[Xen-API] Re: XVPAppliance DVD Drive Question
After some further investigation it seems that the extra DVD drives are indeed my ISO images, however the names are not correctly displayed.
On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Ronny Bull <bullr@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am running XVP Appliance and am having an issue with the DVD drive labels in the Properties menu for my virtual machines. The screen shot at the following link shows what I mean.
I have all of my ISO images in a local ISO storage repository that is seen in XenCenter, but for some reason is not shown in XVP Appliance. How can I configure XVP so it sees the ISO's in the local repo and displays them in the DVD Drive list. XenCenter and OpenXenMananger both show the list with a single DVD drive, XenTools, then all of the images in my iso_import repo.
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