# HG changeset patch
# User kaf24@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Node ID 492fe12a6db40dd6053e8cea64da821601c5579a
# Parent 1bea937e53cc08c12c62a091f7445b3a90e25e77
Fix .hgignore and add missing vtpm patch file.
diff -r 1bea937e53cc -r 492fe12a6db4 .hgignore
--- a/.hgignore Tue Sep 20 16:13:01 2005
+++ b/.hgignore Wed Sep 21 09:56:34 2005
@@ -139,9 +139,10 @@
diff -r 1bea937e53cc -r 492fe12a6db4 tools/vtpm/tpm_emulator-0.2b-x86_64.patch
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 20 16:13:01 2005
+++ b/tools/vtpm/tpm_emulator-0.2b-x86_64.patch Wed Sep 21 09:56:34 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/crypto/gmp_kernel_wrapper.c
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/crypto/gmp_kernel_wrapper.c 2005-08-15
00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/crypto/gmp_kernel_wrapper.c 2005-09-19
14:10:29.000000000 -0700
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) *kerne
+ {
+ void *ret = (void*)kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!ret) panic(KERN_CRIT TPM_MODULE_NAME
+- "GMP: cannot allocate memory (size=%u)\n", size);
++ "GMP: cannot allocate memory (size=%Zu)\n", size);
+ return ret;
+ }
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void __attribute__ ((regparm(0))) *kerne
+ {
+ void *ret = (void*)kmalloc(new_size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!ret) panic(KERN_CRIT TPM_MODULE_NAME "GMP: Cannot reallocate memory "
+- "(old_size=%u new_size=%u)\n", old_size, new_size);
++ "(old_size=%Zu new_size=%Zu)\n", old_size, new_size);
+ memcpy(ret, oldptr, old_size);
+ kfree(oldptr);
+ return ret;
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/linux_module.c
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/linux_module.c 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/linux_module.c 2005-09-19 14:10:29.000000000
+@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static int tpm_release(struct inode *ino
+ static ssize_t tpm_read(struct file *file, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t
+ {
+- debug("%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, count);
++ debug("%s(%Zu)", __FUNCTION__, count);
+ down(&tpm_mutex);
+ if (tpm_response.data != NULL) {
+ count = min(count, (size_t)tpm_response.size - (size_t)*ppos);
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static ssize_t tpm_read(struct file *fil
+ static ssize_t tpm_write(struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count,
loff_t *ppos)
+ {
+- debug("%s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, count);
++ debug("%s(%Zu)", __FUNCTION__, count);
+ down(&tpm_mutex);
+ *ppos = 0;
+ if (tpm_response.data != NULL) kfree(tpm_response.data);
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/linux_module.h
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/linux_module.h 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/linux_module.h 2005-09-19 14:10:29.000000000
+@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@
+ /* module settings */
++#ifndef STR
+ #define STR(s) __STR__(s)
+ #define __STR__(s) #s
+ #include "tpm_version.h"
+ #define TPM_DEVICE_MINOR 224
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/Makefile tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/Makefile
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/Makefile 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/Makefile 2005-09-19 14:10:29.000000000 -0700
+@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
+ KERNEL_RELEASE := $(shell uname -r)
+ KERNEL_BUILD := /lib/modules/$(KERNEL_RELEASE)/build
+ MOD_SUBDIR := misc
++COMPILE_ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m | sed -e s/i.86/x86_32/)
+ # module settings
+ MODULE_NAME := tpm_emulator
+@@ -17,8 +18,14 @@ VERSION_BUILD := $(shell date +"%s")
+ # enable/disable DEBUG messages
++ifeq ($(COMPILE_ARCH),x86_64)
++LIBDIR = lib64
++LIBDIR = lib
+ # GNU MP configuration
+-GMP_LIB := /usr/lib/libgmp.a
++GMP_LIB := /usr/$(LIBDIR)/libgmp.a
+ GMP_HEADER := /usr/include/gmp.h
+ # sources and objects
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/README tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/README
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/README 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/README 2005-09-19 14:21:43.000000000 -0700
+@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ Example:
+ GMP_LIB := /usr/lib/libgmp.a
+ GMP_HEADER := /usr/include/gmp.h
++GNU MP Library on 64 bit Systems
++Some 64-bit kernels have problems with importing the user-space gmp
++library (/usr/lib*/libgmp.a) into kernel space. These kernels will require
++that the gmp library be recompiled for kernel space with -mcmodel=kernel.
+ Installation
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The compilation and installation process uses the build environment for
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_credentials.c
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_credentials.c 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/tpm/tpm_credentials.c 2005-09-19
14:10:29.000000000 -0700
+@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@ int tpm_compute_pubkey_checksum(TPM_NONC
+ TPM_RESULT tpm_get_pubek(TPM_PUBKEY *pubEndorsementKey)
+ {
+- UINT32 key_length;
++ size_t key_length;
+ if (!tpmData.permanent.data.endorsementKey.size) return TPM_NO_ENDORSEMENT;
+ /* setup TPM_PUBKEY structure */
+- key_length = tpmData.permanent.data.endorsementKey.size;
+- pubEndorsementKey->pubKey.keyLength = key_length >> 3;
++ pubEndorsementKey->pubKey.keyLength =
tpmData.permanent.data.endorsementKey.size >> 3;
+ pubEndorsementKey->pubKey.key =
+ if (pubEndorsementKey->pubKey.key == NULL) return TPM_FAIL;
+ rsa_export_modulus(&tpmData.permanent.data.endorsementKey,
+- pubEndorsementKey->pubKey.key,
+- &pubEndorsementKey->pubKey.keyLength);
++ pubEndorsementKey->pubKey.key,
++ &key_length);
++ pubEndorsementKey->pubKey.keyLength = key_length;
+ pubEndorsementKey->algorithmParms.algorithmID = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+ pubEndorsementKey->algorithmParms.encScheme = TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1;
+ pubEndorsementKey->algorithmParms.sigScheme = TPM_SS_NONE;
+@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_OwnerReadInternalPub(TPM_
+ {
+ TPM_KEY_DATA *srk = &tpmData.permanent.data.srk;
++ size_t key_length;
+ info("TPM_OwnerReadInternalPub()");
+ /* verify authorization */
+ res = tpm_verify_auth(auth1, tpmData.permanent.data.ownerAuth,
+@@ -180,7 +181,8 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_OwnerReadInternalPub(TPM_
+ publicPortion->pubKey.key = tpm_malloc(publicPortion->pubKey.keyLength);
+ if (publicPortion->pubKey.key == NULL) return TPM_FAIL;
+ rsa_export_modulus(&srk->key, publicPortion->pubKey.key,
+- &publicPortion->pubKey.keyLength);
++ &key_length);
++ publicPortion->pubKey.keyLength = key_length;
+ publicPortion->algorithmParms.algorithmID = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+ publicPortion->algorithmParms.encScheme = srk->encScheme;
+ publicPortion->algorithmParms.sigScheme = srk->sigScheme;
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_crypto.c
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_crypto.c 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/tpm/tpm_crypto.c 2005-09-19 14:10:29.000000000
+@@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_CertifyKey(TPM_KEY_HANDLE
+ TPM_KEY_DATA *cert, *key;
+ sha1_ctx_t sha1_ctx;
+ BYTE *buf, *p;
+- UINT32 length;
++ UINT32 length32;
++ size_t length;
+ info("TPM_CertifyKey()");
+ /* get keys */
+ cert = tpm_get_key(certHandle);
+@@ -264,14 +265,15 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_CertifyKey(TPM_KEY_HANDLE
+ /* compute the digest of the CERTIFY_INFO[2] structure and sign it */
+ length = sizeof_TPM_CERTIFY_INFO((*certifyInfo));
+ p = buf = tpm_malloc(length);
++ length32=(UINT32) length;
+ if (buf == NULL
+- || tpm_marshal_TPM_CERTIFY_INFO(&p, &length, certifyInfo)) {
++ || tpm_marshal_TPM_CERTIFY_INFO(&p, &length32, certifyInfo)) {
+ free_TPM_KEY_PARMS(certifyInfo->algorithmParms);
+ return TPM_FAIL;
+ }
+ length = sizeof_TPM_CERTIFY_INFO((*certifyInfo));
+ sha1_init(&sha1_ctx);
+- sha1_update(&sha1_ctx, buf, length);
++ sha1_update(&sha1_ctx, buf, (size_t) length);
+ sha1_final(&sha1_ctx, buf);
+ res = tpm_sign(cert, auth1, FALSE, buf, SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH, outData,
+ tpm_free(buf);
+@@ -292,7 +294,8 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_CertifyKey2(TPM_KEY_HANDL
+ TPM_KEY_DATA *cert, *key;
+ sha1_ctx_t sha1_ctx;
+ BYTE *buf, *p;
+- UINT32 length;
++ size_t length;
++ UINT32 length32;
+ info("TPM_CertifyKey2()");
+ /* get keys */
+ cert = tpm_get_key(certHandle);
+@@ -362,8 +365,9 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_CertifyKey2(TPM_KEY_HANDL
+ /* compute the digest of the CERTIFY_INFO[2] structure and sign it */
+ length = sizeof_TPM_CERTIFY_INFO((*certifyInfo));
+ p = buf = tpm_malloc(length);
++ length32 = (UINT32) length;
+ if (buf == NULL
+- || tpm_marshal_TPM_CERTIFY_INFO(&p, &length, certifyInfo)) {
++ || tpm_marshal_TPM_CERTIFY_INFO(&p, &length32, certifyInfo)) {
+ free_TPM_KEY_PARMS(certifyInfo->algorithmParms);
+ return TPM_FAIL;
+ }
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_data.c
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_data.c 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/tpm/tpm_data.c 2005-09-19 14:10:29.000000000
+@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ static int read_from_file(uint8_t **data
+ int tpm_store_permanent_data(void)
+ {
+ uint8_t *buf, *ptr;
+- size_t buf_length, len;
++ UINT32 buf_length, len;
+ /* marshal data */
+ buf_length = len = sizeof_TPM_STCLEAR_FLAGS(tpmData.stclear.flags)
+@@ -207,13 +207,14 @@ int tpm_store_permanent_data(void)
+ int tpm_restore_permanent_data(void)
+ {
+ uint8_t *buf, *ptr;
+- size_t buf_length, len;
++ size_t buf_length;
++ UINT32 len;
+ /* read data */
+ if (read_from_file(&buf, &buf_length)) return -1;
+ ptr = buf;
+- len = buf_length;
++ len = (uint32_t) buf_length;
+ /* unmarshal data */
+ if (tpm_unmarshal_TPM_VERSION(&ptr, &len, &ver)
+ || memcmp(&ver, &tpmData.permanent.data.version, sizeof(TPM_VERSION))
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_marshalling.c
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_marshalling.c 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/tpm/tpm_marshalling.c 2005-09-19
14:10:29.000000000 -0700
+@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ int tpm_unmarshal_TPM_STANY_FLAGS(BYTE *
+ int tpm_marshal_RSA(BYTE **ptr, UINT32 *length, rsa_private_key_t *v)
+ {
+- UINT32 m_len, e_len, q_len;
++ size_t m_len, e_len, q_len;
+ if (*length < sizeof_RSA((*v))) return -1;
+ if (v->size > 0) {
+ rsa_export_modulus(v, &(*ptr)[6], &m_len);
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_owner.c
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_owner.c 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/tpm/tpm_owner.c 2005-09-19 14:10:29.000000000
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_TakeOwnership(TPM_PROTOCO
+ rsa_private_key_t *ek = &tpmData.permanent.data.endorsementKey;
+ TPM_KEY_DATA *srk = &tpmData.permanent.data.srk;
+- UINT32 buf_size = ek->size >> 3;
++ size_t buf_size = ek->size >> 3, key_length;
+ BYTE buf[buf_size];
+ info("TPM_TakeOwnership()");
+@@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_TakeOwnership(TPM_PROTOCO
+ return TPM_FAIL;
+ }
+ rsa_export_modulus(&srk->key, srkPub->pubKey.key,
+- &srkPub->pubKey.keyLength);
++ &key_length);
++ srkPub->pubKey.keyLength = (UINT32) key_length;
+ /* setup tpmProof and set state to owned */
+ tpm_get_random_bytes(tpmData.permanent.data.tpmProof.nonce,
+ sizeof(tpmData.permanent.data.tpmProof.nonce));
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_storage.c
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm/tpm_storage.c 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/tpm/tpm_storage.c 2005-09-19 14:10:29.000000000
+@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ int encrypt_sealed_data(TPM_KEY_DATA *ke
+ BYTE *enc, UINT32 *enc_size)
+ {
+ UINT32 len;
++ size_t enc_size32 = *enc_size;
+ BYTE *buf, *ptr;
+ rsa_public_key_t pub_key;
+ int scheme;
+@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ int encrypt_sealed_data(TPM_KEY_DATA *ke
+ if (buf == NULL
+ || tpm_marshal_TPM_SEALED_DATA(&ptr, &len, seal)
+ || rsa_encrypt(&pub_key, scheme, buf, sizeof_TPM_SEALED_DATA((*seal)),
+- enc, enc_size)) {
++ enc, &enc_size32)) {
+ tpm_free(buf);
+ rsa_release_public_key(&pub_key);
+ return -1;
+@@ -85,7 +86,8 @@ int encrypt_sealed_data(TPM_KEY_DATA *ke
+ int decrypt_sealed_data(TPM_KEY_DATA *key, BYTE *enc, UINT32 enc_size,
+ TPM_SEALED_DATA *seal, BYTE **buf)
+ {
+- UINT32 len;
++ size_t len;
++ UINT32 len32;
+ BYTE *ptr;
+ int scheme;
+ switch (key->encScheme) {
+@@ -96,8 +98,12 @@ int decrypt_sealed_data(TPM_KEY_DATA *ke
+ len = enc_size;
+ *buf = ptr = tpm_malloc(len);
+ if (*buf == NULL
+- || rsa_decrypt(&key->key, scheme, enc, enc_size, *buf, &len)
+- || tpm_unmarshal_TPM_SEALED_DATA(&ptr, &len, seal)) {
++ || rsa_decrypt(&key->key, scheme, enc, enc_size, *buf, &len) ){
++ tpm_free(*buf);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ len32 = len;
++ if (tpm_unmarshal_TPM_SEALED_DATA(&ptr, &len32, seal)) {
+ tpm_free(*buf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+@@ -237,11 +243,12 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_Unseal(TPM_KEY_HANDLE par
+ TPM_RESULT TPM_UnBind(TPM_KEY_HANDLE keyHandle, UINT32 inDataSize,
+ BYTE *inData, TPM_AUTH *auth1,
+- UINT32 *outDataSize, BYTE **outData)
++ UINT32 *outDataSize32, BYTE **outData)
+ {
+ TPM_KEY_DATA *key;
+ int scheme;
++ size_t outDataSize;
+ info("TPM_UnBind()");
+ /* get key */
+ key = tpm_get_key(keyHandle);
+@@ -258,8 +265,8 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_UnBind(TPM_KEY_HANDLE key
+ /* the size of the input data muss be greater than zero */
+ if (inDataSize == 0) return TPM_BAD_PARAMETER;
+ /* decrypt data */
+- *outDataSize = inDataSize;
+- *outData = tpm_malloc(*outDataSize);
++ outDataSize = inDataSize;
++ *outData = tpm_malloc(outDataSize);
+ if (*outData == NULL) return TPM_FAIL;
+ switch (key->encScheme) {
+ case TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1: scheme = RSA_ES_OAEP_SHA1; break;
+@@ -267,20 +274,21 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_UnBind(TPM_KEY_HANDLE key
+ default: tpm_free(*outData); return TPM_DECRYPT_ERROR;
+ }
+ if (rsa_decrypt(&key->key, scheme, inData, inDataSize,
+- *outData, outDataSize)) {
++ *outData, &outDataSize) ) {
+ tpm_free(*outData);
+ }
+ /* verify data if it is of type TPM_BOUND_DATA */
+ if (key->encScheme == TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1
+ || key->keyUsage != TPM_KEY_LEGACY) {
+- if (*outDataSize < 5 || memcmp(*outData, "\x01\x01\00\x00\x02", 5) != 0) {
++ if (outDataSize < 5 || memcmp(*outData, "\x01\x01\00\x00\x02", 5) != 0) {
+ tpm_free(*outData);
+ }
+- *outDataSize -= 5;
+- memmove(*outData, &(*outData)[5], *outDataSize);
+- }
++ outDataSize -= 5;
++ memmove(*outData, &(*outData)[5], outDataSize);
++ }
++ *outDataSize32 = (UINT32) outDataSize;
+ return TPM_SUCCESS;
+ }
+@@ -311,12 +319,13 @@ static int verify_key_digest(TPM_KEY *ke
+ }
+ int encrypt_private_key(TPM_KEY_DATA *key, TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY *store,
+- BYTE *enc, UINT32 *enc_size)
++ BYTE *enc, UINT32 *enc_size32)
+ {
+ UINT32 len;
+ BYTE *buf, *ptr;
+ rsa_public_key_t pub_key;
+ int scheme;
++ size_t enc_size;
+ switch (key->encScheme) {
+ case TPM_ES_RSAESOAEP_SHA1_MGF1: scheme = RSA_ES_OAEP_SHA1; break;
+ case TPM_ES_RSAESPKCSv15: scheme = RSA_ES_PKCSV15; break;
+@@ -328,11 +337,12 @@ int encrypt_private_key(TPM_KEY_DATA *ke
+ if (buf == NULL
+ || tpm_marshal_TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY(&ptr, &len, store)
+ || rsa_encrypt(&pub_key, scheme, buf,
+- enc, enc_size)) {
++ enc, &enc_size)) {
+ tpm_free(buf);
+ rsa_release_public_key(&pub_key);
+ return -1;
+ }
++ *enc_size32 = (UINT32) enc_size;
+ tpm_free(buf);
+ rsa_release_public_key(&pub_key);
+ return 0;
+@@ -341,7 +351,8 @@ int encrypt_private_key(TPM_KEY_DATA *ke
+ int decrypt_private_key(TPM_KEY_DATA *key, BYTE *enc, UINT32 enc_size,
+ TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY *store, BYTE **buf)
+ {
+- UINT32 len;
++ UINT32 len32;
++ size_t len;
+ BYTE *ptr;
+ int scheme;
+ switch (key->encScheme) {
+@@ -352,11 +363,16 @@ int decrypt_private_key(TPM_KEY_DATA *ke
+ len = enc_size;
+ *buf = ptr = tpm_malloc(len);
+ if (*buf == NULL
+- || rsa_decrypt(&key->key, scheme, enc, enc_size, *buf, &len)
+- || tpm_unmarshal_TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY(&ptr, &len, store)) {
++ || rsa_decrypt(&key->key, scheme, enc, enc_size, *buf, &len) ) {
++ tpm_free(*buf);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ len32 = (UINT32) len;
++ if (tpm_unmarshal_TPM_STORE_ASYMKEY(&ptr, &len32, store)) {
+ tpm_free(*buf);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -371,7 +387,7 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_CreateWrapKey(TPM_KEY_HAN
+ TPM_SESSION_DATA *session;
+ rsa_private_key_t rsa;
+- UINT32 key_length;
++ size_t key_length;
+ info("TPM_CreateWrapKey()");
+ /* get parent key */
+@@ -428,11 +444,11 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_CreateWrapKey(TPM_KEY_HAN
+ }
+ if (compute_key_digest(wrappedKey, &store.pubDataDigest)) return TPM_FAIL;
+ /* generate key and store it */
+- key_length = keyInfo->algorithmParms.parms.rsa.keyLength;
+- if (rsa_generate_key(&rsa, key_length)) return TPM_FAIL;
+- wrappedKey->pubKey.keyLength = key_length >> 3;
++ if (rsa_generate_key(&rsa, keyInfo->algorithmParms.parms.rsa.keyLength))
++ return TPM_FAIL;
++ wrappedKey->pubKey.keyLength = keyInfo->algorithmParms.parms.rsa.keyLength
>> 3;
+ wrappedKey->pubKey.key = tpm_malloc(wrappedKey->pubKey.keyLength);
+- store.privKey.keyLength = key_length >> 4;
++ store.privKey.keyLength = keyInfo->algorithmParms.parms.rsa.keyLength >> 4;
+ store.privKey.key = tpm_malloc(store.privKey.keyLength);
+ wrappedKey->encDataSize = parent->key.size >> 3;
+ wrappedKey->encData = tpm_malloc(wrappedKey->encDataSize);
+@@ -444,9 +460,11 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_CreateWrapKey(TPM_KEY_HAN
+ tpm_free(wrappedKey->encData);
+ return TPM_FAIL;
+ }
+- rsa_export_modulus(&rsa, wrappedKey->pubKey.key,
+- &wrappedKey->pubKey.keyLength);
+- rsa_export_prime1(&rsa, store.privKey.key, &store.privKey.keyLength);
++ rsa_export_modulus(&rsa, wrappedKey->pubKey.key,
++ &key_length);
++ wrappedKey->pubKey.keyLength = (UINT32) key_length;
++ rsa_export_prime1(&rsa, store.privKey.key, &key_length);
++ store.privKey.keyLength = (UINT32) key_length;
+ rsa_release_private_key(&rsa);
+ /* encrypt private key data */
+ if (encrypt_private_key(parent, &store, wrappedKey->encData,
+@@ -560,6 +578,7 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_LoadKey(TPM_KEY_HANDLE pa
+ int tpm_setup_key_parms(TPM_KEY_DATA *key, TPM_KEY_PARMS *parms)
+ {
++ size_t key_length;
+ parms->algorithmID = TPM_ALG_RSA;
+ parms->encScheme = key->encScheme;
+ parms->sigScheme = key->sigScheme;
+@@ -569,7 +588,8 @@ int tpm_setup_key_parms(TPM_KEY_DATA *ke
+ parms->parms.rsa.exponent = tpm_malloc(parms->parms.rsa.exponentSize);
+ if (parms->parms.rsa.exponent == NULL) return -1;
+ rsa_export_exponent(&key->key, parms->parms.rsa.exponent,
+- &parms->parms.rsa.exponentSize);
++ &key_length);
++ parms->parms.rsa.exponentSize = (UINT32) key_length;
+ parms->parmSize = 12 + parms->parms.rsa.exponentSize;
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -580,6 +600,7 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_GetPubKey(TPM_KEY_HANDLE
+ TPM_KEY_DATA *key;
+ TPM_DIGEST digest;
++ size_t key_length;
+ info("TPM_GetPubKey()");
+ /* get key */
+ if (keyHandle == TPM_KH_SRK) return TPM_BAD_PARAMETER;
+@@ -607,8 +628,8 @@ TPM_RESULT TPM_GetPubKey(TPM_KEY_HANDLE
+ pubKey->pubKey.keyLength = key->key.size >> 3;
+ pubKey->pubKey.key = tpm_malloc(pubKey->pubKey.keyLength);
+ if (pubKey->pubKey.key == NULL) return TPM_FAIL;
+- rsa_export_modulus(&key->key, pubKey->pubKey.key,
+- &pubKey->pubKey.keyLength);
++ rsa_export_modulus(&key->key, pubKey->pubKey.key, &key_length);
++ pubKey->pubKey.keyLength = (UINT32) key_length;
+ if (tpm_setup_key_parms(key, &pubKey->algorithmParms) != 0) {
+ tpm_free(pubKey->pubKey.key);
+ return TPM_FAIL;
+diff -uprN tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm_version.h tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/tpm_version.h
+--- tpm_emulator-0.2/tpm_version.h 2005-08-15 00:58:57.000000000 -0700
++++ tpm_emulator-0.2-x86_64/tpm_version.h 1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000
+@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
+-#ifndef _TPM_VERSION_H_
+-#define _TPM_VERSION_H_
+-#define VERSION_MAJOR 0
+-#define VERSION_MINOR 2
+-#define VERSION_BUILD 1123950310
+-#endif /* _TPM_VERSION_H_ */
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