian's debootstrap or by using gentoo's stage3 installation approach. (none for RedHat9 that I'm aware of)

Here are the mechanisms I know and their requirements. I plan to put this in the Wiki as soon as it goes live (if it's not already there):
I have done something very equivalent to your gentoo procedure, but when I try to emerge glibc (or as a dependency for many other things) I'm getting a segfault near the end of the process. I'm guessing this is the nptl problem, and so far I haven't been able to work around it.
FWIW, this is with xen unstable as of about 1 week ago.


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