> Hi, I have two questions of the roadmap variety
> What is the plan to track linux kernel versions? In particular,
> kernel-2.4.22 has a security hole so I'd like to use 2.4.23,
> but I'd also like to hear about the long term plan.
We intend to track official 2.4 versions as they come out. I
might even get around to 2.4.23 over the weekend.
The patches often apply cleanly, so you could consider doing it
yourself. (split out the arch/i386 part of the patch and use 'sed' to
rewrite it for 'arch/xeno')
> I'd hate for upgrading kernel to mean either waiting for xen to
> be ported to kernel X or having to port myself every new
> release I want to use. Any idea how difficult the 2.6 port
> will be?
It's probably less than a couple of weeks work, but we weren't
planning on doing it until 2.6 had stabilised a bit.
> What are the release milestones for unstable? As best I can tell all
> documentation besides README.CD is in the mailing list, and the reason
> is that the xi_ tools are being scrapped for a new python based tool chain.
> So I either need lots more info on how to use/improve the xi_ tools for
> limiting disks, interfaces, and cpus, or invest that effort in the new tool
> chain.
I expect 1.2 to be released RSN. It's currently stable, but there
are a couple of useful features such as the new console stuff and
2.4.23 port that we'd like to get in before release.
> Any status on the FreeBSD port? Is that in bitkeeper?
We haven't got manpower to do it locally. Kip Macy has made a
great start, but has been very busy. Help definitely appreciated.
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