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[Xen-changelog] New scripts I missed from previous security patch.

To: xen-changelog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-changelog] New scripts I missed from previous security patch.
From: Xen patchbot -unstable <patchbot-unstable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 08:08:15 +0000
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# HG changeset patch
# User kaf24@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Node ID 02e104bf03c0016622f6a58283d680e33b515de8
# Parent  0161d68cff37964498c29c24df1e27039b53b0c9
New scripts I missed from previous security patch.

diff -r 0161d68cff37 -r 02e104bf03c0 tools/security/getlabel.sh
--- /dev/null   Fri Sep  2 07:59:12 2005
+++ b/tools/security/getlabel.sh        Fri Sep  2 08:06:59 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# *
+# * getlabel
+# *
+# * Copyright (C) 2005 IBM Corporation
+# *
+# * Authors:
+# * Stefan Berger <stefanb@xxxxxxxxxx>
+# *
+# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
+# * License.
+# *
+# * 'getlabel' tries to find the labels corresponding to the ssidref
+# *
+# * 'getlabel -?' shows the usage of the program
+# *
+# * 'getlabel -sid <ssidref> [<policy name>]' lists the label corresponding
+# *                              to the given ssidref.
+# *
+# * 'getlabel -dom <domain id> [<policy name>]' lists the label of the
+# *                              domain with given id
+# *
+if [ -z "$runbash" ]; then
+       runbash="1"
+       export runbash
+       exec sh -c "bash $0 $*"
+export PATH=$PATH:.
+source labelfuncs.sh
+usage ()
+       echo "Usage: $0 -sid <ssidref> [<policy name>] or"
+       echo "       $0 -dom <domid>   [<policy name>]  "
+       echo ""
+       echo "policy name : the name of the policy, i.e. 'chwall'"
+       echo "              If the policy name is omitted, the grub.conf"
+       echo "              entry of the running system is tried to be read"
+       echo "              and the policy name determined from there."
+       echo "ssidref     : an ssidref in hex or decimal format, i.e., 
+       echo "              or '65538'"
+       echo "domid       : id of the domain, i.e., '1'; Use numbers from the 
+       echo "              column shown when invoking 'xm list'"
+       echo ""
+if [ "$1" == "-?" ]; then
+       mode="usage"
+elif [ "$1" == "-dom" ]; then
+       mode="domid"
+       shift
+elif [ "$1" == "-sid" ]; then
+       mode="sid"
+       shift
+elif [ "$1" == "" ]; then
+       usage
+       exit -1
+if [ "$mode" == "usage" ]; then
+       usage
+elif [ "$mode" == "domid" ]; then
+       if [ "$2" == "" ]; then
+               findGrubConf
+               ret=$?
+               if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+                       echo "Could not find grub.conf"
+                       exit -1;
+               fi
+               findPolicyInGrub $grubconf
+               if [ "$policy" != "" ]; then
+                       echo "Assuming policy to be '$policy'.";
+               else
+                       echo "Could not find policy."
+                       exit -1;
+               fi
+       else
+               policy=$2
+       fi
+       findMapFile $policy
+       res=$?
+       if [ "$res" != "0" ]; then
+               getSSIDUsingSecpolTool $1
+               res=$?
+               if [ "$res" != "0" ]; then
+                       translateSSIDREF $ssid $mapfile
+               else
+                       echo "Could not determine the SSID of the domain."
+               fi
+       else
+               echo "Could not find map file for policy '$policy'."
+       fi
+elif [ "$mode" == "sid" ]; then
+       if [ "$2" == "" ]; then
+               findGrubConf
+               ret=$?
+               if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+                       echo "Could not find grub.conf"
+                       exit -1;
+               fi
+               findPolicyInGrub $grubconf
+               if [ "$policy" != "" ]; then
+                       echo "Assuming policy to be '$policy'.";
+               else
+                       echo "Could not find policy."
+                       exit -1;
+               fi
+       else
+               policy=$2
+       fi
+       findMapFile $policy
+       res=$?
+       if [ "$res" != "0" ]; then
+               translateSSIDREF $1 $mapfile
+       else
+               echo "Could not find map file for policy '$policy'."
+       fi
+    usage
diff -r 0161d68cff37 -r 02e104bf03c0 tools/security/labelfuncs.sh
--- /dev/null   Fri Sep  2 07:59:12 2005
+++ b/tools/security/labelfuncs.sh      Fri Sep  2 08:06:59 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+# *
+# * labelfuncs.sh
+# *
+# * Copyright (C) 2005 IBM Corporation
+# *
+# * Authors:
+# * Stefan Berger <stefanb@xxxxxxxxxx>
+# *
+# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
+# * License.
+# *
+# *
+# * A collection of functions to handle polcies, mapfiles,
+# * and ssidrefs.
+# Find the mapfile given a policy nmame
+# Parameters:
+# 1st : the name of the policy whose map file is to be found, i.e.,
+#       chwall
+# Results:
+# The variable mapfile will hold the realtive path to the mapfile
+# for the given policy.
+# In case the mapfile could be found, the functions returns a '1',
+# a '0' otherwise.
+findMapFile ()
+       mapfile="./$1.map"
+       if [ -r "$mapfile" ]; then
+               return 1
+       fi
+       mapfile="./policies/$1/$1.map"
+       if [ -r "$mapfile" ]; then
+               return 1
+       fi
+       return 0
+# Determine the name of the primary policy
+# Parameters
+# 1st : the path to the mapfile; the path may be relative
+#       to the current directory
+# Results
+# The variable primary will hold the name of the primary policy
+getPrimaryPolicy ()
+       mapfile=$1
+       primary=`cat $mapfile  |   \
+                awk '             \
+                 {                \
+                   if ( $1 == "PRIMARY" ) { \
+                     res=$2;                \
+                   }                        \
+                 } END {                    \
+                   print res;               \
+                 } '`
+# Determine the name of the secondary policy
+# Parameters
+# 1st : the path to the mapfile; the path may be relative
+#       to the current directory
+# Results
+# The variable secondary will hold the name of the secondary policy
+getSecondaryPolicy ()
+       mapfile=$1
+       secondary=`cat $mapfile  |   \
+                awk '             \
+                 {                \
+                   if ( $1 == "SECONDARY" ) { \
+                     res=$2;                \
+                   }                        \
+                 } END {                    \
+                   print res;               \
+                 } '`
+#Return where the grub.conf file is.
+#I only know of one place it can be.
+       grubconf="/boot/grub/grub.conf"
+       if [ -w $grubconf ]; then
+               return 1
+       fi
+       if [ -r $grubconf ]; then
+               return 2
+       fi
+       return 0
+# This function sets the global variable 'linux'
+# to the name and version of the Linux kernel that was compiled
+# for domain 0.
+# If this variable could not be found, the variable 'linux'
+# will hold a pattern
+# Parameters:
+# 1st: the path to reach the root directory of the XEN build tree
+#      where linux-*-xen0 is located at
+# Results:
+# The variable linux holds then name and version of the compiled
+# kernel, i.e., 'vmlinuz-2.6.12-xen0'
+getLinuxVersion ()
+       path=$1
+       linux=""
+       for f in $path/linux-*-xen0 ; do
+               versionfile=$f/include/linux/version.h
+               if [ -r $versionfile ]; then
+                       lnx=`cat $versionfile | \
+                            grep UTS_RELEASE | \
+                            awk '{             \
+                              len=length($3);  \
+                              print substr($3,2,len-2) }'`
+               fi
+               if [ "$lnx" != "" ]; then
+                       linux="[./0-9a-zA-z]*$lnx"
+                       return;
+               fi
+       done
+       #Last resort.
+       linux="vmlinuz-2.[45678].[0-9]*[.0-9]*-xen0$"
+# Find out with which policy the hypervisor was booted with.
+# Parameters
+# 1st : The complete path to grub.conf, i.e., /boot/grub/grub.conf
+findPolicyInGrub ()
+       grubconf=$1
+       linux=`uname -r`
+       policy=`cat $grubconf |                        \
+                awk -vlinux=$linux '{                 \
+                  if ( $1 == "title" ) {              \
+                    kernelfound = 0;                  \
+                    policymaycome = 0;                \
+                  }                                   \
+                  else if ( $1 == "kernel" ) {        \
+                    if ( match($2,"xen.gz$") ) {      \
+                      pathlen=RSTART;                 \
+                      kernelfound = 1;                \
+                    }                                 \
+                  }                                   \
+                  else if ( $1 == "module" &&         \
+                            kernelfound == 1 &&       \
+                            match($2,linux) ) {       \
+                     policymaycome = 1;               \
+                  }                                   \
+                  else if ( $1 == "module" &&         \
+                            kernelfound == 1 &&       \
+                            policymaycome == 1 &&     \
+                            match($2,"[0-9a-zA-Z_]*.bin$") ) { \
+                     policymaycome = 0;               \
+                     kernelfound = 0;                 \
+                     polname = substr($2,pathlen);    \
+                     len=length(polname);             \
+                     polname = substr(polname,0,len-4); \
+                  }                                   \
+                } END {                               \
+                  print polname                       \
+                }'`
+# Get the SSID of a domain
+# Parameters:
+# 1st : domain ID, i.e. '1'
+# Results
+# If the ssid could be found, the variable 'ssid' will hold
+# the currently used ssid in the hex format, i.e., '0x00010001'.
+# The funtion returns '1' on success, '0' on failure
+getSSIDUsingSecpolTool ()
+       domid=$1
+       export PATH=$PATH:.
+       ssid=`secpol_tool getssid -d $domid -f | \
+               grep -E "SSID:" |          \
+               awk '{ print $4 }'`
+       if [ "$ssid" != "" ]; then
+               return 1
+       fi
+       return 0
+# Break the ssid identifier into its high and low values,
+# which are equal to the secondary and primary policy references.
+# Parameters:
+# 1st: ssid to break into high and low value, i.e., '0x00010002'
+# Results:
+# The variable ssidlo_int and ssidhi_int will hold the low and
+# high ssid values as integers.
+       ssid=$1
+       ssidlo_int=`echo $ssid | awk          \
+                   '{                        \
+                      len=length($0);        \
+                      beg=substr($0,1,2);    \
+                      if ( beg == "0x" ) {   \
+                          dig = len - 2;     \
+                          if (dig <= 0) {    \
+                            exit;            \
+                          }                  \
+                          if (dig > 4) {     \
+                            dig=4;           \
+                          }                  \
+                          lo=sprintf("0x%s",substr($0,len-dig+1,dig)); \
+                          print strtonum(lo);\
+                      } else {               \
+                          lo=strtonum($0);   \
+                          if (lo < 65536) {  \
+                            print lo;        \
+                          } else {           \
+                            hi=lo;           \
+                            hi2= (hi / 65536);\
+                            hi2_str=sprintf("%d",hi2); \
+                            hi2=strtonum(hi2_str);\
+                            lo=hi-(hi2*65536); \
+                            printf("%d",lo); \
+                          }                  \
+                       }                     \
+                   }'`
+       ssidhi_int=`echo $ssid | awk          \
+                   '{                        \
+                      len=length($0);        \
+                      beg=substr($0,1,2);    \
+                      if ( beg == "0x" ) {   \
+                          dig = len - 2;     \
+                          if (dig <= 0 ||    \
+                            dig >  8) {      \
+                            exit;            \
+                          }                  \
+                          if (dig < 4) {     \
+                            print 0;         \
+                            exit;            \
+                          }                  \
+                          dig -= 4;          \
+                          hi=sprintf("0x%s",substr($0,len-4-dig+1,dig)); \
+                          print strtonum(hi);\
+                      } else {               \
+                          hi=strtonum($0);   \
+                          if (hi >= 65536) { \
+                            hi = hi / 65536; \
+                            printf ("%d",hi);\
+                          } else {           \
+                            printf ("0");    \
+                          }                  \
+                      }                      \
+                   }'`
+       if [ "$ssidhi_int" == "" -o \
+            "$ssidlo_int" == "" ]; then
+               return 0;
+       fi
+       return 1
+#Update the grub configuration file.
+#Search for existing entries and replace the current
+#policy entry with the policy passed to this script
+#Arguments passed to this function
+# 1st : the grub configuration file with full path
+# 2nd : the binary policy file name, i.e. chwall.bin
+# 3rd : the name or pattern of the linux kernel name to match
+#       (this determines where the module entry will be made)
+# The algorithm here is based on pattern matching
+# and is working correctly if
+# - under a title a line beginning with 'kernel' is found
+#   whose following item ends with "xen.gz"
+#   Example:  kernel /xen.gz dom0_mem=....
+# - a module line matching the 3rd parameter is found
+updateGrub ()
+       grubconf=$1
+       policyfile=$2
+       linux=$3
+       tmpfile="/tmp/new_grub.conf"
+       cat $grubconf |                                \
+                awk -vpolicy=$policyfile              \
+                    -vlinux=$linux '{                 \
+                  if ( $1 == "title" ) {              \
+                    kernelfound = 0;                  \
+                    if ( policymaycome == 1 ){        \
+                      printf ("\tmodule %s%s\n", path, policy);      \
+                    }                                 \
+                    policymaycome = 0;                \
+                  }                                   \
+                  else if ( $1 == "kernel" ) {        \
+                    if ( match($2,"xen.gz$") ) {      \
+                      path=substr($2,1,RSTART-1);     \
+                      kernelfound = 1;                \
+                    }                                 \
+                  }                                   \
+                  else if ( $1 == "module" &&         \
+                            kernelfound == 1 &&       \
+                            match($2,linux) ) {       \
+                     policymaycome = 1;               \
+                  }                                   \
+                  else if ( $1 == "module" &&         \
+                            kernelfound == 1 &&       \
+                            policymaycome == 1 &&     \
+                            match($2,"[0-9a-zA-Z]*.bin$") ) { \
+                     printf ("\tmodule %s%s\n", path, policy); \
+                     policymaycome = 0;               \
+                     kernelfound = 0;                 \
+                     dontprint = 1;                   \
+                  }                                   \
+                  else if ( $1 == "" &&               \
+                            kernelfound == 1 &&       \
+                            policymaycome == 1) {     \
+                     dontprint = 1;                   \
+                  }                                   \
+                  if (dontprint == 0) {               \
+                    printf ("%s\n", $0);              \
+                  }                                   \
+                  dontprint = 0;                      \
+                } END {                               \
+                  if ( policymaycome == 1 ) {         \
+                    printf ("\tmodule %s%s\n", path, policy);  \
+                  }                                   \
+                }' > $tmpfile
+       if [ ! -r $tmpfile ]; then
+               echo "Could not create temporary file! Aborting."
+               exit -1
+       fi
+       mv -f $tmpfile $grubconf
+# Display all the labels in a given mapfile
+# Parameters
+# 1st: Full or relative path to the policy's mapfile
+showLabels ()
+       mapfile=$1
+       if [ ! -r "$mapfile" -o "$mapfile" == "" ]; then
+               echo "Cannot read from vm configuration file $vmfile."
+               return -1
+       fi
+       getPrimaryPolicy $mapfile
+       getSecondaryPolicy $mapfile
+       echo "The following labels are available:"
+       let line=1
+       while [ 1 ]; do
+               ITEM=`cat $mapfile |         \
+                     awk -vline=$line       \
+                         -vprimary=$primary \
+                     '{                     \
+                        if ($1 == "LABEL->SSID" &&  \
+                            $2 == "VM" &&           \
+                            $3 == primary ) {       \
+                          ctr++;                    \
+                          if (ctr == line) {        \
+                            print $4;               \
+                          }                         \
+                        }                           \
+                      } END {                       \
+                      }'`
+               if [ "$ITEM" == "" ]; then
+                       break
+               fi
+               if [ "$secondary" != "NULL" ]; then
+                       LABEL=`cat $mapfile |     \
+                              awk -vitem=$ITEM   \
+                              '{
+                                 if ($1 == "LABEL->SSID" && \
+                                     $2 == "VM" &&          \
+                                     $3 == "CHWALL" &&      \
+                                     $4 == item ) {         \
+                                   result = item;           \
+                                 }                          \
+                               } END {                      \
+                                   print result             \
+                               }'`
+               else
+                       LABEL=$ITEM
+               fi
+               if [ "$LABEL" != "" ]; then
+                       echo "$LABEL"
+                       found=1
+               fi
+               let line=line+1
+       done
+       if [ "$found" != "1" ]; then
+               echo "No labels found."
+       fi
+# Get the default SSID given a mapfile and the policy name
+# Parameters
+# 1st: Full or relative path to the policy's mapfile
+# 2nd: the name of the policy
+getDefaultSsid ()
+       mapfile=$1
+       pol=$2
+       RES=`cat $mapfile    \
+            awk -vpol=$pol  \
+             {              \
+               if ($1 == "LABEL->SSID" && \
+                   $2 == "ANY"         && \
+                   $3 == pol           && \
+                   $4 == "DEFAULT"       ) {\
+                     res=$5;                \
+               }                            \
+             } END {                        \
+               printf "%04x", strtonum(res) \
+            }'`
+       echo "default NULL mapping is $RES"
+       defaultssid=$RES
+#Relabel a VM configuration file
+# Parameters
+# 1st: Full or relative path to the VM configuration file
+# 2nd: The label to translate into an ssidref
+# 3rd: Full or relative path to the policy's map file
+# 4th: The mode this function is supposed to operate in:
+#      'relabel' : Relabels the file without querying the user
+#      other     : Prompts the user whether to proceed
+relabel ()
+       vmfile=$1
+       label=$2
+       mapfile=$3
+       mode=$4
+       if [ ! -r "$vmfile" ]; then
+               echo "Cannot read from vm configuration file $vmfile."
+               return -1
+       fi
+       if [ ! -w "$vmfile" ]; then
+               echo "Cannot write to vm configuration file $vmfile."
+               return -1
+       fi
+       if [ ! -r "$mapfile" ] ; then
+               echo "Cannot read mapping file $mapfile."
+               return -1
+       fi
+       # Determine which policy is primary, which sec.
+       getPrimaryPolicy $mapfile
+       getSecondaryPolicy $mapfile
+       # Calculate the primary policy's SSIDREF
+       if [ "$primary" == "NULL" ]; then
+               SSIDLO="0001"
+       else
+               SSIDLO=`cat $mapfile |                    \
+                       awk -vlabel=$label                \
+                           -vprimary=$primary            \
+                          '{                             \
+                             if ( $1 == "LABEL->SSID" && \
+                                  $2 == "VM" &&          \
+                                  $3 == primary  &&      \
+                                  $4 == label ) {        \
+                               result=$5                 \
+                             }                           \
+                          } END {                        \
+                            if (result != "" )           \
+                              {printf "%04x", strtonum(result)}\
+                          }'`
+       fi
+       # Calculate the secondary policy's SSIDREF
+       if [ "$secondary" == "NULL" ]; then
+               if [ "$primary" == "NULL" ]; then
+                       SSIDHI="0001"
+               else
+                       SSIDHI="0000"
+               fi
+       else
+               SSIDHI=`cat $mapfile |                    \
+                       awk -vlabel=$label                \
+                           -vsecondary=$secondary        \
+                          '{                             \
+                             if ( $1 == "LABEL->SSID" && \
+                                  $2 == "VM"          && \
+                                  $3 == secondary     && \
+                                  $4 == label ) {        \
+                               result=$5                 \
+                             }                           \
+                           }  END {                      \
+                             if (result != "" )          \
+                               {printf "%04x", strtonum(result)}\
+                           }'`
+       fi
+       if [ "$SSIDLO" == "" -o \
+            "$SSIDHI" == "" ]; then
+               echo "Could not map the given label '$label'."
+               return -1
+       fi
+       ACM_POLICY=`cat $mapfile |             \
+           awk ' { if ( $1 == "POLICY" ) {    \
+                     result=$2                \
+                   }                          \
+                 }                            \
+                 END {                        \
+                   if (result != "") {        \
+                     printf result            \
+                   }                          \
+                 }'`
+       if [ "$ACM_POLICY" == "" ]; then
+               echo "Could not find 'POLICY' entry in map file."
+               return -1
+       fi
+       if [ "$mode" != "relabel" ]; then
+               RES=`cat $vmfile |  \
+                    awk '{         \
+                      if ( substr($1,0,7) == "ssidref" ) {\
+                        print $0;             \
+                      }                       \
+                    }'`
+               if [ "$RES" != "" ]; then
+                       echo "Do you want to overwrite the existing mapping 
($RES)? (y/N)"
+                       read user
+                       if [ "$user" != "y" -a "$user" != "Y" ]; then
+                               echo "Aborted."
+                               return 0
+                       fi
+               fi
+       fi
+       #Write the output
+       vmtmp1="/tmp/__setlabel.tmp1"
+       vmtmp2="/tmp/__setlabel.tmp2"
+       touch $vmtmp1
+       touch $vmtmp2
+       if [ ! -w "$vmtmp1" -o ! -w "$vmtmp2" ]; then
+               echo "Cannot create temporary files. Aborting."
+               return -1
+       fi
+       RES=`sed -e '/^#ACM_POLICY/d' $vmfile > $vmtmp1`
+       RES=`sed -e '/^#ACM_LABEL/d' $vmtmp1 > $vmtmp2`
+       RES=`sed -e '/^ssidref/d' $vmtmp2 > $vmtmp1`
+       echo "#ACM_POLICY=$ACM_POLICY" >> $vmtmp1
+       echo "#ACM_LABEL=$label" >> $vmtmp1
+       echo "ssidref = $SSIDREF" >> $vmtmp1
+       mv -f $vmtmp1 $vmfile
+       rm -rf $vmtmp1 $vmtmp2
+       echo "Mapped label '$label' to ssidref '$SSIDREF'."
+# Translate an ssidref into its label. This does the reverse lookup
+# to the relabel function above.
+# This function displays the results.
+# Parameters:
+# 1st: The ssidref to translate; must be in the form '0x00010002'
+# 2nd: Full or relative path to the policy's mapfile
+translateSSIDREF ()
+       ssidref=$1
+       mapfile=$2
+       if [ ! -r "$mapfile" -o "$mapfile" == "" ]; then
+               echo "Cannot read from vm configuration file $vmfile."
+               return -1
+       fi
+       getPrimaryPolicy $mapfile
+       getSecondaryPolicy $mapfile
+       if [ "$primary" == "NULL" -a "$secondary" == "NULL" ]; then
+               echo "There are no labels for the NULL policy."
+               return
+       fi
+       getSSIDLOHI $ssidref
+       ret=$?
+       if [ $ret -ne 1 ]; then
+               echo "Error while parsing the ssid ref number '$ssidref'."
+       fi;
+       let line1=0
+       let line2=0
+       while [ 1 ]; do
+               ITEM1=`cat $mapfile |                       \
+                     awk -vprimary=$primary                \
+                         -vssidlo=$ssidlo_int              \
+                         -vline=$line1                     \
+                     '{                                    \
+                        if ( $1 == "LABEL->SSID" &&        \
+                             $3 == primary &&              \
+                             int($5) == ssidlo     ) {     \
+                            if (l == line) {               \
+                                print $4;                  \
+                                exit;                      \
+                            }                              \
+                            l++;                           \
+                        }                                  \
+                      }'`
+               ITEM2=`cat $mapfile |                       \
+                     awk -vsecondary=$secondary            \
+                         -vssidhi=$ssidhi_int              \
+                         -vline=$line2                     \
+                     '{                                    \
+                        if ( $1 == "LABEL->SSID" &&        \
+                             $3 == secondary &&            \
+                             int($5) == ssidhi     ) {     \
+                            if (l == line) {               \
+                                print $4;                  \
+                                exit;                      \
+                            }                              \
+                            l++;                           \
+                        }                                  \
+                      }'`
+               if [ "$secondary" != "NULL" ]; then
+                       if [ "$ITEM1" == "" ]; then
+                               let line1=0
+                               let line2=line2+1
+                       else
+                               let line1=line1+1
+                       fi
+                       if [ "$ITEM1" == "" -a \
+                            "$ITEM2" == "" ]; then
+                               echo "Could not determine the referenced label."
+                               break
+                       fi
+                       if [ "$ITEM1" == "$ITEM2" ]; then
+                               echo "Label: $ITEM1"
+                               break
+                       fi
+               else
+                       if [ "$ITEM1" != "" ]; then
+                               echo "Label: $ITEM1"
+                       else
+                               if [ "$found" == "0" ]; then
+                                       found=1
+                               else
+                                       break
+                               fi
+                       fi
+                       let line1=line1+1
+               fi
+       done

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