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[Xen-changelog] Revert accidental commit.

# HG changeset patch
# User emellor@ewan
# Node ID adbe7d45472b3d5c775b0446c545fe694c1127d5
# Parent  db4a0526d4e5e520de578ee01987e58445b8735c
Revert accidental commit.

Signed-off-by: Ewan Mellor <ewan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r db4a0526d4e5 -r adbe7d45472b tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py
--- a/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py       Mon Sep 19 12:44:05 2005
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomain.py       Mon Sep 19 13:19:22 2005
@@ -275,7 +275,8 @@
         @param config: configuration
         @return: domain
-        return XendDomainInfo.create(self.dbmap.getPath(), config)
+        dominfo = XendDomainInfo.create(self.dbmap, config)
+        return dominfo
     def domain_restart(self, dominfo):
         """Restart a domain.
@@ -308,7 +309,8 @@
         @param vmconfig: vm configuration
         config = sxp.child_value(vmconfig, 'config')
-        return XendDomainInfo.restore(self.dbmap.getPath(), config)
+        dominfo = XendDomainInfo.restore(self.dbmap, config)
+        return dominfo
     def domain_restore(self, src, progress=False):
         """Restore a domain from file.
@@ -350,12 +352,13 @@
             dompath = self.domroot
         log.info("Creating entry for unknown xend domain: id=%d uuid=%s",
                  dom0, uuid)
-        try:
-            dominfo = XendDomainInfo.recreate(uuid, dompath, info)
-        except Exception, exn:
-            log.exception(exn)
-            raise XendError("Error recreating xend domain info: id=%d: %s" %
-                            (dom0, str(exn)))
+        db = self.dbmap.addChild("%s/xend" % uuid)
+        try:
+            dominfo = XendDomainInfo.recreate(uuid, dompath, dom0,
+                                              db, info)
+        except:
+            raise XendError("Error recreating xend domain info: id=%d" %
+                            dom0)
         return dominfo
diff -r db4a0526d4e5 -r adbe7d45472b tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py
--- a/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py   Mon Sep 19 12:44:05 2005
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/XendDomainInfo.py   Mon Sep 19 13:19:22 2005
@@ -136,179 +136,123 @@
-    def create(cls, parentdbpath, config):
+    def create(cls, parentdb, config):
         """Create a VM from a configuration.
-        @param parentdbpath:  parent db path
+        @param parentdb:  parent db
         @param config    configuration
         @raise: VmError for invalid configuration
-        log.debug("XendDomainInfo.create(%s, ...)", parentdbpath)
-        vm = cls(getUuid(), parentdbpath, cls.parseConfig(config))
-        vm.construct()
+        uuid = getUuid()
+        db = parentdb.addChild("%s/xend" % uuid)
+        path = parentdb.getPath()
+        vm = cls(uuid, path, db)
+        vm.construct(config)
+        vm.saveToDB(sync=True)
         return vm
     create = classmethod(create)
-    def recreate(cls, uuid, dompath, info):
+    def recreate(cls, uuid, path, domid, db, info):
         """Create the VM object for an existing domain.
-        @param dompath:   The path to all domain information
+        @param db:        domain db
         @param info:      domain info from xc
-        log.debug("XendDomainInfo.recreate(%s, %s, ...)", uuid, dompath)
-        # ??? vm.setDomid(domid)
-#        vm.name, vm.start_time = vm.gatherVm(("name", str),
-#                                             ("start-time", float))
-#        config = vm.config
-#        log.debug('info=' + str(info))
-#        log.debug('config=' + prettyprintstring(config))
-#        vm.memory = info['mem_kb'] / 1024
-#        vm.target = info['mem_kb'] * 1024
-        # Parse the configuration in the store, but allow the info we've
-        # been given (from xc) to override it.
-        path = "%s/%s" % (dompath, uuid)
-        config = xstransact.Read(path, 'config')
+        vm = cls(uuid, path, db)
+        vm.setDomid(domid)
+        vm.name, vm.start_time = vm.gatherVm(("name", str),
+                                             ("start-time", float))
+        try:
+            db.readDB()
+        except: pass
+        vm.importFromDB()
+        config = vm.config
+        log.debug('info=' + str(info))
+        log.debug('config=' + prettyprintstring(config))
+        vm.memory = info['mem_kb'] / 1024
+        vm.target = info['mem_kb'] * 1024
         if config:
-            temp_info = cls.parseConfig(config)
-            temp_info.update(info)
-            info = temp_info
-        return cls(uuid, dompath, info)
+            try:
+                vm.recreate = True
+                vm.construct(config)
+            finally:
+                vm.recreate = False
+        else:
+            vm.setName("Domain-%d" % domid)
+        vm.exportToDB(save=True)
+        return vm
     recreate = classmethod(recreate)
-    def restore(cls, parentdbpath, config, uuid = None):
+    def restore(cls, parentdb, config, uuid=None):
         """Create a domain and a VM object to do a restore.
-        @param parentdbpath:  parent db
+        @param parentdb:  parent db
         @param config:    domain configuration
         @param uuid:      uuid to use
-        log.debug("XendDomainInfo.restore(%s, ..., %s)", parentdbpath, uuid)
         if not uuid:
             uuid = getUuid()
+        db = parentdb.addChild("%s/xend" % uuid)
+        path = parentdb.getPath()
+        vm = cls(uuid, path, db)
+        ssidref = int(sxp.child_value(config, 'ssidref'))
+        log.debug('restoring with ssidref='+str(ssidref))
+        id = xc.domain_create(ssidref = ssidref)
+        vm.setDomid(id)
+        vm.clear_shutdown()
-            ssidref = int(sxp.child_value(config, 'ssidref'))
-        except TypeError, exn:
-            raise VmError('Invalid ssidref in config: %s' % exn)
-        log.debug('restoring with ssidref = %d' % ssidref)
-        vm = cls(uuid, parentdbpath, cls.parseConfig(config),
-                 xc.domain_create(ssidref = ssidref))
-        vm.clear_shutdown()
+            vm.restore = True
+            vm.construct(config)
+        finally:
+            vm.restore = False
+        vm.exportToDB(save=True, sync=True)
         return vm
     restore = classmethod(restore)
-    def parseConfig(cls, config):
-        def get_cfg(name, default = None):
-            return sxp.child_value(config, name, default)
-        def int_get_cfg(name):
-            val = get_cfg(name)
-            if val:
-                return int(val)
-            else:
-                return None
-        def flo_get_cfg(name):
-            val = get_cfg(name)
-            if val:
-                return float(val)
-            else:
-                return None
-        log.debug("parseConfig: config is %s" % str(config))
-        result = {}
-        imagecfg = "()"
-        try:
-            result['name']         =     get_cfg('name')
-            result['ssidref']      = int_get_cfg('ssidref')
-            result['memory']       = int_get_cfg('memory')
-            result['maxmem']       = int_get_cfg('maxmem')
-            result['cpu']          = int_get_cfg('cpu')
-            result['cpu_weight']   = flo_get_cfg('cpu_weight')
-            result['bootloader']   =     get_cfg('bootloader')
-            result['restart_mode'] =     get_cfg('restart')
-            imagecfg = get_cfg('image')
-            if imagecfg:
-                result['image'] = imagecfg
-                result['vcpus'] = int(sxp.child_value(imagecfg, 'vcpus', 1))
-            else:
-                result['vcpus'] = 1
-            result['backend'] = []
-            for c in sxp.children(config, 'backend'):
-                result['backend'].append(sxp.name(sxp.child0(c)))
-            result['device'] = []
-            for d in sxp.children(config, 'device'):
-                c = sxp.child0(d)
-                result['device'].append((sxp.name(c), c))
-            log.debug("parseConfig: result is %s" % str(result))
-            return result
-        except TypeError, exn:
-            raise VmError(
-                'Invalid ssidref / memory / cpu / cpu_weight / vcpus value: %s 
%s %s %s %s: %s' %
-                (get_cfg('ssidref'),
-                 get_cfg('memory'),
-                 get_cfg('cpu'),
-                 get_cfg('cpu_weight'),
-                 sxp.child_value(imagecfg, 'vcpus', 1),
-                 str(exn)))
-    parseConfig = classmethod(parseConfig)
+    __exports__ = [
+        DBVar('config',        ty='sxpr'),
+        DBVar('state',         ty='str'),
+        DBVar('restart_mode',  ty='str'),
+        DBVar('restart_state', ty='str'),
+        DBVar('restart_time',  ty='float'),
+        DBVar('restart_count', ty='int'),
+        ]
-    def __init__(self, uuid, parentpath, info, domid = None):
+    def __init__(self, uuid, path, db):
         self.uuid = uuid
-        self.info = info
-        self.path = parentpath + "/" + uuid
-        if domid:
-            self.domid = domid
-        elif 'dom' in info:
-            self.domid = int(info['dom'])
-        else:
-            self.domid = None
-        self.validateInfo()
+        self.path = path + "/" + uuid
+        self.db = db
+        self.recreate = 0
+        self.restore = 0
+        self.config = None
+        self.domid = None
+        self.cpu_weight = 1
         self.start_time = None
+        self.name = None
+        self.memory = None
+        self.ssidref = None
         self.image = None
+        self.target = None
         self.store_channel = None
         self.store_mfn = None
         self.console_channel = None
         self.console_mfn = None
+        self.info = None
+        self.backend_flags = 0
         #todo: state: running, suspended
         self.state = STATE_VM_OK
         self.state_updated = threading.Condition()
@@ -317,69 +261,17 @@
         #todo: set to migrate info if migrating
         self.migrate = None
+        self.restart_mode = RESTART_ONREBOOT
         self.restart_state = None
         self.restart_time = None
         self.restart_count = 0
-        self.device_model_pid = 0
+        self.vcpus = 1
+        self.bootloader = None
         self.writeVm("uuid", self.uuid)
         self.storeDom("vm", self.path)
-    def validateInfo(self):
-        """Validate and normalise the info block.  This has either been parsed
-        by parseConfig, or received from xc through recreate.
-        """
-        def defaultInfo(name, val):
-            if name not in self.info or self.info[name] is None:
-                self.info[name] = val()
-        try:
-            defaultInfo('name',         lambda: "Domain-%d" % self.domid)
-            defaultInfo('memory',       lambda: self.info['mem_kb'] / 1024)
-            defaultInfo('maxmem',       lambda: self.info['memory'])
-            defaultInfo('restart_mode', lambda: RESTART_ONREBOOT)
-            defaultInfo('cpu_weight',   lambda: 1.0)
-            defaultInfo('bootloader',   lambda: None)
-            defaultInfo('backend',      lambda: [])
-            defaultInfo('device',       lambda: [])
-            #        vm.target = info['mem_kb'] * 1024
-            # !!! Consistency checks have the possibility of going wrong if
-            # xen updates us with a setting which should stay consistent with
-            # another.  We should be storing only one value instead.
-            # Validate the given backend names.
-            for s in self.info['backend']:
-                if s not in backendFlags:
-                    raise VmError('Invalid backend type: %s' % s)
-            for (n, c) in self.info['device']:
-                if not n or not c or n not in controllerClasses:
-                    raise VmError('invalid device (%s, %s)' %
-                                  (str(n), str(c)))
-            if self.info['restart_mode'] not in restart_modes:
-                raise VmError('invalid restart mode: ' +
-                              str(self.info['restart_mode']))
-            if self.info['memory'] <= 0:
-                # !!! memory / mem_kb consistency check
-                raise VmError('Invalid memory size: %d', self.info['memory'])
-            if 'cpumap' not in self.info:
-                if [self.info['vcpus'] == 1]:
-                    self.info['cpumap'] = [1];
-                else:
-                    raise VmError('Cannot create CPU map')
-        except KeyError, exn:
-            raise VmError('Unspecified domain detail: %s' % str(exn))
     def readVm(self, *args):
         return xstransact.Read(self.path, *args)
@@ -410,27 +302,18 @@
     def storeDom(self, *args):
         return xstransact.Store(self.path, *args)
-    def exportToDB(self, save=False):
-        to_store = {
-            'id':               str(self.domid),
-            'uuid':             self.uuid,
-            'config':           sxp.to_string(self.sxpr()),
-            'start_time':       str(self.start_time),
-            'state':            self.state,
-            'restart_time':     str(self.restart_time),
-            'restart_count':    str(self.restart_count),
-            'device_model_pid': str(self.device_model_pid)
-            }
-        for (k, v) in self.info.items():
-            to_store[k] = str(v)
-        log.debug("Storing %s" % str(to_store))
-        self.writeVm(to_store)
+    def setDB(self, db):
+        self.db = db
+    def saveToDB(self, save=False, sync=False):
+        self.db.saveDB(save=save, sync=sync)
+    def exportToDB(self, save=False, sync=False):
+        self.db.exportToDB(self, fields=self.__exports__, save=save, sync=sync)
+    def importFromDB(self):
+        self.db.importFromDB(self, fields=self.__exports__)
+        self.store_channel = self.eventChannel("store/port")
     def setDomid(self, domid):
         """Set the domain id.
@@ -444,11 +327,11 @@
         return self.domid
     def setName(self, name):
-        self.info['name'] = name
+        self.name = name
         self.storeVm("name", name)
     def getName(self):
-        return self.info['name']
+        return self.name
     def getPath(self):
         return self.path
@@ -457,14 +340,14 @@
         return self.uuid
     def getVCpuCount(self):
-        return self.info['vcpus']
+        return self.vcpus
     def getSsidref(self):
-        return self.info['ssidref']
+        return self.ssidref
     def getMemoryTarget(self):
         """Get this domain's target memory size, in MiB."""
-        return self.info['memory']
+        return self.memory
     def setStoreRef(self, ref):
         self.store_mfn = ref
@@ -472,8 +355,7 @@
     def getBackendFlags(self):
-        return reduce(lambda x, y: x | backendFlags[y],
-                      self.info['backend'], 0)
+        return self.backend_flags
     def closeStoreChannel(self):
@@ -497,19 +379,18 @@
     def setMemoryTarget(self, target):
         self.storeDom("memory/target", target)
-    def update(self, info = None):
-        """Update with info from xc.domain_getinfo().
-        """
-        if not info:
-            info = dom_get(self.domid)
-            if not info:
+    def update(self, info=None):
+        """Update with  info from xc.domain_getinfo().
+        """
+        if info:
+            self.info = info
+        else:
+            di = dom_get(self.domid)
+            if not di:
-        self.info.update(info)
-        self.validateInfo()
+            self.info = di 
+        self.memory = self.info['mem_kb'] / 1024
+        self.ssidref = self.info['ssidref']
     def state_set(self, state):
@@ -517,7 +398,7 @@
             self.state = state
-        self.exportToDB()
+        self.saveToDB()
     def state_wait(self, state):
@@ -528,9 +409,9 @@
     def __str__(self):
         s = "<domain"
         s += " id=" + str(self.domid)
-        s += " name=" + self.info['name']
-        s += " memory=" + str(self.info['memory'])
-        s += " ssidref=" + str(self.info['ssidref'])
+        s += " name=" + self.name
+        s += " memory=" + str(self.memory)
+        s += " ssidref=" + str(self.ssidref)
         s += ">"
         return s
@@ -560,43 +441,32 @@
     def sxpr(self):
         sxpr = ['domain',
                 ['domid', self.domid],
-                ['name', self.info['name']],
-                ['memory', self.info['memory']],
-                ['ssidref', self.info['ssidref']]]
-#        ,                ['target', self.target] ]
+                ['name', self.name],
+                ['memory', self.memory],
+                ['ssidref', self.ssidref],
+                ['target', self.target] ]
         if self.uuid:
             sxpr.append(['uuid', self.uuid])
         if self.info:
-            sxpr.append(['maxmem', self.info['maxmem']])
-            def stateChar(name):
-                if name in self.info:
-                    if self.info[name]:
-                        return name[0]
-                    else:
-                        return '-'
-                else:
-                    return '?'
-            state = reduce(
-                lambda x, y: x + y,
-                map(stateChar,
-                    ['running', 'blocked', 'paused', 'shutdown', 'crashed']))
+            sxpr.append(['maxmem', self.info['maxmem_kb']/1024 ])
+            run   = (self.info['running']  and 'r') or '-'
+            block = (self.info['blocked']  and 'b') or '-'
+            pause = (self.info['paused']   and 'p') or '-'
+            shut  = (self.info['shutdown'] and 's') or '-'
+            crash = (self.info['crashed']  and 'c') or '-'
+            state = run + block + pause + shut + crash
             sxpr.append(['state', state])
-            if 'shutdown' in self.info and self.info['shutdown']:
+            if self.info['shutdown']:
                 reason = shutdown_reason(self.info['shutdown_reason'])
                 sxpr.append(['shutdown_reason', reason])
-            if 'cpu_time' in self.info:
-                sxpr.append(['cpu_time', self.info['cpu_time']/1e9])    
+            sxpr.append(['cpu', self.info['vcpu_to_cpu'][0]])
+            sxpr.append(['cpu_time', self.info['cpu_time']/1e9])    
             sxpr.append(['vcpus', self.info['vcpus']])
             sxpr.append(['cpumap', self.info['cpumap']])
-            if 'vcpu_to_cpu' in self.info:
-                sxpr.append(['cpu', self.info['vcpu_to_cpu'][0]])
-                # build a string, using '|' to separate items, show only up
-                # to number of vcpus in domain, and trim the trailing '|'
-                sxpr.append(['vcpu_to_cpu', ''.join(map(lambda x: str(x)+'|',
+            # build a string, using '|' to seperate items, show only up
+            # to number of vcpus in domain, and trim the trailing '|'
+            sxpr.append(['vcpu_to_cpu', ''.join(map(lambda x: str(x)+'|',
+                        self.info['vcpu_to_cpu'][0:self.info['vcpus']]))[:-1]])
         if self.start_time:
             up_time =  time.time() - self.start_time  
@@ -622,8 +492,8 @@
             sxpr.append(['restart_state', self.restart_state])
         if self.restart_time:
             sxpr.append(['restart_time', str(self.restart_time)])
-#        if self.config:
-#            sxpr.append(['config', self.config])
+        if self.config:
+            sxpr.append(['config', self.config])
         return sxpr
     def check_name(self, name):
@@ -634,6 +504,7 @@
         @param name: name
         @raise: VMerror if invalid
+        if self.recreate: return
         if name is None or name == '':
             raise VmError('missing vm name')
         for c in name:
@@ -652,49 +523,26 @@
         if not self.domid or (dominfo.domid != self.domid):
             raise VmError('vm name clash: ' + name)
-    def construct(self):
+    def construct(self, config):
         """Construct the vm instance from its configuration.
         @param config: configuration
         @raise: VmError on error
         # todo - add support for scheduling params?
+        self.config = config
             # Initial domain create.
-            self.check_name(self.info['name'])
-            self.setName(self.info['name'])
-            if 'image' not in self.info:
-                raise VmError('Missing image in configuration')
-            self.image = ImageHandler.create(self, self.info['image'])
-            self.setMemoryTarget(self.info['memory'] * (1 << 20))
-            log.error('%s %s %s %s %s',
-                      str(self.domid),
-                      str(self.info['memory']),
-                      str(self.info['ssidref']),
-                      str(self.info['cpu']),
-                      str(self.info['cpu_weight']))
-            self.setDomid(self.image.initDomain(self.domid,
-                                                self.info['memory'],
-                                                self.info['ssidref'],
-                                                self.info['cpu'],
-                                                self.info['cpu_weight'],
-                                                self.info['bootloader']))
-            if self.start_time is None:
-                self.start_time = time.time()
-                self.storeVm(("start-time", self.start_time))
-            log.debug('init_domain> Created domain=%d name=%s memory=%d',
-                      self.domid, self.info['name'], self.info['memory'])
+            self.setName(sxp.child_value(config, 'name'))
+            self.check_name(self.name)
+            self.init_image()
+            self.configure_cpus(config)
+            self.init_domain()
             # Create domain devices.
+            self.configure_backends()
+            self.configure_restart()
@@ -711,11 +559,40 @@
+    def configure_cpus(self, config):
+        try:
+            self.cpu_weight = float(sxp.child_value(config, 'cpu_weight', '1'))
+        except:
+            raise VmError('invalid cpu weight')
+        self.memory = int(sxp.child_value(config, 'memory'))
+        if self.memory is None:
+            raise VmError('missing memory size')
+        self.setMemoryTarget(self.memory * (1 << 20))
+        self.ssidref = int(sxp.child_value(config, 'ssidref'))
+        cpu = sxp.child_value(config, 'cpu')
+        if self.recreate and self.domid and cpu is not None and int(cpu) >= 0:
+            xc.domain_pincpu(self.domid, 0, 1<<int(cpu))
+        try:
+            image = sxp.child_value(self.config, 'image')
+            vcpus = sxp.child_value(image, 'vcpus')
+            if vcpus:
+                self.vcpus = int(vcpus)
+        except:
+            raise VmError('invalid vcpus value')
     def configure_vcpus(self, vcpus):
         d = {}
         for v in range(0, vcpus):
             d["cpu/%d/availability" % v] = "online"
+    def init_image(self):
+        """Create boot image handler for the domain.
+        """
+        image = sxp.child_value(self.config, 'image')
+        if image is None:
+            raise VmError('missing image')
+        self.image = ImageHandler.create(self, image)
     def construct_image(self):
         """Construct the boot image for the domain.
@@ -727,17 +604,21 @@
             IntroduceDomain(self.domid, self.store_mfn,
                             self.store_channel.port1, self.path)
         # get the configured value of vcpus and update store
-        self.configure_vcpus(self.info['vcpus'])
+        self.configure_vcpus(self.vcpus)
     def delete(self):
         """Delete the vm's db.
+        self.domid = None
+        self.saveToDB(sync=True)
-            xstransact.Remove(self.path, 'id')
+            # Todo: eventually will have to wait for devices to signal
+            # destruction before can delete the db.
+            if self.db:
+                self.db.delete()
         except Exception, ex:
             log.warning("error in domain db delete: %s", ex)
+            pass
     def destroy_domain(self):
         """Destroy the vm's domain.
@@ -749,7 +630,7 @@
         except Exception, err:
-            log.exception("Domain destroy failed: %s", self.info['name'])
+            log.exception("Domain destroy failed: %s", self.name)
     def cleanup(self):
         """Cleanup vm resources: release devices.
@@ -772,14 +653,11 @@
     def destroy(self):
-        """Cleanup vm and destroy domain.
-        """
-        log.debug("XendDomainInfo.destroy")
+        """Clenup vm and destroy domain.
+        """
-        self.exportToDB()
+        self.saveToDB()
         return 0
     def is_terminated(self):
@@ -792,7 +670,6 @@
         t = xstransact("%s/device" % self.path)
         for n in controllerClasses.keys():
             for d in t.list(n):
@@ -809,10 +686,27 @@
     def show(self):
         """Print virtual machine info.
-        print "[VM dom=%d name=%s memory=%d ssidref=%d" % (self.domid, 
self.info['name'], self.info['memory'], self.info['ssidref'])
+        print "[VM dom=%d name=%s memory=%d ssidref=%d" % (self.domid, 
self.name, self.memory, self.ssidref)
         print "image:"
         print "]"
+    def init_domain(self):
+        """Initialize the domain memory.
+        """
+        if self.recreate:
+            return
+        if self.start_time is None:
+            self.start_time = time.time()
+            self.storeVm(("start-time", self.start_time))
+        try:
+            cpu = int(sxp.child_value(self.config, 'cpu', '-1'))
+        except:
+            raise VmError('invalid cpu')
+        id = self.image.initDomain(self.domid, self.memory, self.ssidref, cpu, 
+        log.debug('init_domain> Created domain=%d name=%s memory=%d',
+                  id, self.name, self.memory)
+        self.setDomid(id)
     def eventChannel(self, path=None):
         """Create an event channel to the domain.
@@ -837,8 +731,14 @@
         self.console_channel = self.eventChannel("console/port")
     def create_configured_devices(self):
-        for (n, c) in self.info['device']:
-            self.createDevice(n, c)
+        devices = sxp.children(self.config, 'device')
+        for d in devices:
+            dev_config = sxp.child0(d)
+            if dev_config is None:
+                raise VmError('invalid device')
+            dev_type = sxp.name(dev_config)
+            self.createDevice(dev_type, dev_config)
     def create_devices(self):
@@ -870,6 +770,14 @@
         self.configureDevice(deviceClass, devid, dev_config)
+    def configure_restart(self):
+        """Configure the vm restart mode.
+        """
+        r = sxp.child_value(self.config, 'restart', RESTART_ONREBOOT)
+        if r not in restart_modes:
+            raise VmError('invalid restart mode: ' + str(r))
+        self.restart_mode = r;
     def restart_needed(self, reason):
         """Determine if the vm needs to be restarted when shutdown
         for the given reason.
@@ -877,11 +785,11 @@
         @param reason: shutdown reason
         @return True if needs restart, False otherwise
-        if self.info['restart_mode'] == RESTART_NEVER:
+        if self.restart_mode == RESTART_NEVER:
             return False
-        if self.info['restart_mode'] == RESTART_ALWAYS:
+        if self.restart_mode == RESTART_ALWAYS:
             return True
-        if self.info['restart_mode'] == RESTART_ONREBOOT:
+        if self.restart_mode == RESTART_ONREBOOT:
             return reason == 'reboot'
         return False
@@ -913,7 +821,7 @@
             tdelta = tnow - self.restart_time
             if tdelta < self.MINIMUM_RESTART_TIME:
-                msg = 'VM %s restarting too fast' % self.info['name']
+                msg = 'VM %s restarting too fast' % self.name
                 raise VmError(msg)
         self.restart_time = tnow
@@ -932,13 +840,14 @@
             self.restart_state = STATE_RESTART_BOOTING
-            self.construct()
-            self.exportToDB()
+            self.construct(self.config)
+            self.saveToDB()
             self.restart_state = None
     def configure_bootloader(self):
-        if not self.info['bootloader']:
+        self.bootloader = sxp.child_value(self.config, "bootloader")
+        if not self.bootloader:
         # if we're restarting with a bootloader, we need to run it
         # FIXME: this assumes the disk is the first device and
@@ -949,13 +858,30 @@
         if dev:
             disk = sxp.child_value(dev, "uname")
             fn = blkdev_uname_to_file(disk)
-            blcfg = bootloader(self.info['bootloader'], fn, 1, 
+            blcfg = bootloader(self.bootloader, fn, 1, self.vcpus)
         if blcfg is None:
             msg = "Had a bootloader specified, but can't find disk"
             raise VmError(msg)
         self.config = sxp.merge(['vm', ['image', blcfg]], self.config)
+    def configure_backends(self):
+        """Set configuration flags if the vm is a backend for netif or blkif.
+        Configure the backends to use for vbd and vif if specified.
+        """
+        for c in sxp.children(self.config, 'backend'):
+            v = sxp.child0(c)
+            name = sxp.name(v)
+            if name == 'blkif':
+                self.backend_flags |= SIF_BLK_BE_DOMAIN
+            elif name == 'netif':
+                self.backend_flags |= SIF_NET_BE_DOMAIN
+            elif name == 'usbif':
+                pass
+            elif name == 'tpmif':
+                self.backend_flags |= SIF_TPM_BE_DOMAIN
+            else:
+                raise VmError('invalid backend type:' + str(name))
     def configure(self):
         """Configure a vm.
@@ -973,16 +899,19 @@
     def configure_maxmem(self):
-        xc.domain_setmaxmem(self.domid,
-                            maxmem_kb = self.info['maxmem'] * 1024)
+        try:
+            maxmem = int(sxp.child_value(self.config, 'maxmem', self.memory))
+            xc.domain_setmaxmem(self.domid, maxmem_kb = maxmem * 1024)
+        except:
+            raise VmError("invalid maxmem: " +
+                          sxp.child_value(self.config, 'maxmem'))
     def vcpu_hotplug(self, vcpu, state):
         """Disable or enable VCPU in domain.
-        if vcpu > self.info['vcpus']:
+        if vcpu > self.vcpus:
             log.error("Invalid VCPU %d" % vcpu)
         if int(state) == 0:
@@ -1071,24 +1000,16 @@
 controllerClasses = {}
-"""A map of backend names and the corresponding flag."""
-backendFlags = {}
-def addControllerClass(device_class, backend_name, backend_flag, cls):
+def addControllerClass(device_class, cls):
     """Register a subclass of DevController to handle the named device-class.
-    @param backend_flag One of the SIF_XYZ_BE_DOMAIN constants, or None if
-    no flag is to be set.
     cls.deviceClass = device_class
-    backendFlags[backend_name] = backend_flag
     controllerClasses[device_class] = cls
 from xen.xend.server import blkif, netif, tpmif, pciif, usbif
-addControllerClass('vbd',  'blkif', SIF_BLK_BE_DOMAIN, blkif.BlkifController)
-addControllerClass('vif',  'netif', SIF_NET_BE_DOMAIN, netif.NetifController)
-addControllerClass('vtpm', 'tpmif', SIF_TPM_BE_DOMAIN, tpmif.TPMifController)
-addControllerClass('pci',  'pciif', None,              pciif.PciController)
-addControllerClass('usb',  'usbif', None,              usbif.UsbifController)
+addControllerClass('vbd',  blkif.BlkifController)
+addControllerClass('vif',  netif.NetifController)
+addControllerClass('vtpm', tpmif.TPMifController)
+addControllerClass('pci',  pciif.PciController)
+addControllerClass('usb',  usbif.UsbifController)
diff -r db4a0526d4e5 -r adbe7d45472b tools/python/xen/xend/image.py
--- a/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py    Mon Sep 19 12:44:05 2005
+++ b/tools/python/xen/xend/image.py    Mon Sep 19 13:19:22 2005
@@ -145,21 +145,22 @@
         except OSError, ex:
             log.warning("error removing bootloader file '%s': %s", f, ex)
-    def initDomain(self, dom, memory, ssidref, cpu, cpu_weight, bootloading):
+    def initDomain(self, dom, memory, ssidref, cpu, cpu_weight):
         """Initial domain create.
         @return domain id
         mem_kb = self.getDomainMemory(memory)
-        dom = xc.domain_create(dom = dom or 0, ssidref = ssidref)
-        # if bootloader, unlink here. But should go after buildDomain() ?
-        if bootloading:
-            self.unlink(self.kernel)
-            self.unlink(self.ramdisk)
-        if dom <= 0:
-            raise VmError('Creating domain failed: name=%s' %
-                          self.vm.getName())
+        if not self.vm.restore:
+            dom = xc.domain_create(dom = dom or 0, ssidref = ssidref)
+            # if bootloader, unlink here. But should go after buildDomain() ?
+            if self.vm.bootloader:
+                self.unlink(self.kernel)
+                self.unlink(self.ramdisk)
+            if dom <= 0:
+                raise VmError('Creating domain failed: name=%s' %
+                              self.vm.getName())
         log.debug("initDomain: cpu=%d mem_kb=%d ssidref=%d dom=%d", cpu, 
mem_kb, ssidref, dom)
         xc.domain_setcpuweight(dom, cpu_weight)
         xc.domain_setmaxmem(dom, mem_kb)
@@ -183,6 +184,9 @@
     def createDomain(self):
         """Build the domain boot image.
+        if self.vm.recreate or self.vm.restore:
+            return
         # Set params and call buildDomain().
         self.flags = self.vm.getBackendFlags()

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