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[Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] cpupools, xend: Add missing file XendCPUP

To: xen-changelog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] cpupools, xend: Add missing file XendCPUPool.py
From: Xen patchbot-unstable <patchbot-unstable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 06:15:17 -0700
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# HG changeset patch
# User Keir Fraser <keir.fraser@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1272031466 -3600
# Node ID c87ec146229ab2255ecdf005b862b943b1a5112e
# Parent  ffcc927a19a43b347217a49706f035d8718b2707
cpupools, xend: Add missing file XendCPUPool.py

Signed-off-by: Juergen Gross <juergen.gross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/python/xen/xend/XendCPUPool.py |  905 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 905 insertions(+)

diff -r ffcc927a19a4 -r c87ec146229a tools/python/xen/xend/XendCPUPool.py
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/XendCPUPool.py      Fri Apr 23 15:04:26 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,905 @@
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Fujitsu Technology Solutions.
+""" CPU Pool support including XEN-API and Legacy API.
+import types
+import threading
+import re
+import xen.lowlevel.xc
+import XendNode
+import XendDomain
+from xen.xend.XendLogging import log
+from xen.xend.XendBase import XendBase
+from xen.xend import XendAPIStore
+from xen.xend.XendConstants import XS_POOLROOT
+from xen.xend import uuid as genuuid
+from xen.xend.XendError import VmError, XendAPIError, PoolError
+from xen.xend.xenstore.xstransact import xstransact
+from xen.util.sxputils import sxp2map, map2sxp
+    'credit2': xen.lowlevel.xc.XEN_SCHEDULER_CREDIT2,
+    'credit' : xen.lowlevel.xc.XEN_SCHEDULER_CREDIT,
+    'sedf'   : xen.lowlevel.xc.XEN_SCHEDULER_SEDF,
+    }
+xc = xen.lowlevel.xc.xc()
+class XendCPUPool(XendBase):
+    """ CPU Pool management.
+        @ivar pool_lock: Lock to secure modification of pool data
+        @type pool_lock: Rlock
+    """
+    pool_lock = threading.RLock()
+    def getClass(cls):
+        return "cpu_pool"
+    def getAttrRO(cls):
+        attrRO = ['resident_on',
+                  'started_VMs',
+                  'host_CPUs',
+                  'activated',
+                 ]
+        return XendBase.getAttrRO() + attrRO
+    def getAttrRW(cls):
+        attrRW = ['name_label',
+                  'name_description',
+                  'auto_power_on',
+                  'ncpu',
+                  'sched_policy',
+                  'proposed_CPUs',
+                  'other_config',
+                 ]
+        return XendBase.getAttrRW() + attrRW
+    def getMethods(cls):
+        methods = ['destroy',
+                   'activate',
+                   'deactivate',
+                   'add_host_CPU_live',
+                   'remove_host_CPU_live',
+                   'add_to_proposed_CPUs',
+                   'remove_from_proposed_CPUs',
+                   'add_to_other_config',
+                   'remove_from_other_config',
+                  ]
+        return XendBase.getMethods() + methods
+    def getFuncs(cls):
+        funcs = ['create',
+                 'get_by_name_label',
+                ]
+        return XendBase.getFuncs() + funcs
+    getClass    = classmethod(getClass)
+    getAttrRO   = classmethod(getAttrRO)
+    getAttrRW   = classmethod(getAttrRW)
+    getMethods  = classmethod(getMethods)
+    getFuncs    = classmethod(getFuncs)
+    #
+    # XenAPI function calls
+    #
+    def create(cls, record):
+        """ Create a new managed pool instance.
+            @param record: attributes of pool
+            @type record:  dict
+            @return: uuid of created pool
+            @rtype:  str
+        """
+        new_uuid = genuuid.createString()
+        XendCPUPool(record, new_uuid)
+        XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+        return new_uuid
+    create = classmethod(create)
+    def get_by_name_label(cls, name_label):
+        """ Query a Pool(ref) by its name.
+            @return: ref of pool
+            @rtype:  str
+        """
+        cls.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            return [ inst.get_uuid()
+                     for inst in XendAPIStore.get_all(cls.getClass())
+                     if inst.name_label == name_label
+                   ]
+        finally:
+            cls.pool_lock.release()
+    get_by_name_label = classmethod(get_by_name_label)
+    def get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref(cls, host_cpu):
+        """ Query cpu_pool ref the given cpu belongs to.
+            @param host_cpu: ref of host_cpu to lookup
+            @type host_cpu:  str
+            @return: list cpu_pool refs (list contains not more than one 
+            @rtype:  list of str
+        """
+        node = XendNode.instance()
+        cpu_nr = node.get_host_cpu_field(host_cpu, 'number')
+        for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+            if cpu_nr in pool_rec['cpulist']:
+                # pool found; return the ref
+                return cls.query_pool_ref(pool_rec['cpupool'])
+        return []
+    get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref = classmethod(get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref)
+    def get_all_managed(cls):
+        """ Query all managed pools.
+            @return: uuids of all managed pools
+            @rtype:  list of str
+        """
+        cls.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            managed_pools = [ inst.get_uuid()
+                              for inst in XendAPIStore.get_all(cls.getClass())
+                              if inst.is_managed() ]
+        finally:
+            cls.pool_lock.release()
+        return managed_pools
+    get_all_managed = classmethod(get_all_managed)
+    #
+    # XenAPI methods calls
+    #
+    def __init__(self, record, new_uuid, managed_pool=True):
+        XendBase.__init__(self, new_uuid, record)
+        try:
+            self._managed = managed_pool
+            self.name_label = None
+            name = record.get('name_label', 'Pool-Unnamed')
+            self._checkName(name)
+            self.name_label = name
+            self.name_description = record.get('name_description',
+                                               self.name_label)
+            self.proposed_cpus = [ int(cpu)
+                                   for cpu in record.get('proposed_CPUs', []) ]
+            self.auto_power_on = bool(record.get('auto_power_on', False))
+            self.ncpu = int(record.get('ncpu', 1))
+            self.sched_policy = record.get('sched_policy', '')
+            self.other_config = record.get('other_config', {})
+        except Exception, ex:
+            XendBase.destroy(self)
+            raise ex
+    def get_resident_on(self):
+        """ Always return uuid of own node.
+            @return: uuid of this node
+            @rytpe:  str
+        """
+        return XendNode.instance().uuid
+    def get_started_VMs(self):
+        """ Query all VMs currently assigned to pool.
+            @return: ref of all VMs assigned to pool; if pool is not active,
+                     an empty list will be returned
+            @rtype:  list of str
+        """
+        if self.get_activated():
+            # search VMs related to this pool
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            started_VMs = [ vm.get_uuid()
+                            for vm in XendDomain.instance().list('all')
+                            if vm.get_cpu_pool() == pool_id ]
+        else:
+            # pool not active, so it couldn't have any started VMs
+            started_VMs = []
+        return started_VMs
+    def get_host_CPUs(self):
+        """ Query all cpu refs of this pool currently asisgned .
+            - Read pool id of this pool from xenstore
+            - Read cpu configuration from hypervisor
+            - lookup cpu number -> cpu ref
+            @return: host_cpu refs
+            @rtype:  list of str
+        """
+        if self.get_activated():
+            node = XendNode.instance()
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            if pool_id == None:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INTERNAL,
+                                [self.getClass(), 'get_host_CPUs'])
+            cpus = []
+            for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+                if pool_rec['cpupool'] == pool_id:
+                    cpus = pool_rec['cpulist']
+            # query host_cpu ref for any cpu of the pool
+            host_CPUs = [ cpu_ref
+                          for cpu_ref in node.get_host_cpu_refs()
+                          if node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number')
+                              in cpus ]
+        else:
+            # pool not active, so it couldn't have any assigned cpus
+            host_CPUs = []
+        return host_CPUs
+    def get_activated(self):
+        """ Query if the pool is registered in XendStore.
+            If pool uuid is not in XenStore, the pool is not activated.
+            @return: True, if activated
+            @rtype:  bool
+        """
+        return self.query_pool_id() != None
+    def get_name_label(self):
+        return self.name_label
+    def get_name_description(self):
+        return self.name_description
+    def get_auto_power_on(self):
+        return self.auto_power_on
+    def get_ncpu(self):
+        return self.ncpu
+    def get_sched_policy(self):
+        if len(self.sched_policy) == 0:
+            # default scheduler selected
+            return XendNode.instance().get_vcpus_policy()
+        else:
+            return self.sched_policy
+    def get_proposed_CPUs(self):
+        return [ str(cpu) for cpu in self.proposed_cpus ]
+    def get_other_config(self):
+        return self.other_config
+    def set_name_label(self, name_label):
+        self._checkName(name_label)
+        self.name_label = name_label
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_name_description(self, name_descr):
+        self.name_description = name_descr
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_auto_power_on(self, auto_power_on):
+        self.auto_power_on = bool(int(auto_power_on))
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_ncpu(self, ncpu):
+        _ncpu = int(ncpu)
+        if _ncpu < 1:
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_POOL_PARAM, 'ncpu')
+        self.ncpu = _ncpu
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_sched_policy(self, sched_policy):
+        if self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+        self.sched_policy = sched_policy
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_proposed_CPUs(self, proposed_cpus):
+        if self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+        self.proposed_cpus = [ int(cpu) for cpu in proposed_cpus ]
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def set_other_config(self, other_config):
+        self.other_config = other_config
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def destroy(self):
+        """ In order to destroy a cpu pool, it must be deactivated """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if self.get_activated():
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+            XendBase.destroy(self)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+        XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def activate(self):
+        """ Create pool in hypervisor and add cpus.
+            Preconditions:
+            - pool not already active
+            - enough unbound cpus available
+            Actions:
+            - create pool in hypervisor
+            - select free cpus (preferred from proposed_CPUs list) and bind it 
+              the pool
+            - create entries in Xenstore
+        """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if self.get_activated():
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+            sched_policy = self.get_sched_policy()
+            if sched_policy not in XEN_SCHEDULER_TO_ID.keys():
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_UNKOWN_SCHED_POLICY)
+            unbound_cpus = set(self.unbound_cpus())
+            if len(unbound_cpus) < self.ncpu:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_CPUS,
+                                [str(self.ncpu), str(len(unbound_cpus))])
+            # build list of cpu numbers to bind to pool
+            cpu_set = set(self.proposed_cpus).intersection(unbound_cpus)
+            if len(cpu_set) < self.ncpu:
+                pool_cpus = (list(cpu_set) +
+                             list(unbound_cpus.difference(cpu_set)))
+            else:
+                pool_cpus = list(cpu_set)
+            pool_cpus = pool_cpus[0:self.ncpu]
+            # create pool in hypervisor
+            pool_id = xc.cpupool_create(
+                sched = XEN_SCHEDULER_TO_ID.get(sched_policy, 0))
+            self.update_XS(pool_id)
+            # add cpus
+            for cpu in pool_cpus:
+                xc.cpupool_addcpu(pool_id, cpu)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+    def deactivate(self):
+        """ Delete pool in hypervisor
+            Preconditions:
+            - pool is activated
+            - no running VMs in pool
+            Actions:
+            - call hypervisor for deletion
+            - remove path of pool in xenstore
+        """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            if not self.get_activated():
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'deactivated')
+            if len(self.get_started_VMs()) != 0:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'in use')
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            # remove cpus from pool
+            cpus = []
+            for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+                if pool_rec['cpupool'] == pool_id:
+                    cpus = pool_rec['cpulist']
+            for cpu_number in cpus:
+                xc.cpupool_removecpu(pool_id, cpu_number)
+            xc.cpupool_destroy(pool_id)
+            # update XenStore
+            xs_path = XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool_id
+            xstransact.Remove(xs_path)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+    def add_host_CPU_live(self, cpu_ref):
+        """ Add cpu to pool, if it is currently not assigned to a pool.
+            @param cpu_ref: reference of host_cpu instance to add
+            @type  cpu_ref: str
+        """
+        if not self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'deactivated')
+        node = XendNode.instance()
+        number = node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number')
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            other_pool_ref = self.get_cpu_pool_by_cpu_ref(cpu_ref)
+            if len(other_pool_ref) != 0:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INVALID_CPU,
+                            'cpu already assigned to pool "%s"' % 
+            xc.cpupool_addcpu(pool_id, number)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+        if number not in self.proposed_cpus:
+            self.proposed_cpus.append(number)
+        self._update_ncpu(pool_id)
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def remove_host_CPU_live(self, cpu_ref):
+        """ Remove cpu from pool.
+            After successfull call, the cpu is free.
+            Remove of the last cpu of the pool is rejected.
+            @param cpu_ref: reference of host_cpu instance to remove
+            @type  cpu_ref: str
+        """
+        if not self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'deactivated')
+        node = XendNode.instance()
+        number = node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number')
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            pool_id = self.query_pool_id()
+            pool_rec = {}
+            for pool in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+                if pool['cpupool'] == pool_id:
+                    pool_rec = pool
+                    break
+            if number in pool_rec['cpulist']:
+                if len(pool_rec['cpulist']) < 2 and pool_rec['n_dom'] > 0:
+                    raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_LAST_CPU_NOT_REM,
+                                    'could not remove last cpu')
+                xc.cpupool_removecpu(pool_id, number)
+            else:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INVALID_CPU,
+                                'CPU not assigned to pool')
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+        if number in self.proposed_cpus:
+            self.proposed_cpus.remove(number)
+        self._update_ncpu(pool_id)
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def add_to_proposed_CPUs(self, cpu):
+        if self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+        _cpu = int(cpu)
+        if _cpu not in self.proposed_cpus:
+            self.proposed_cpus.append(_cpu)
+            self.proposed_cpus.sort()
+            if self._managed:
+                XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def remove_from_proposed_CPUs(self, cpu):
+        if self.get_activated():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_BAD_POOL_STATE, 'activated')
+        _cpu = int(cpu)
+        if _cpu in self.proposed_cpus:
+            self.proposed_cpus.remove(_cpu)
+            if self._managed:
+                XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def add_to_other_config(self, key, value):
+        self.other_config[key] = value
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    def remove_from_other_config(self, key):
+        if key in self.other_config:
+            del self.other_config[key]
+        if self._managed:
+            XendNode.instance().save_cpu_pools()
+    #
+    # Legacy RPC calls
+    #
+    def pool_new(cls, config):
+        try:
+            record = sxp2map(config)
+            if record.has_key('proposed_CPUs') and \
+               not isinstance(record['proposed_CPUs'], types.ListType):
+                record['proposed_CPUs'] = [record['proposed_CPUs']]
+            new_uuid = cls.create(record)
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+        return new_uuid
+    def pool_create(cls, config):
+        try:
+            record = sxp2map(config)
+            if record.has_key('proposed_CPUs') and \
+               not isinstance(record['proposed_CPUs'], types.ListType):
+                record['proposed_CPUs'] = [record['proposed_CPUs']]
+            new_uuid = genuuid.createString()
+            pool = XendCPUPool(record, new_uuid, False)
+            pool.activate()
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_start(cls, poolname):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            pool.activate()
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_list(cls, names):
+        sxprs = []
+        try:
+            node = XendNode.instance()
+            xd = XendDomain.instance()
+            pools = cls.get_all_records()
+            for (pool_uuid, pool_vals) in pools.items():
+                if pool_vals['name_label'] in names or len(names) == 0:
+                    # conv host_cpu refs to cpu number
+                    cpus = [ node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number')
+                             for cpu_ref in pool_vals['host_CPUs'] ]
+                    cpus.sort()
+                    pool_vals['host_CPU_numbers'] = cpus
+                    # query VMs names. Take in account, that a VM
+                    # returned by get_all_records could be destroy, now
+                    vm_names = [ vm.getName()
+                                 for vm in map(xd.get_vm_by_uuid,
+                                               pool_vals['started_VMs'])
+                                 if vm ]
+                    pool_vals['started_VM_names'] = vm_names
+                    pool_vals['auto_power_on'] = 
+                    sxprs += [[pool_uuid] + map2sxp(pool_vals)]
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+        return sxprs
+    def pool_destroy(cls, poolname):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            pool.deactivate()
+            if not pool.is_managed():
+                pool.destroy()
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_delete(cls, poolname):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            pool.destroy()
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_cpu_add(cls, poolname, cpu):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            cpu_ref = cls._cpu_number_to_ref(int(cpu))
+            if cpu_ref:
+                pool.add_host_CPU_live(cpu_ref)
+            else:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INVALID_CPU,
+                                'CPU unknown')
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_cpu_remove(cls, poolname, cpu):
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        try:
+            cpu_ref = cls._cpu_number_to_ref(int(cpu))
+            if cpu_ref:
+                pool.remove_host_CPU_live(cpu_ref)
+            else:
+                raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_INVALID_CPU,
+                                'CPU unknown')
+        except XendAPIError, ex:
+            raise VmError(ex.get_api_error())
+    def pool_migrate(cls, domname, poolname):
+        dom = XendDomain.instance()
+        pool = cls.lookup_pool(poolname)
+        if not pool:
+            raise VmError('unknown pool %s' % poolname)
+        dominfo = dom.domain_lookup_nr(domname)
+        if not dominfo:
+            raise VmError('unknown domain %s' % domname)
+        domid = dominfo.getDomid()
+        if domid is not None:
+            if domid == 0:
+                raise VmError('could not move Domain-0')
+            try:
+                cls.move_domain(pool.get_uuid(), domid)
+            except Exception, ex:
+                raise VmError('could not move domain')
+        dominfo.info['pool_name'] = poolname
+        dom.managed_config_save(dominfo)
+    pool_new        = classmethod(pool_new)
+    pool_create     = classmethod(pool_create)
+    pool_start      = classmethod(pool_start)
+    pool_list       = classmethod(pool_list)
+    pool_destroy    = classmethod(pool_destroy)
+    pool_delete     = classmethod(pool_delete)
+    pool_cpu_add    = classmethod(pool_cpu_add)
+    pool_cpu_remove = classmethod(pool_cpu_remove)
+    pool_migrate    = classmethod(pool_migrate)
+    #
+    # methods
+    #
+    def is_managed(self):
+        """ Check, if pool is managed.
+            @return: True, if managed
+            @rtype: bool
+        """
+        return self._managed
+    def query_pool_id(self):
+        """ Get corresponding pool-id of pool instance from XenStore.
+            @return: pool id or None
+            @rytpe:  int
+        """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            for pool_id in xstransact.List(XS_POOLROOT):
+                uuid = xstransact.Read(XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool_id, 'uuid')
+                if uuid == self.get_uuid():
+                    return int(pool_id)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+        return None
+    def update_XS(self, pool_id):
+        """ Write (or update) data in xenstore taken from instance.
+            @param pool_id: Pool id to build path to pool data in xenstore
+            @type  pool_id: int
+        """
+        self.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            xs_path = XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool_id
+            xs_entries = { 'uuid' : self.get_uuid(),
+                           'name' : self.name_label,
+                           'description' : self.name_description
+                         }
+            xstransact.Mkdir(xs_path)
+            xstransact.Mkdir(xs_path, 'other_config')
+            xstransact.Write(xs_path, xs_entries)
+            xstransact.Write('%s%s' % (xs_path, 'other_config'),
+                             self.other_config)
+        finally:
+            self.pool_lock.release()
+    def _update_ncpu(self, pool_id):
+        for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+            if pool_rec['cpupool'] == pool_id:
+                self.ncpu = len(pool_rec['cpulist'])
+    def _checkName(self, name):
+        """ Check if a pool name is valid. Valid names contain alphabetic
+            characters, digits, or characters in '_-.:/+'.
+            The same name cannot be used for more than one pool at the same
+            time.
+            @param name: name
+            @type name:  str
+            @raise: PoolError if invalid
+        """
+        if name is None or name == '':
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_POOL_PARAM, 'Missing Pool Name')
+        if not re.search(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.\:\/\+]+$', name):
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_POOL_PARAM, 'Invalid Pool Name')
+        pool = self.lookup_pool(name)
+        if pool and pool.get_uuid() != self.get_uuid():
+            raise PoolError(XEND_ERROR_POOL_PARAM,
+                'Pool name "%s" already exists' % name)
+    #
+    # class methods
+    #
+    def recreate_active_pools(cls):
+        """ Read active pool config from hypervisor and create pool instances.
+            - Query pool ids and assigned CPUs from hypervisor.
+            - Query additional information for any pool from xenstore.
+              If an entry for a pool id is missing in xenstore, it will be
+              recreated with a new uuid and generic name (this is an error 
+            - Create an XendCPUPool instance for any pool id
+            Function have to be called after recreation of managed pools.
+        """
+        log.debug('recreate_active_pools')
+        for pool_rec in xc.cpupool_getinfo():
+            pool = pool_rec['cpupool']
+            # read pool data from xenstore
+            path = XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool
+            uuid = xstransact.Read(path, 'uuid')
+            if not uuid:
+                # xenstore entry missing / invaild; create entry with new uuid
+                uuid = genuuid.createString()
+                name = "Pool-%s" % pool
+                try:
+                    inst = XendCPUPool( { 'name_label' : name }, uuid, False )
+                    inst.update_XS(pool)
+                except PoolError, ex:
+                    # log error and skip domain
+                    log.error('cannot recreate pool %s; skipping (reason: %s)' 
+                        % (name, ex))
+            else:
+                (name, descr) = xstransact.Read(path, 'name', 'description')
+                other_config = {}
+                for key in xstransact.List(path + 'other_config'):
+                    other_config[key] = xstransact.Read(
+                        path + 'other_config/%s' % key)
+                # check existance of pool instance
+                inst = XendAPIStore.get(uuid, cls.getClass())
+                if inst:
+                    # update attributes of existing instance
+                    inst.name_label = name
+                    inst.name_description = descr
+                    inst.other_config = other_config
+                else:
+                    # recreate instance
+                    try:
+                        inst = XendCPUPool(
+                            { 'name_label' : name,
+                              'name_description' : descr,
+                              'other_config' : other_config,
+                              'proposed_CPUs' : pool_rec['cpulist'],
+                              'ncpu' : len(pool_rec['cpulist']),
+                            },
+                            uuid, False )
+                    except PoolError, ex:
+                        # log error and skip domain
+                        log.error(
+                            'cannot recreate pool %s; skipping (reason: %s)' \
+                            % (name, ex))
+    recreate_active_pools = classmethod(recreate_active_pools)
+    def recreate(cls, record, current_uuid):
+        """ Recreate a pool instance while xend restart.
+            @param record: attributes of pool
+            @type record:  dict
+            @param current_uuid: uuid of pool to create
+            @type current_uuid:  str
+        """
+        XendCPUPool(record, current_uuid)
+    recreate = classmethod(recreate)
+    def autostart_pools(cls):
+        """ Start managed pools that are marked as autostart pools.
+            Function is called after recreation of managed domains while
+            xend restart.
+        """
+        cls.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            for inst in XendAPIStore.get_all(cls.getClass()):
+                if inst.is_managed() and inst.auto_power_on and \
+                   inst.query_pool_id() == None:
+                    inst.activate()
+        finally:
+            cls.pool_lock.release()
+    autostart_pools = classmethod(autostart_pools)
+    def move_domain(cls, pool_ref, domid):
+        cls.pool_lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            pool = XendAPIStore.get(pool_ref, cls.getClass())
+            pool_id = pool.query_pool_id()
+            xc.cpupool_movedomain(pool_id, domid)
+        finally:
+            cls.pool_lock.release()
+    move_domain = classmethod(move_domain)
+    def query_pool_ref(cls, pool_id):
+        """ Get pool ref by pool id.
+            Take the ref from xenstore.
+            @param pool_id:
+            @type  pool_id: int
+            @return: ref
+            @rtype:  str
+        """
+        uuid = xstransact.Read(XS_POOLROOT + "%s/" % pool_id, 'uuid')
+        if uuid:
+            return [uuid]
+        else:
+            return []
+    query_pool_ref = classmethod(query_pool_ref)
+    def lookup_pool(cls, id_or_name):
+        """ Search XendCPUPool instance with given id_or_name.
+            @param id_or_name: pool id or pool nameto search
+            @type id_or_name:  [int, str]
+            @return: instane or None if not found
+            @rtype:  XendCPUPool
+        """
+        pool_uuid = None
+        try:
+            pool_id = int(id_or_name)
+            # pool id given ?
+            pool_uuid = cls.query_pool_ref(pool_id)
+            if not pool_uuid:
+                # not found -> search name
+                pool_uuid = cls.get_by_name_label(id_or_name)
+        except ValueError:
+            # pool name given
+            pool_uuid = cls.get_by_name_label(id_or_name)
+        if len(pool_uuid) > 0:
+            return XendAPIStore.get(pool_uuid[0], cls.getClass())
+        else:
+            return None
+    lookup_pool = classmethod(lookup_pool)
+    def _cpu_number_to_ref(cls, number):
+        node = XendNode.instance()
+        for cpu_ref in node.get_host_cpu_refs():
+            if node.get_host_cpu_field(cpu_ref, 'number') == number:
+                return cpu_ref
+        return None
+    _cpu_number_to_ref = classmethod(_cpu_number_to_ref)
+    def unbound_cpus(cls):
+        """ Build list containing the numbers of all cpus not bound to a pool.
+            Info is taken from Hypervisor.
+            @return: list of cpu numbers
+            @rytpe:  list of int
+        """
+        return xc.cpupool_freeinfo()
+    unbound_cpus = classmethod(unbound_cpus)

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