# HG changeset patch
# User Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1183978627 -3600
# Node ID 8426e8a36290ae8abcdabdfebaeeb4c45efeb384
# Parent 224da1b2c5c2650b61cca3a8773a3bc43e42e227
Add support to the tarball source type for using the ketchup tool.
Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
buildconfigs/ketchup | 742 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
buildconfigs/src.tarball | 11
2 files changed, 753 insertions(+)
diff -r 224da1b2c5c2 -r 8426e8a36290 buildconfigs/ketchup
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/buildconfigs/ketchup Mon Jul 09 11:57:07 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,742 @@
+# ketchup 0.9.8
+# http://selenic.com/ketchup/wiki
+# Copyright 2004 Matt Mackall <mpm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
+# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
+# Usage:
+# in an existing kernel directory, run:
+# ketchup <version>
+# where version is a complete kernel version, or a branch name to grab
+# the latest version
+# You can override some variables by creating a ~/.ketchuprc file.
+# The ~/.ketchuprc is just a Python script, eg. it might look like this:
+# kernel_url = 'http://kernel.localdomain/pub/linux/kernel'
+# archive = os.environ["HOME"] + '/tmp/ketchup-archive'
+# gpg = '/weird/path/to/gpg'
+import re, sys, urllib, os, getopt, glob, shutil
+def error(*args):
+ sys.stderr.write("ketchup: ")
+ for a in args:
+ sys.stderr.write(str(a))
+ sys.stderr.write("\n")
+def qprint(*args):
+ if not options["quiet"]:
+ sys.stdout.write(" ".join(map(str, args)))
+ sys.stdout.write("\n")
+def lprint(*args):
+ sys.stdout.write(" ".join(map(str, args)))
+ sys.stdout.write("\n")
+def fancyopts(args, options, state, syntax=''):
+ long = []
+ short = ''
+ map = {}
+ dt = {}
+ def help(state, opt, arg, options = options, syntax = syntax):
+ lprint("Usage: ", syntax)
+ for s, l, d, c in options:
+ opt = ' '
+ if s: opt = opt + '-' + s + ' '
+ if l: opt = opt + '--' + l + ' '
+ if d: opt = opt + '(' + str(d) + ')'
+ lprint(opt)
+ if c: lprint(' %s' % c)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ options = [('h', 'help', help, 'Show usage info')] + options
+ for s, l, d, c in options:
+ map['-'+s] = map['--'+l]=l
+ state[l] = d
+ dt[l] = type(d)
+ if not d is None and not type(d) is type(help): s, l = s + ':', l + '='
+ if s: short = short + s
+ if l: long.append(l)
+ if os.environ.has_key("KETCHUP_OPTS"):
+ args = os.environ["KETCHUP_OPTS"].split() + args
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, short, long)
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ help(state, None, args)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ if dt[map[opt]] is type(help): state[map[opt]](state,map[opt],arg)
+ elif dt[map[opt]] is type(1): state[map[opt]] = int(arg)
+ elif dt[map[opt]] is type(''): state[map[opt]] = arg
+ elif dt[map[opt]] is type([]): state[map[opt]].append(arg)
+ elif dt[map[opt]] is type(None): state[map[opt]] = 1
+ return args
+# Default values
+kernel_url = 'http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel'
+archive = os.environ["HOME"] + "/.ketchup"
+rename_prefix = 'linux-'
+rename_with_localversion = False
+wget = "/usr/bin/wget"
+gpg = "/usr/bin/gpg"
+precommand = postcommand = None
+default_tree = None
+local_trees = {}
+# Functions to parse version strings
+def tree(ver):
+ return float(re.match(r'(\d+\.\d+)', ver).group(1))
+def rev(ver):
+ p = pre(ver)
+ r = int(re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)', ver).group(1))
+ if p: r = r - 1
+ return r
+def pre(ver):
+ try: return re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?-((rc|pre)\d+)', ver).group(2)
+ except: return None
+def post(ver):
+ try: return re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)', ver).group(1)
+ except: return None
+def pretype(ver):
+ try: return re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?-((rc|pre)\d+)', ver).group(3)
+ except: return None
+def prenum(ver):
+ try: return int(re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+-((rc|pre)(\d+))', ver).group(3))
+ except: return None
+def prebase(ver):
+ return re.match(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+((-(rc|pre)|\.)\d+)?)', ver).group(1)
+def revbase(ver):
+ return "%s.%s" % (tree(ver), rev(ver))
+def base(ver):
+ v = revbase(ver)
+ if post(ver): v += "." + post(ver)
+ return v
+def forkname(ver):
+ try: return re.match(r'\d+.\d+.\d+(\.\d+)?(-(rc|pre)\d+)?(-(\w+?)\d+)?',
+ ver).group(5)
+ except: return None
+def forknum(ver):
+ try: return int(
+ re.match(r'\d+.\d+.\d+(\.\d+)?(-(rc|pre)\d+)?(-(\w+?)(\d+))?',
+ ver).group(6))
+ except: return None
+def fork(ver):
+ try: return re.match(r'\d+.\d+.\d+(\.\d+)?(-(rc|pre)\d+)?(-(\w+))?',
+ except: return None
+def get_ver(makefile):
+ """ Read the version information from the specified makefile """
+ part = {}
+ m = open(makefile)
+ for l in m.readlines():
+ for p in parts:
+ try: part[p] = re.match(r'%s\s*=\s*(\S+)' % p, l).group(1)
+ except: pass
+ version = "%s.%s.%s" % tuple([part[p] for p in parts[:3]])
+ version += part.get("EXTRAVERSION","")
+ return version
+def get_localversion():
+ v = ''
+ for name in glob.glob('localversion*'):
+ try: v += open(name).readline().strip()
+ except: pass
+ try:
+ c = open('.config').read()
+ v += re.search(r'^CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="(.+)"', c, re.M).group(1)
+ except: pass
+ return v
+def compare_ver(a, b):
+ """
+ Compare kernel versions a and b
+ Note that -pre and -rc versions sort before the version they modify,
+ -pre sorts before -rc, -bk, -git, and -mm, etc. sort alphabetically.
+ """
+ if a == b: return 0
+ c = cmp(float(tree(a)), float(tree(b)))
+ if c: return c
+ c = cmp(rev(a), rev(b))
+ if c: return c
+ c = cmp(int(post(a) or 0), int(post(b) or 0))
+ if c: return c
+ c = cmp(pretype(a), pretype(b)) # pre sorts before rc
+ if c: return c
+ c = cmp(prenum(a), prenum(b))
+ if c: return c
+ c = cmp(forkname(a), forkname(b))
+ if c: return c
+ return cmp(forknum(a), forknum(b))
+def last(url, pat="(.*/)"):
+ for l in urllib.urlopen(url).readlines():
+ m = re.search('(?i)<a href="%s">' % pat, l)
+ if m: n = m.group(1)
+ return n
+def latest_mm(url, pat):
+ url = kernel_url + '/people/akpm/patches/2.6/'
+ url += last(url)
+ part = last(url)
+ return part[:-1]
+def latest_ck(url, pat):
+ url = "http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/2.6/pre-releases/"
+ url += last(url)
+ part = last(url)
+ pre = part[:-1]
+ url = "http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/2.6/"
+ url += last(url,"(2.6.*/)")
+ part = last(url)
+ rel = part[:-1]
+ l = [pre, rel]
+ l.sort(compare_ver)
+ return l[-1]
+def latest_dir(url, pat):
+ """Find the latest link matching pat at url after sorting"""
+ p = []
+ for l in urllib.urlopen(url).readlines():
+ m = re.search('"%s"' % pat, l)
+ if m: p.append(m.group(1))
+ if not p: return None
+ p.sort(compare_ver)
+ return p[-1]
+# mbligh is lazy and has a bunch of empty directories
+def latest_mjb(url, pat):
+ url = kernel_url + '/people/mbligh/'
+ # find the last Linus release and search backwards
+ l = [find_ver('2.6'), find_ver("2.6-pre")]
+ l.sort(compare_ver)
+ linus = l[-1]
+ p = []
+ for l in urllib.urlopen(url).readlines():
+ m = re.search('"(2\.6\..*/)"', l)
+ if m:
+ v = m.group(1)
+ if compare_ver(v, linus) <= 0:
+ p.append(v)
+ p.sort(compare_ver)
+ p.reverse()
+ for ver in p:
+ mjb = latest_dir(url + ver, pat)
+ if mjb: return mjb
+ return None
+def latest_26_tip(url, pat):
+ l = [find_ver('2.6'), find_ver('2.6-git'), find_ver('2.6-pre')]
+ l.sort(compare_ver)
+ return l[-1]
+def find_info(ver):
+ b = "%.1f" % tree(ver)
+ f = forkname(ver)
+ p = pre(ver)
+ s = b
+ if f:
+ s = "%s-%s" % (b, f)
+ elif p:
+ s = "%s-pre" % b
+ return version_info[s]
+def version_urls(ver):
+ """ Return the URL for the patch associated with the specified version """
+ i = find_info(ver)[1]
+ if type(i) != type([]):
+ i = [i]
+ v = {
+ 'full': ver,
+ 'tree': tree(ver),
+ 'base': base(ver),
+ 'prebase': prebase(ver)
+ }
+ l = []
+ for e in i:
+ l.append(e % v)
+ return l
+def patch_path(ver):
+ return os.path.join(archive, os.path.basename(version_urls(ver)[0]))
+def download(url, f):
+ qprint("Downloading %s" % os.path.basename(url))
+ if options["dry-run"]:
+ return 1
+ if not options["wget"]:
+ p = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
+ if p.find("<title>404") != -1:
+ return None
+ open(f, 'w').write(p)
+ else:
+ e = os.system("%s -c -O %s %s" %
+ (options["wget"], f + ".partial", url))
+ if e:
+ return None
+ os.rename(f + ".partial", f)
+ return 1
+def verify(url, f, sign):
+ if options["no-gpg"] or options["dry-run"] or not options["gpg-path"]:
+ return 1
+ sf = f + sign
+ if not download(url + sign, sf):
+ error("signature download failed")
+ error("removing files...")
+ os.unlink(f)
+ return 0
+ qprint("Verifying signature...")
+ r = os.system("%s --verify %s %s" % (options["gpg-path"], sf, f))
+ if r:
+ error("gpg returned %d" % r)
+ error("removing files...")
+ os.unlink(f)
+ os.unlink(sf)
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def trydownload(urls, f, sign):
+ for url in urls:
+ if download(url, f):
+ if not sign or verify(url, f, sign):
+ return f
+ if url[-4:] == ".bz2":
+ f2 = f[:-4] + ".gz"
+ url2 = url[:-4] + ".gz"
+ if download(url2, f2):
+ if not sign or verify(url2, f2, sign):
+ return f2
+ return None
+def get_patch(ver):
+ """Return the path to patch for given ver, downloading if necessary"""
+ f = patch_path(ver)
+ if os.path.exists(f):
+ return f
+ if f[-4:] == ".bz2":
+ f2 = f[:-4] + ".gz"
+ if os.path.exists(f2):
+ return f2
+ urls = version_urls(ver)
+ sign = find_info(ver)[3]
+ if sign == 1: sign = ".sign"
+ f = trydownload(urls, f, sign)
+ if not f:
+ error("patch download failed")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ return f
+def apply_patch(ver, reverse = 0):
+ """Find the patch to upgrade from the predecessor of ver to ver and
+ apply or reverse it."""
+ p = get_patch(ver)
+ r = ""
+ if reverse:
+ r = " -R"
+ qprint("Applying %s%s" % (os.path.basename(p), r))
+ if options["dry-run"]:
+ return ver
+ def cmd(patch, reverse, dry):
+ base = "patch -l -p1%s" % reverse
+ if dry:
+ base += " --dry-run"
+ if p[-4:] == ".bz2":
+ pipe = "bzcat %s | %s" % (patch, base)
+ elif p[-3:] == ".gz":
+ pipe = "zcat %s | %s" % (patch, base)
+ else:
+ pipe = "%s < %s" % (base, patch)
+ err = os.system(pipe + " > .patchdiag")
+ if err:
+ sys.stderr.write(open(".patchdiag").read())
+ os.unlink(".patchdiag")
+ return err
+ err = cmd(p, r, 1)
+ if err:
+ error("patch %s failed: %d" % (p, err))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ err = cmd(p, r, 0)
+ if err:
+ error("patch %s failed while it was supposed to apply: %d" % (p, err))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+def untar(tarfile):
+ old = os.getcwd()
+ os.mkdir("ketchup-tmp")
+ os.chdir("ketchup-tmp")
+ err = os.system("bzcat %s | tar -xf -" % tarfile)
+ if err:
+ error("Unpacking failed: ", err)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ err = os.system("mv linux*/* linux*/.[^.]* ..; rmdir linux*")
+ if err:
+ error("Unpacking failed: ", err)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ os.chdir(old)
+ shutil.rmtree("ketchup-tmp")
+def install_nearest(ver):
+ t = tree(ver)
+ tarballs = glob.glob(archive + "/linux-%s.*.tar.bz2" % t)
+ list = []
+ for f in tarballs:
+ m = re.match(r'.*/linux-(.*).tar.bz2$', f)
+ v = m.group(1)
+ d = abs(rev(v) - rev(ver))
+ list.append((d, f, v))
+ list.sort()
+ if not list or (options["full-tarball"] and list[0][0]):
+ f = "linux-%s.tar.bz2" % ver
+ url = "%s/v%s/%s" % (kernel_url, t, f)
+ f = archive + "/" + f
+ sign = find_info(ver)[3]
+ if sign == 1: sign = ".sign"
+ f = trydownload([url], f, sign)
+ if not f:
+ error("Tarball download failed")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ else:
+ f = list[0][1]
+ ver = list[0][2]
+ qprint("Unpacking %s" % os.path.basename(f))
+ if options["dry-run"]: return ver
+ untar(f)
+ return ver
+def find_ver(ver):
+ if ver in version_info.keys():
+ v = version_info[ver]
+ d = v[1]
+ if type(d) is type([]):
+ d = d[0]
+ for n in range(5):
+ return v[0](os.path.dirname(d), v[2])
+ error('retrying version lookup for %s' % ver)
+ else:
+ return ver
+def transform(a, b):
+ if a == b:
+ qprint("Nothing to do!")
+ return
+ if not a:
+ a = install_nearest(base(b))
+ t = tree(a)
+ if t != tree(b):
+ error("Can't patch %s to %s" % (tree(a), tree(b)))
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if fork(a):
+ apply_patch(a, 1)
+ a = prebase(a)
+ if prebase(a) != prebase(b):
+ if pre(a):
+ apply_patch(a, 1)
+ a = base(a)
+ if post(a) and post(a) != post(b):
+ apply_patch(prebase(a), 1)
+ ra, rb = rev(a), rev(b)
+ if ra > rb:
+ for r in range(ra, rb, -1):
+ apply_patch("%s.%s" % (t, r), -1)
+ if ra < rb:
+ for r in range(ra + 1, rb + 1):
+ apply_patch("%s.%s" % (t, r))
+ a = revbase(b)
+ if post(b) and post(a) != post(b):
+ apply_patch(prebase(b), 0)
+ a = base(b)
+ if pre(b):
+ apply_patch(prebase(b))
+ a = prebase(b)
+ if fork(b):
+ a = apply_patch(b)
+def rename_dir(v):
+ """Rename the current directory to linux-v, where v is the function arg"""
+ if rename_with_localversion:
+ v += get_localversion()
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ basedir = os.path.dirname(cwd)
+ newdir = os.path.join(basedir, rename_prefix + v)
+ if newdir == cwd:
+ return
+ if os.access(newdir, os.F_OK):
+ error("Cannot rename directory, destination exists: %s", newdir);
+ return
+ os.rename(cwd, newdir)
+ qprint('Current directory renamed to %s' % newdir)
+# latest lookup function, canonical urls, pattern for lookup function,
+# signature flag, description
+version_info = {
+ '2.4': (latest_dir,
+ kernel_url + "/v2.4" + "/patch-%(base)s.bz2",
+ r'patch-(.*?).bz2',
+ 1, "old stable kernel series"),
+ '2.4-pre': (latest_dir,
+ kernel_url + "/v2.4" + "/testing/patch-%(prebase)s.bz2",
+ r'patch-(.*?).bz2',
+ 1, "old stable kernel series prereleases"),
+ '2.6': (latest_dir,
+ kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/patch-%(prebase)s.bz2",
+ r'patch-(.*?).bz2',
+ 1, "current stable kernel series"),
+ '2.6-rc': (latest_dir,
+ kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/testing/patch-%(prebase)s.bz2",
+ r'patch-(.*?).bz2',
+ 1, "current stable kernel series prereleases"),
+ '2.6-pre': (latest_dir,
+ kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/testing/patch-%(prebase)s.bz2",
+ r'patch-(.*?).bz2',
+ 1, "current stable kernel series prereleases"),
+ '2.6-git': (latest_dir,
+ [kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/snapshots/patch-%(full)s.bz2",
+ kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/snapshots/old/patch-%(full)s.bz2"],
+ r'patch-(.*?).bz2',
+ 1, "current stable kernel series snapshots"),
+ '2.6-bk': (latest_dir,
+ [kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/snapshots/patch-%(full)s.bz2",
+ kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/snapshots/old/patch-%(full)s.bz2"],
+ r'patch-(.*?).bz2',
+ 1, "old stable kernel series snapshots"),
+ '2.6-tip': (latest_26_tip, "", "", 1,
+ "current stable kernel series tip"),
+ '2.6-mm': (latest_mm,
+ kernel_url + "/people/akpm/patches/" +
+ "%(tree)s/%(prebase)s/%(full)s/%(full)s.bz2", "",
+ 1, "Andrew Morton's -mm development tree"),
+ '2.6-tiny': (latest_dir,
+ "http://www.selenic.com/tiny/%(full)s.patch.bz2",
+ r'(2.6.*?).patch.bz2',
+ 1, "Matt Mackall's -tiny tree for small systems"),
+ '2.6-mjb': (latest_mjb,
+ kernel_url + "/people/mbligh/%(prebase)s/patch-%(full)s.bz2",
+ r'patch-(2.6.*?).bz2',
+ 1, "Martin Bligh's random collection 'o crap"),
+ '2.6-rt': (latest_dir,
+ ["http://people.redhat.com/mingo/" +
+ "realtime-preempt/patch-%(full)s",
+ "http://people.redhat.com/mingo/" +
+ "realtime-preempt/older/patch-%(full)s"],
+ r'patch-(2.6.*?)',
+ 0, "Ingo Molnar's realtime-preempt kernel"),
+ '2.6-ck': (latest_ck,
+ ["http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/2.6/" +
+ "%(prebase)s/%(full)s/patch-%(full)s.bz2",
+ "http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/2.6/pre-releases/" +
+ "%(prebase)s/%(full)s/patch-%(full)s.bz2"],
+ "", ".sig",
+ "Con Kolivas' patches for system responsiveness (desktop)"),
+ '2.6-cks': (latest_dir,
+ "http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/cks/patch-%(full)s.bz2",
+ r'patch-(2.6.*?).bz2', ".sig",
+ "Con Kolivas' patches for system responsiveness (server)")
+ }
+# Override defaults with ~/.ketchuprc which is just a Python script
+rcpath = os.path.expanduser('~/.ketchuprc')
+if os.path.isfile(rcpath):
+ try:
+ execfile(rcpath)
+ except Exception, e:
+ sys.exit('Failed parsing %s\nError was: %s' % (rcpath, e))
+# Add local trees
+for k,v in local_trees.items():
+ version_info[k] = v
+# Environment variables override defaults and ketchuprc
+kernel_url = os.environ.get("KETCHUP_URL", kernel_url)
+archive = os.environ.get("KETCHUP_ARCH", archive)
+# And finally command line overrides everything
+if not os.path.exists(wget): wget = ""
+if not os.path.exists(gpg): gpg = ""
+options = {}
+opts = [
+ ('a', 'archive', archive, 'cache directory'),
+ ('d', 'directory', '.', 'directory to update'),
+ ('f', 'full-tarball', None, 'if unpacking a tarball, download the latest'),
+ ('g', 'gpg-path', gpg, 'path for GnuPG'),
+ ('G', 'no-gpg', None, 'disable GPG signature verification'),
+ ('k', 'kernel-url', kernel_url, 'base url for kernel.org mirror'),
+ ('l', 'list-trees', None, 'list supported trees'),
+ ('m', 'show-makefile', None, 'output version in makefile <arg>'),
+ ('n', 'dry-run', None, 'don\'t download or apply patches'),
+ ('p', 'show-previous', None, 'output version previous to <arg>'),
+ ('q', 'quiet', None, 'reduce output'),
+ ('r', 'rename-directory', None, 'rename updated directory to %s<v>'
+ % rename_prefix),
+ ('s', 'show-latest', None, 'output the latest version of <arg>'),
+ ('u', 'show-url', None, 'output URL for <arg>'),
+ ('w', 'wget', wget, 'command to use for wget'),
+ ]
+args = fancyopts(sys.argv[1:], opts, options,
+ 'ketchup [options] [ver]')
+archive = options["archive"]
+kernel_url = options["kernel-url"]
+if options["no-gpg"]: options["gpg-path"] = ''
+# Process args
+if not os.path.exists(options["directory"]):
+ qprint("Creating target directory", options["directory"])
+ os.mkdir(options["directory"])
+if os.path.isfile(".ketchuprc"):
+ try:
+ execfile(".ketchuprc")
+ except Exception, e:
+ sys.exit('Failed parsing .ketchuprc\nError was: %s' % (e))
+if options["list-trees"]:
+ l = version_info.keys()
+ l.sort()
+ for tree in l:
+ if version_info[tree][3] == 0:
+ lprint(tree, "(unsigned)")
+ else:
+ lprint(tree, "(signed)")
+ lprint(" " + version_info[tree][4])
+ sys.exit(0)
+if options["show-makefile"] and len(args) < 2:
+ if not args:
+ lprint(get_ver("Makefile"))
+ else:
+ lprint(get_ver(args[0]))
+ sys.exit(0)
+if len(args) == 0 and default_tree:
+ qprint("Using default tree \"%s\"" % (default_tree))
+ args.append(default_tree)
+if len(args) != 1:
+ error("No version given on command line and no default in configuration")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+if options["show-latest"]:
+ lprint(find_ver(args[0]))
+ sys.exit(0)
+if options["show-url"]:
+ lprint(version_urls(find_ver(args[0]))[0])
+ sys.exit(0)
+if options["show-previous"]:
+ v = find_ver(args[0])
+ p = prebase(v)
+ if p == v: p = base(v)
+ if p == v:
+ if rev(v) > 0: p = "%.1f.%s" % (tree(v), rev(v) -1)
+ else: p = "unknown"
+ lprint(p)
+ sys.exit(0)
+if not os.path.exists(options["archive"]):
+ qprint("Creating cache directory", options["archive"])
+ os.mkdir(options["archive"])
+if precommand and os.system(precommand):
+ sys.exit('Precommand "%s" failed!' % precommand)
+ a = get_ver('Makefile')
+ a = None
+if not a and os.listdir("."):
+ error("Can't find kernel version for non-empty directory")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+b = find_ver(args[0])
+qprint("%s -> %s" % (a, b))
+transform(a, b)
+if options["rename-directory"] and not options["dry-run"]:
+ rename_dir(b)
+if postcommand and os.system(postcommand):
+ sys.exit('Postcommand "%s" failed!' % postcommand)
diff -r 224da1b2c5c2 -r 8426e8a36290 buildconfigs/src.tarball
--- a/buildconfigs/src.tarball Mon Jul 09 11:29:39 2007 +0100
+++ b/buildconfigs/src.tarball Mon Jul 09 11:57:07 2007 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@ XEN_LINUX_MIRROR ?= http://www.kernel.or
XEN_LINUX_MIRROR ?= http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/
XEN_LINUX_TARBALL ?= linux-$(LINUX_VER)-xen.tar.bz2
+# Update using ketchup instead of manipulating tarball manually.
+KETCHUP ?= buildconfigs/ketchup
vpath linux-%.tar.bz2 $(LINUX_SRC_PATH)
@@ -12,6 +17,11 @@ linux-%.tar.bz2:
# XXX create a pristine tree for diff -Nurp convenience
+ $(KETCHUP) -d $(@D) $(LINUX_VER)
+ touch $@ # update timestamp to avoid rebuild
%/.valid-src: %.tar.bz2
rm -rf tmp-linux-$* $(@D)
mkdir -p tmp-linux-$*
@@ -20,3 +30,4 @@ linux-%.tar.bz2:
mv tmp-linux-$*/* $(@D)
@rm -rf tmp-linux-$*
touch $@ # update timestamp to avoid rebuild
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