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[Xen-API] [PATCH] CP-1713: Extend mpathalert deamon to report changing s

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] CP-1713: Extend mpathalert deamon to report changing status of multipathed root disk
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 14:11:00 +0100
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# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
CP-1713: Extend mpathalert deamon to report changing status of multipathed root 

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r cdcefa70d094 ocaml/mpathalert/mpathalert.ml
--- a/ocaml/mpathalert/mpathalert.ml
+++ b/ocaml/mpathalert/mpathalert.ml
@@ -54,9 +54,14 @@
        max: int }
 let to_string alert =
-       Printf.sprintf "[%s] host=%s; host-name=\"%s\"; pbd=%s; scsi_id=%s; 
current=%d; max=%d"
-               (time_of_float alert.timestamp) (String.escaped (Uuid.to_string 
-               alert.host_name (Uuid.to_string alert.pbd) alert.scsi_id 
alert.current alert.max
+       if alert.pbd <> Uuid.null then
+               Printf.sprintf "[%s] host=%s; host-name=\"%s\"; pbd=%s; 
scsi_id=%s; current=%d; max=%d"
+                       (time_of_float alert.timestamp) (String.escaped 
(Uuid.to_string alert.host))
+                       alert.host_name (Uuid.to_string alert.pbd) 
alert.scsi_id alert.current alert.max
+       else    
+               Printf.sprintf "[%s] host=%s; host-name=\"%s\"; root=true; 
current=%d; max=%d"
+                       (time_of_float alert.timestamp) (String.escaped 
(Uuid.to_string alert.host))
+                       alert.host_name alert.current alert.max
 (* execute f within an active session *)
 let rec retry_with_session f rpc x =
@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@
 let keep_mpath = List.filter (fun (key, value) -> Stringext.String.startswith 
"mpath-" key)
 (* create a list of alerts from a PBD event *)
-let create_alerts rpc session snapshot (pbd_ref, pbd_rec, timestamp) =
+let create_pbd_alerts rpc session snapshot (pbd_ref, pbd_rec, timestamp) =
        let aux (key, value) =
                let scsi_id = String.sub_to_end key 6 in
                let current, max = Scanf.sscanf value "[%d, %d]" (fun current 
max -> current, max) in
@@ -97,26 +102,53 @@
        let diff = List.set_difference (keep_mpath 
pbd_rec.API.pBD_other_config) snapshot in
        List.map aux diff
+(* create a list of alerts from a host event *)
+let create_host_alerts rpc session snapshot (host_ref, host_rec, timestamp) =
+       let aux (key, value) =
+               let scsi_id = "n/a" in
+               let current, max = Scanf.sscanf value "[%d, %d]" (fun current 
max -> current, max) in
+               let host = Uuid.of_string host_rec.API.host_uuid in
+               let host_name = host_rec.API.host_name_label in
+               let pbd = Uuid.null in
+               let alert = {
+                       host = host;
+                       host_name = host_name;
+                       pbd = pbd;
+                       timestamp = timestamp;
+                       scsi_id = scsi_id;
+                       current = current;
+                       max = max
+                       } in
+               debug "Alert '%s' created from %s=%s" (to_string alert) key 
+               alert in
+       let diff = List.set_difference (keep_mpath 
host_rec.API.host_other_config) snapshot in
+       List.map aux diff
 let listener rpc session queue =
        let snapshot = Hashtbl.create 48 in
-       let update_snapshot pbd_ref other_config =
-               if Hashtbl.mem snapshot pbd_ref then
-                       debug "Update an entry of the snapshot table: %s" 
(Ref.string_of pbd_ref)
+       let update_snapshot r other_config =
+               let r = Ref.string_of r in
+               if Hashtbl.mem snapshot r then
+                       debug "Update an entry of the snapshot table: %s" r
-                       debug "Add a new entry to the snapshot table: %s" 
(Ref.string_of pbd_ref);
-               Hashtbl.replace snapshot pbd_ref other_config in
-       let remove_from_snapshot pbd_ref =
-               debug "Remove an entry to the snapshot table: %s" 
(Ref.string_of pbd_ref);
-               Hashtbl.remove snapshot pbd_ref in
-       let get_snapshot = Hashtbl.find snapshot in
+                       debug "Add a new entry to the snapshot table: %s" r;
+               Hashtbl.replace snapshot r other_config in
+       let remove_from_snapshot r =
+               let r = Ref.string_of r in
+               debug "Remove an entry to the snapshot table: %s" r;
+               Hashtbl.remove snapshot r in
+       let get_snapshot r = Hashtbl.find snapshot (Ref.string_of r) in
-       Client.Event.register rpc session ["pbd"];
+       Client.Event.register rpc session ["pbd"; "host"];
        (* populate the snapshot cache *)
        let pbds = Client.PBD.get_all_records rpc session in
        List.iter (fun (pbd_ref, pbd_rec) -> update_snapshot pbd_ref 
(keep_mpath pbd_rec.API.pBD_other_config)) pbds;
+       let hosts = Client.Host.get_all_records rpc session in
+       List.iter (fun (host_ref, host_rec) -> update_snapshot host_ref 
(keep_mpath host_rec.API.host_other_config)) hosts;
        (* proceed events *)
        let proceed event =
                match Event_helper.record_of_event event with
@@ -130,10 +162,25 @@
                                remove_from_snapshot pbd_ref
                        | Mod ->
                                debug "Processing a MOD event";
-                               let alerts = create_alerts rpc session 
(get_snapshot pbd_ref) (pbd_ref, pbd_rec, event.ts) in
+                               let alerts = create_pbd_alerts rpc session 
(get_snapshot pbd_ref) (pbd_ref, pbd_rec, event.ts) in
                                List.iter (fun alert -> with_global_lock (fun 
() -> Queue.push alert queue)) alerts;
                                update_snapshot pbd_ref (keep_mpath 
                        | _ -> () (* this should never happens *)
+                       end                     
+               | Event_helper.Host (host_ref, host_rec) ->
+                       begin match event.op with
+                       | Add -> 
+                               debug "Processing an ADD event";
+                               update_snapshot host_ref (keep_mpath 
+                       | Del ->
+                               debug "Processing a DEL event";
+                               remove_from_snapshot host_ref
+                       | Mod ->
+                               debug "Processing a MOD event";
+                               let alerts = create_host_alerts rpc session 
(get_snapshot host_ref) (host_ref, host_rec, event.ts) in
+                               List.iter (fun alert -> with_global_lock (fun 
() -> Queue.push alert queue)) alerts;
+                               update_snapshot host_ref (keep_mpath 
+                       | _ -> () (* this should never happens *)
                | _ -> () (* this should never happen *) in
@@ -146,8 +193,10 @@
 let state_of_the_world rpc session =
        debug "Generating the current state of the world";
        let pbds = Client.PBD.get_all_records rpc session in
-       let alerts = List.flatten (List.map (fun (pbd_ref, pbd_rec) -> 
create_alerts rpc session [] (pbd_ref, pbd_rec, Unix.gettimeofday ())) pbds) in
-       let alerts = List.filter (fun alert -> alert.current <> alert.max) 
alerts in
+       let pbd_alerts = List.flatten (List.map (fun (pbd_ref, pbd_rec) -> 
create_pbd_alerts rpc session [] (pbd_ref, pbd_rec, Unix.gettimeofday ())) 
pbds) in
+       let hosts = Client.Host.get_all_records rpc session in
+       let host_alerts = List.flatten (List.map (fun (host_ref, host_rec) -> 
create_host_alerts rpc session [] (host_ref, host_rec, Unix.gettimeofday ())) 
hosts) in
+       let alerts = List.filter (fun alert -> alert.current <> alert.max) 
(pbd_alerts @ host_alerts) in
        debug "State of the world generated";

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  • [Xen-API] [PATCH] CP-1713: Extend mpathalert deamon to report changing status of multipathed root disk, Rob Hoes <=