RE: [Xen-devel] xen-1.2 again
On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Neugebauer, Rolf wrote:
> Hi Ishwar
> I have used Xen/Xenolinux with Fedora without any problems. I installed
> Fedora and the copied xen.gz and xenolinux.gz (albeit build from
> unstable source) into the /boot directory, adjusted the grub.conf in
> /boot/grub and it just works.
I just copied the xenolinux.gz from the xen-1.2 demodisk. I have do
not have a serial console, so can list the last (visible part only):
detects /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, /dev/hdc (CD-ROM) ok..
VFS Mounted Root (ext2 file system)
Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hda.. unable to identify CD-ROM format.
mount failed - not found
Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hdb.. unable to identify CD-ROM format.
Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hdc.. mount failed - not found
Looking for CD-ROM at /dev/hdd.. mount failed - not found
//find-cd: /proc/scsi/scsi: No such file or directory
--> repeats Looking for as above
//find-cd: /proc/scsi/scsi: No such file or directory
Unable to find CD-ROM and NFSDIR not specified
It is all I can get. BTW the root file system is ext3 and not ext2
(as displayed by boot message).
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