RE: RE: [Xen-API] Xen-API: XMLRPC Documentation
> I think, using some kind of database (sql is not good, may be something
> like mongo?) with allowed access to database (with nice and powerful
> query language) will help to obtain required data without master
> overload.
I'm not sure whether the solution is to use another database. It is probably a
good idea though to make the XenAPI "richer", such that it is easier to query
the xapi database.
> Few things we extremely lack in XCP - is resource accounting.
> 1. CPU usage. xc.domain_getinfo() let us know in seconds. It cool, but
> value loss on reboot and migration (so we create subsystem to collect
> data).
> 2. Memory usage. XCP data suck. If xenballon fail to complete request
> we
> can get memory-dynamic/target values different from real allocation.
> xc.domain_getinfo() show us real use in kb. If we changing memory on
> demand, it requied to account it in some synthetic form (kb*hr).
> 3. disk io accounting. I found information about I/O operation amount
> in /sys fs for VBD and we collecting those data (by our agent). And,
> yet
> again, information lost on every domain reboot/migration.
> 4. Same for network (vif).
> If those data are storing in metrics - it really helps... But common
> database with direct access via requests is required again.
Did you try the RRD functionality to obtain information about resource usage? I
think you can get all the information you need from there. See
http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XAPI_RRDs for details.
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