Re: [Xen-API] XCP xen-api build error
thank you for the info. In the meantime I had to revert back to xend, 'cause I simply was unable to build xapi from github. I am going to the Xen Summit in the beginning of August here in Santa Clara and I hope that I will be able to acquire enough information from attendees to build xapi. In addition, I will keep experimenting with the build process. I will post my findings on this list, once I've been able to build xapi.
In the meantime, it would be really nice if someone who has already build xapi, maybe you ?, could post the spec for the build env on the Xen Wiki or xapi Wiki. Interesting to know are: distro, OS version, OCaml & OCaml lib versions, versions of required system libs, in general where to get all the modules from.
I want to use xapi, because it has support for pooling.
you, Matthias
--- On Wed, 7/20/11, Mike McClurg <mike.mcclurg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Mike McClurg <mike.mcclurg@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [Xen-API] XCP xen-api build error To: "Matthias Blankenhaus" <matthiasblankenhaus@xxxxxxxxx> Cc: "Sergei Lebedev" <superbobry@xxxxxxxxx>, "xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2011, 6:08 AM
On 15/07/11 15:46, Matthias Blankenhaus wrote:
Hi Sergei,
I am indeed using Ocaml 3.11 as it comes with CentOS5.5 /
32bit. I have tried building before with Ocaml 3.12, but
then I ran into type-conv lib problems. I have posted my
findings on this list about that recently.
Going the CentOS5.5 / 32 bit route got me much farther
then before, thus I'd like to continue on that path.
Which OCaml pkgs, besides ocaml itself, do I need to
update to move to 3.12 ?
Here is what I currently have installed:
# rpm -qa |grep ocaml
Here is what I get from ocamlfind in my build environment (this is
for building xen-api/master and xen-api-libs/master on the xen-org
github repo):
type-conv (version: 2.0.1)
xmlm (version: 1.0.2)
findlib (version: 1.2.6)
getopt (version: 20040420)
We are also using OCaml 3.12, but I don't believe that we're
taking advantage of any new features, so it might be possible to
still use 3.11 to build. Having said that, I would highly
recommend using OCaml 3.12.0.
If you want to build xapi on Debian Sid, then you'll need to use
Jon Ludlam's 'debian' branches on his github repos for
xen-api[-libs]: https://github.com/jonludlam
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