Re: [Xen-cim] Latest slide deck for Xen Summit
>Find my latest work on the summit presentation attached. The diagram on
>slide 11 does not include CIM_VSSD or recorded RASD - it was getting
>cluttered with these components and their associations. I think the
>diagram illustrates the concept of resource allocation as is, but will
>add some of the finer points if desired.
Sounds OK. Getting the concept of the VirtualDevice <--> RASD <--> Pool <--> PxDevice
is most important; recorded vs current RASD is secondary, as is the one VSSD per VM.
>Perhaps we should have 1 slide
>containing a busy diagram that shows the model in action for an active
>vm. It would bring together all of the 'component' diagrams on previous
Sure. One big busy slide with most everything for an active VM - with processor,
memory, disk & NICs - will be visually overwhelming but something that we can talk
around and point out relationship, as well as giving them the whole picture in a printed
slide for reference later.
>Gareth - I don't have source for diagram on slide 8. You will take care of this one?
Will do.
>Currently for demo I've been thinking along the lines of:
>- Connect to cimom and look in Interop namespace for our profiles
>- Follow ElementConformsToProfile to find host (OMC) CS.
>- Look at pools associated with host CS
>- Look at host resources contained in pool
>- Look at virtual resources (and RASD) allocated from pool
>- Enumerate virtual CS running on host CS by follow HostedDependency
>- Define a virtual CS (will have to use cli for this one as none of the
>free GUI clients support embedded instances)
>- Enumerate virtual CS - see new defined but disabled CS
>- Invoke RequestStateChange() on new CS to move to enabled state
>- Pause/unpause via RequestStateChange()
>- ??
sounds OK. I might suggest reordering a bit:
- Connect to cimom and look in Interop namespace for our profiles
- Follow ElementConformsToProfile to find host (OMC) CS.
- Enumerate virtual CS running on host CS by follow HostedDependency
- Define a virtual CS (will have to use cli for this one as none of the
free GUI clients support embedded instances)
- Enumerate virtual CS - see new defined but disabled CS
- Invoke RequestStateChange() on new CS to move to enabled state
* this might be a good point to break out and show what 'xm' shows for the new DomU
- Pause/unpause via RequestStateChange()
* Suspend. Show how it still exists wrt to CIM model, but not to 'xm'. Resume
* destroy vm
- Look at pools associated with host CS
- Look at host resources contained in pool
- Look at virtual resources (and RASD) allocated from pool
ie cover the major lifecycle ops first, then delve into the pool stuff.
* Can we demo/show the async lifecycle indications somehow too? ie how a CIMListerer will
automagically get notified when a DomU is created/started/stopped/destroyed/etc
- Gareth
Jim Fehlig <jfehlig@xxxxxxxxxx>
Jim Fehlig <jfehlig@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: xen-cim-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
08/25/06 04:56 PM
Find my latest work on the summit presentation attached. The diagram on
slide 11 does not include CIM_VSSD or recorded RASD - it was getting
cluttered with these components and their associations. I think the
diagram illustrates the concept of resource allocation as is, but will
add some of the finer points if desired. Perhaps we should have 1 slide
containing a busy diagram that shows the model in action for an active
vm. It would bring together all of the 'component' diagrams on previous
Gareth - I don't have source for diagram on slide 8. You will take care
of this one?
Currently for demo I've been thinking along the lines of:
- Connect to cimom and look in Interop namespace for our profiles
- Follow ElementConformsToProfile to find host (OMC) CS.
- Look at pools associated with host CS
- Look at host resources contained in pool
- Look at virtual resources (and RASD) allocated from pool
- Enumerate virtual CS running on host CS by follow HostedDependency
- Define a virtual CS (will have to use cli for this one as none of the
free GUI clients support embedded instances)
- Enumerate virtual CS - see new defined but disabled CS
- Invoke RequestStateChange() on new CS to move to enabled state
- Pause/unpause via RequestStateChange()
- ??
Feel free to add suggestion for the demo as well. Still lots of work.
Would like to have this solidified by the end of next week.
BTW, I do not have a laptop capable of running this demo :-(. My plan
is to bring along a workstation-sized machine loaded with the demo.
Hopefully I can get access to a monitor on site so I don't have to drag
that along as well.
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