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[Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] [Docs] Documentation of extension of the

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Subject: [Xen-changelog] [xen-unstable] [Docs] Documentation of extension of the Xen-API for managing security policies
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Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 02:59:55 -0700
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# HG changeset patch
# User kfraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Date 1184231204 -3600
# Node ID bd2f9628114e54e4dbe4ae4249244353eed945e4
# Parent  d0477293897c08c7b95257f20212e8a241626dbf
[Docs] Documentation of extension of the Xen-API for managing security policies

Provides an extension to the Xen-API documentation with the classes
and methods implemented for supporting of managing security policies
using the Xen-API.

Signed-off-by: Stefan Berger <stefanb@xxxxxxxxxx>
 docs/xen-api/xenapi-datamodel-graph.dot |    4 
 docs/xen-api/xenapi-datamodel.tex       |  824 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 827 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff -r d0477293897c -r bd2f9628114e docs/xen-api/xenapi-datamodel-graph.dot
--- a/docs/xen-api/xenapi-datamodel-graph.dot   Thu Jul 12 09:53:58 2007 +0100
+++ b/docs/xen-api/xenapi-datamodel-graph.dot   Thu Jul 12 10:06:44 2007 +0100
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ digraph "Xen-API Class Diagram" {
 digraph "Xen-API Class Diagram" {
-node [ shape=box ]; session VM host network VIF PIF SR VDI VBD PBD user;
+node [ shape=box ]; session VM host network VIF PIF SR VDI VBD PBD user 
XSPolicy ACMPolicy;
 node [shape=ellipse]; PIF_metrics VIF_metrics VM_metrics VBD_metrics 
PBD_metrics VM_guest_metrics host_metrics;
 node [shape=box]; host_cpu console
 session -> host [ arrowhead="none" ]
@@ -36,4 +36,6 @@ VBD -> VM [ arrowhead="none", arrowtail=
 VBD -> VM [ arrowhead="none", arrowtail="crow" ]
 VTPM -> VM [ arrowhead="none", arrowtail="crow" ]
 VBD -> VBD_metrics [ arrowhead="none" ]
+XSPolicy -> host [ arrowhead="none" ]
+XSPolicy -> ACMPolicy [ arrowhead="none" ]
diff -r d0477293897c -r bd2f9628114e docs/xen-api/xenapi-datamodel.tex
--- a/docs/xen-api/xenapi-datamodel.tex Thu Jul 12 09:53:58 2007 +0100
+++ b/docs/xen-api/xenapi-datamodel.tex Thu Jul 12 10:06:44 2007 +0100
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ Name & Description \\
 {\tt console} & A console \\
 {\tt user} & A user of the system \\
 {\tt debug} & A basic class for testing \\
+{\tt XSPolicy} & A class for handling Xen Security Policies \\
+{\tt ACMPolicy} & A class for handling ACM-type policies \\
 \section{Relationships Between Classes}
@@ -226,6 +228,7 @@ The following enumeration types are used
 \section{Error Handling}
 When a low-level transport error occurs, or a request is malformed at the HTTP
 or XML-RPC level, the server may send an XML-RPC Fault response, or the client
@@ -468,6 +471,17 @@ HVM is required for this operation
 {\bf Signature:}
+A security error occurred. The parameter provides the xen security
+error code and a message describing the error.
+{\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim}SECURITY_ERROR(xserr, message)\end{verbatim}
 \section{Class: session}
@@ -1401,6 +1415,7 @@ Quals & Field & Type & Description \\
 $\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ &  {\tt is\_control\_domain} & bool & true if this 
is a control domain (domain 0 or a driver domain) \\
 $\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ &  {\tt metrics} & VM\_metrics ref & metrics 
associated with this VM \\
 $\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ &  {\tt guest\_metrics} & VM\_guest\_metrics ref & 
metrics associated with the running guest \\
+$\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ &  {\tt security/label} & string & the VM's 
security label \\
 \subsection{RPCs associated with class: VM}
@@ -4395,6 +4410,82 @@ VM\_guest\_metrics ref
 value of the field
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_security\_label}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the security label field of the given VM. Refer to the XSPolicy class
+for the format of the security label.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} string get_security_label (session_id s, VM ref 
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt VM ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+value of the field
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~set\_security\_label}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Set the security label field of the given VM. Refer to the XSPolicy class
+for the format of the security label.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} int set_security_label (session_id s, VM ref self, string
+security_label, string old_label)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt VM ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+{\tt string } & security\_label & security label for the VM \\ \hline
+{\tt string } & old\_label & Optional label value that the security label \\
+& & must currently have for the change to succeed.\\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+Returns the ssidref in case of an VM that is currently running or
+paused, zero in case of a dormant VM (halted, suspended).
+\noindent{\bf Possible Error Codes:} {\tt SECURITY\_ERROR}
@@ -11317,6 +11408,79 @@ void
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~set\_security\_label}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Set the security label of the given VDI. Refer to the XSPolicy class
+for the format of the security label.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} void set_security_label (session_id s, VDI ref self, string
+security_label, string old_label)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt VDI ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+{\tt string } & security\_label & New value of the security label \\ \hline
+{\tt string } & old\_label & Optional label value that the security label \\
+& & must currently have for the change to succeed.\\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+\noindent{\bf Possible Error Codes:} {\tt SECURITY\_ERROR}
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_security\_label}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the security label of the given VDI.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} string get_security_label (session_id s, VDI ref 
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt VDI ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+value of the given field
 \subsubsection{RPC name:~create}
 {\bf Overview:} 
@@ -13424,6 +13588,38 @@ value of the field
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_runtime\_properties}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the runtime\_properties field of the given VTPM.
+\noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} ((string -> string) Map) get_runtime_properties (session_id 
s, VTPM ref self)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt VTPM ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+(string $\rightarrow$ string) Map
+value of the field
 \subsubsection{RPC name:~create}
 {\bf Overview:} 
@@ -14268,6 +14464,634 @@ all fields from the object
+\section{Class: XSPolicy}
+\subsection{Fields for class: XSPolicy}
+\multicolumn{1}{|l}{Name} & \multicolumn{3}{l|}{\bf XSPolicy} \\
+\multicolumn{1}{|l}{Description} & \multicolumn{3}{l|}{\parbox{11cm}{\em A Xen 
Security Policy}} \\
+Quals & Field & Type & Description \\
+$\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ &  {\tt uuid} & string  & unique identifier / 
object reference \\
+$\mathit{RW}$              &  {\tt repr} & string  & representation of policy, 
i.e., XML \\
+$\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ &  {\tt type} & xs\_type & type of the policy \\
+$\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ & {\tt flags} & xs\_instantiationflags & policy
+status flags \\
+\subsection{Semantics of the class: XSPolicy}
+The XSPolicy class is used for administering Xen Security policies. Through
+this class a new policy can be uploaded to the system, loaded into the
+Xen hypervisor for enforcement and be set as the policy that the
+system is automatically loading when the machine is started.
+This class returns information about the currently administered policy,
+including a reference to the policy. This reference can then be used with
+policy-specific classes, i.e., the ACMPolicy class, to allow retrieval of
+information or changes to be made to a particular policy.
+\subsection{Structure and datatypes of class: XSPolicy}
+Format of the security label:
+A security label consist of the three different parts {\it policy type},
+{\it policy name} and {\it label} separated with colons. To specify
+the virtual machine label for an ACM-type policy {\it xm-test}, the
+security label string would be {\it ACM:xm-test:blue}, where blue
+denotes the virtual machine's label. The format of resource labels is
+the same.\\[0.5cm]
+The following flags are used by this class:
+{\tt xs\_type} & value & meaning \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt XS\_POLICY\_ACM} & (1 $<<$ 0) & ACM-type policy \\
+{\tt xs\_instantiationflags} & value & meaning \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt XS\_INST\_NONE} & 0 & do nothing \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt XS\_INST\_BOOT} & (1 $<<$ 0) & make system boot with this 
policy \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt XS\_INST\_LOAD} & (1 $<<$ 1) & load policy immediately \\
+{\tt xs\_policystate} & type & meaning \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt xserr} & int & Error code from operation (if applicable) \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt xs\_ref}  & XSPolicy ref & reference to the XS policy as 
returned by the API \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt repr} & string & representation of the policy, i.e., XML \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt type} & xs\_type & the type of the policy \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt flags } & xs\_instantiationflags  & instantiation flags of 
the policy \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt version} & string & version of the policy \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt errors} & string & Base64-encoded sequence of integer 
tuples consisting \\
+& & of (error code, detail); will be returned as part  \\
+& & of the xs\_setpolicy function. \\
+\subsection{Additional RPCs associated with class: XSPolicy}
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_xstype}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Return the Xen Security Policy types supported by this system
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} xs_type get_xstype (session_id s)\end{verbatim}
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+flags representing the supported Xen security policy types
+ \vspace{0.3cm}
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~set\_xspolicy}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Set the current XSPolicy. This function can also be be used for updating of
+an existing policy whose name must be equivalent to the one of the
+currently running policy.
+\noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} xs_policystate set_xspolicy (session_id s, xs_type type, 
string repr,
+xs_instantiationflags flags, bool overwrite)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt xs\_type } & type & the type of policy \\ \hline
+{\tt string} & repr & representation of the policy, i.e., XML \\ \hline
+{\tt xs\_instantiationflags}    & flags & flags for the setting of the policy 
\\ \hline
+{\tt bool}   & overwrite & whether to overwrite an existing policy \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+State information about the policy. In case an error occurred, the 'xs\_err'
+field contains the error code. The 'errors' may contain further information
+about the error.
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_xspolicy}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get information regarding the currently set Xen Security Policy
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} xs_policystate get_xspolicy (session_id s)\end{verbatim}
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+Policy state information.
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~rm\_xsbootpolicy}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Remove any policy from the default boot configuration.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} void rm_xsbootpolicy (session_id s)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Possible Error Codes:} {\tt SECURITY\_ERROR}
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_labeled\_resources}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get a list of resources that have been labeled.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} ((string -> string) Map) get_labeled_resources (session_id 
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+(string $\rightarrow$ string) Map
+A map of resources with their labels.
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~set\_resource\_label}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Label the given resource with the given label. An empty label removes any label
+from the resource.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} void set_resource_label (session_id s, string resource, string
+label, string old_label)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt string } & resource & resource to label \\ \hline
+{\tt string } & label & label for the resource \\ \hline
+{\tt string } & old\_label & Optional label value that the security label \\
+& & must currently have for the change to succeed. \\ \hline
+\noindent{\bf Possible Error Codes:} {\tt SECURITY\_ERROR}
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_resource\_label}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the label of the given resource.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} string get_resource_label (session_id s, string 
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt string } & resource & resource to label \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+The label of the given resource.
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~activate\_xspolicy}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Load the referenced policy into the hypervisor.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} xs_instantiationflags activate_xspolicy (session_id s, xs_ref 
+xs_instantiationflags flags)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt xs ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+{\tt xs\_instantiationflags } & flags & flags to activate on a policy; flags
+  can only be set \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+Currently active instantiation flags.
+\noindent{\bf Possible Error Codes:} {\tt SECURITY\_ERROR}
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_all}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Return a list of all the XSPolicies known to the system.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} ((XSPolicy ref) Set) get_all (session_id s)\end{verbatim}
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+(XSPolicy ref) Set
+A list of all the IDs of all the XSPolicies
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_uuid}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the uuid field of the given XSPolicy.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} string get_uuid (session_id s, XSPolicy ref 
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt XSPolicy ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+value of the field
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_record}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get a record of the referenced XSPolicy.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} (XSPolicy record) get_record (session_id s, xs_ref 
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt xs ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+XSPolicy record
+all fields from the object
+\section{Class: ACMPolicy}
+\subsection{Fields for class: ACMPolicy}
+\multicolumn{1}{|l}{Name} & \multicolumn{3}{l|}{\bf ACMPolicy} \\
+\multicolumn{1}{|l}{Description} & \multicolumn{3}{l|}{\parbox{11cm}{\em An 
ACM Security Policy}} \\
+Quals & Field & Type & Description \\
+$\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ &  {\tt uuid} & string & unique identifier / object 
reference \\
+$\mathit{RW}$              &  {\tt repr} & string & representation of policy, 
in XML \\
+$\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ &  {\tt type} & xs\_type & type of the policy \\
+$\mathit{RO}_\mathit{run}$ & {\tt flags} & xs\_instantiationflags & policy
+status flags \\
+\subsection{Structure and datatypes of class: ACMPolicy}
+The following data structures are used:
+{\tt RIP acm\_policyheader} & type & meaning \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt policyname}   & string & name of the policy \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt policyurl }   & string & URL of the policy \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt date}         & string & data of the policy \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt reference}    & string & reference of the policy \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt namespaceurl} & string & namespaceurl of the policy \\
+\hspace{0.5cm}{\tt version}      & string & version of the policy \\
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_header}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the referenced policy's header information.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} acm_policyheader get_header (session_id s, xs ref 
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt xs ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+The policy's header information.
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_xml}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the XML representation of the given policy.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} string get_XML (session_id s, xs ref self)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt xs ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+XML representation of the referenced policy
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_map}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the mapping information of the given policy.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} string get_map (session_id s, xs ref self)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt xs ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+Mapping information of the referenced policy.
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_binary}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the binary policy representation of the referenced policy.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} string get_map (session_id s, xs ref self)\end{verbatim}
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt xs ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+Base64-encoded representation of the binary policy.
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_all}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Return a list of all the ACMPolicies known to the system.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} ((ACMPolicy ref) Set) get_all (session_id s)\end{verbatim}
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+(ACMPolicy ref) Set
+A list of all the IDs of all the ACMPolicies
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_uuid}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get the uuid field of the given ACMPolicy.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} string get_uuid (session_id s, ACMPolicy ref 
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt ACMPolicy ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+value of the field
+\subsubsection{RPC name:~get\_record}
+{\bf Overview:}
+Get a record of the referenced ACMPolicy.
+ \noindent {\bf Signature:}
+\begin{verbatim} (XSPolicy record) get_record (session_id s, xs_ref 
+\noindent{\bf Arguments:}
+ \hline
+{\bf type} & {\bf name} & {\bf description} \\ \hline
+{\tt xs ref } & self & reference to the object \\ \hline
+ \noindent {\bf Return Type:}
+XSPolicy record
+all fields from the object
 \section{Class: debug}
 \subsection{Fields for class: debug}

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