Re: [Xen-devel] privileged domains and networking
Just a couple of quick questions that were running around in my head
lately. First, can either of the bsd ports operate as privleged domains
Neither of the BSD ports to Xen (FreeBSD and NetBSD) have domain zero
functionality (at this time). I don't think there are any plans to
implement domain zero functionality for NetBSD, I don't know what the
FreeBSD guys are intending to do.
And second, is it currently possible to do something like the
hard disk(s) nic(s)
| |
| |
/-----------\ /-----------\
| dom0-priv | blk dev | dom1-priv |
| |--------------| |
| xend | event chnl | |
\-----------/ \-----------/
and then have xend create unprivleged domains with block device event
channels hooked up to domain 0, and network device event channels
hooked up to domain 1?
That should work in principle. Xend configuration files should allow you to
specify what domain to use as a backend for a device. I'm not sure anybody
has actually ever tried it...
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