Re: [Xen-devel] [1.1rc1] XEN compilation fails
> First, to be sure I have the latest i cloned it, then pulled it:
> tvrtko@oxygene:~/croadria/xen/xeno-1.1.bk> bk pull
> Pull bk://xen.bkbits.net/xeno-1.1.bk
> -> file://home/tvrtko/croadria/xen/xeno-1.1.bk
> Nothing to pull.
> run xeno-clone
> then cd xeno-clone/xeno-1.1.bk/xen
> make failed:
Please send me privately the output of 'make clean ; make'
when executed within the xeno-1.1.bk/xen directory.
-- Keir
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