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Re: [Xen-devel] segfault in VM

On Jul 22, 2004, at 7:22 AM, Keir Fraser wrote:
Anyway - currently sounds like teh bug resides in the most complex
half of the most complex driver. Who'd've thought it? ;-)
At this point this data is surely redundant but...

When I went to sleep last night I let my box run dom0 and four VMs doing md5sum checks on a couple of large files, hammering the heck out of the block i/o drivers and CPU but with all the ifaces/vifs on the machine down. When I woke up, all compares had been correct for the six hours or so it ran. I re-upped the ifaces and started to ping dom0 and the VMs and within a minute of the pings starting dom0 started to report incorrect md5sums.
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