Re: [Xen-API] Re: [Xen-devel] XAPI on debian and openxenmanager
On Mon, 08/22/2011 04:00 PM, Mike McClurg <mike.mcclurg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 08/22/2011 08:40 PM, Sébastien Riccio wrote:
> > Mike, Thanks a lot for the script. It does now listen to https
> > requests and I can connect with SSL enabled from openxenmanager (it
> > stills hangs at the same point than without ssl). So I will continue
> > investiage this problem at my side. _ but the good news _ It now works
> > with Citrx XenCenter :) You'll find here a screenshot of it with the
> > version of xencenter i'm using. Thanks a lot. Sébastien
> Whoa, I'm actually shocked it works! Thanks for testing that out! Let me
> know if you run into any issues actually using the thing.
> FYI, you won't be able to install PV guests, so use "Other install
> media" to make HVM guests. This should be a simple fix on our end, but
> the package isn't ready yet.
> Mike
How did you get it to work with Xencenter? I've been struggling for the last
couple of days to get this to work...
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