RE: [Xen-devel] Xen on VMware - how to install ?
> We've generally found that Xen runs just fine on VMware.
Ah! Sweet music in my ears :-) !
> So your failing installation uses the same Xen/Xenolinux images as the
> successfully-booting Demo CD?
Yes. I booted the Xen 1.2 demo CD again and searched it for xen.gz and
xenolinux.gz. I found them in both /usr/boot/ and
/usr/local/src/xeno-1.2/install/boot/. Furthermore, there was a
xenolinux.gz in
/usr/local/src/xeno-1.2/xenolinux-2.4.25/arch/xeno/boot/. diff shows no
differences between those instances (thankfully :-) ), so yes - I
definitely do have the exact same xen.gz and xenolinux.gz files as on
the demo CD.
> Maybe. Are the xen.gz and xenolinux.gz files the same as on the Demo
> CD? If so, then the most likely difference is that you are using a
> different version or build of GRUB.
> You could stick an infinite loop[*] at the start of Xen (in boot.S)
> see if that prevents the crash. If it doesn't then GRUB is to blame.
Uh-oh. Sounds like a build-adventure :-). Since I've never built Xen
before it would probably take quite some time for me to set this up. I
think trying another version of Grub or another distro would probably be
quicker for me.
/sbin/grub is version 0.93 (says so when I start it) on both the demo CD
and in my VM. File sizes are identical: 196220 bytes. However, file date
is Jan 25 2003 in my RedHat VM and Jun 25 2003 on the demo CD -
different build ? I could copy grub from the demo CD and reinstall it in
the boot sector, and see if that helps.
Which Linux distro have you used to run Xen on top of VMware ? The demo
CD looks debianish, so is Debian Woody a fair guess ?
-- Jan
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