Re: [Xen-devel] Re: Virtual block devices (vbd) still not working... :-(
> > Then I tried fdisk /dev/xvda and it complained about not having
> > any partition label on it and that I have to set the number of
> > cylinders.
> > Entering the 'p' option in fdisk showed an empty partition table
> > and 255 heads, 63 sectors, 0 cylinders ??
> There wouldn't have been a valid partition table on the virtual
> disk, so fdisk would have just read rubbish and got confused. You
> could just delete all the bogus partitions, but using "dd
> if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vbda count=5" is probably safest.
This doesn't work for me. The problem is that vbd's are registered
with the Linux blkdev layer at boot time, but we have no mechanism to
properly attach new vbd's that are created after the domain has
already booted.
I really can't see how it could possibly have worked for you --- DOM0
would have booted with no vbd's and there's no way to register them
> That really is odd. Write access seems to work for me with the
> "-w" flag. I don't believe there is a "-rw" flag as read access
> is the default.
Something here is broke. 'vbd show' will show that the vbd is ro if
you specify -w, but rw if you specify -rw. I'll have a look...
-- Keir
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