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[Xen-API] Re: Project KRONOS - Networking with openvswitch (experimental

To: Sébastien Riccio <public-sr-dWg6jWm8wxMIjDr1QQGPvw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] Re: Project KRONOS - Networking with openvswitch (experimental)
From: Ben Pfaff <blp@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2011 12:51:27 -0700
Cc: Rob Hoes <public-Rob.Hoes-Sxgqhf6Nn4DQT0dZR+AlfA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jonathan Ludlam <public-Jonathan.Ludlam-mvvWK6WmYclDPfheJLI6IQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "xen-api-GuqFBffKawuULHF6PoxzQEEOCMrvLtNR@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <public-xen-api-GuqFBffKawuULHF6PoxzQEEOCMrvLtNR@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Sébastien Riccio <sr-dWg6jWm8wxMIjDr1QQGPvw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Here you'll find my howto and the links to the files I've modded in
> order to get openvswitch networking working on a debian box.

>From the suggestion to install bridge-utils and
openvswitch-brcompat it looks like you are building on top of the
Open vSwitch bridge compatibility support.  I hope that this is,
at most, a temporary step, since the Open vSwitch team is working
toward "upstreaming" the kernel module and the bridge
compatibility module won't be going along with that.



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