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[Xen-API] [PATCH 18 of 21] CP-1739: vmpp.{backup, archive}-last-run-time

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 18 of 21] CP-1739: vmpp.{backup, archive}-last-run-time should be for local-root only
From: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 17:52:37 +0100
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 ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml       |  26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml |   6 ++----
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml      |  32 ++++++++++++++------------------
 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

# HG changeset patch
# User Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1282322886 -3600
# Node ID 8ef58fae00a0aa69b0d909a18719990bcaab6ff5
# Parent  490c915ac23b78f1fe72964069bb7e1b7df31dad
CP-1739: vmpp.{backup,archive}-last-run-time should be for local-root only

Signed-off-by: Marcus Granado <marcus.granado@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 490c915ac23b -r 8ef58fae00a0 ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
+++ b/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
@@ -6049,6 +6049,26 @@
     Map(String,String), "value", "the value to set"
+let vmpp_set_backup_last_run_time = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"set_backup_last_run_time"
+  ~in_oss_since:None
+  ~in_product_since:rel_cowley
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_LOCAL_ROOT_ONLY
+  ~params:[
+    Ref _vmpp, "self", "The protection policy";
+    DateTime, "value", "the value to set"
+  ]
+  ()
+let vmpp_set_archive_last_run_time = call ~flags:[`Session]
+  ~name:"set_archive_last_run_time"
+  ~in_oss_since:None
+  ~in_product_since:rel_cowley
+  ~allowed_roles:_R_LOCAL_ROOT_ONLY
+  ~params:[
+    Ref _vmpp, "self", "The protection policy";
+    DateTime, "value", "the value to set"
+  ]
+  ()
 let vmpp_add_to_backup_schedule = call ~flags:[`Session]
@@ -6161,6 +6181,8 @@
+      vmpp_set_backup_last_run_time;
+      vmpp_set_archive_last_run_time;
       uid _vmpp;
@@ -6171,13 +6193,13 @@
       field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:vmpp_backup_frequency "backup_frequency" 
"frequency of the backup schedule";
       field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:(Map (String,String)) "backup_schedule" 
"schedule of the backup containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related 
information is in XenServer Local Timezone";
       field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:Bool "is_backup_running" "true if this 
protection policy's backup is running";
-      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:DateTime "backup_last_run_time" "time of the 
last backup" ~default_value:(Some(VDateTime(Date.of_float 0.)));
+      field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:DateTime "backup_last_run_time" "time of 
the last backup" ~default_value:(Some(VDateTime(Date.of_float 0.)));
       field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:vmpp_archive_target_type 
"archive_target_type" "type of the archive target config" ~default_value:(Some 
(VEnum "none"));
       field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:(Map (String,String)) 
"archive_target_config" "configuration for the archive, including its 
'location', 'username', 'password'" ~default_value:(Some (VMap []));
       field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:vmpp_archive_frequency "archive_frequency" 
"frequency of the archive schedule" ~default_value:(Some (VEnum "never"));
       field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:(Map (String,String)) "archive_schedule" 
"schedule of the archive containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related 
information is in XenServer Local Timezone" ~default_value:(Some (VMap []));
       field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:Bool "is_archive_running" "true if this 
protection policy's archive is running";
-      field ~qualifier:RW ~ty:DateTime "archive_last_run_time" "time of the 
last archive" ~default_value:(Some(VDateTime(Date.of_float 0.)));
+      field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:DateTime "archive_last_run_time" "time of 
the last archive" ~default_value:(Some(VDateTime(Date.of_float 0.)));
       field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~ty:(Set (Ref _vm)) "VMs" "all VMs attached 
to this protection policy";
       field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:Bool "is_alarm_enabled" "true if alarm is 
enabled for this policy" ~default_value:(Some (VBool false));
       field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~ty:(Map (String,String)) "alarm_config" 
"configuration for the alarm" ~default_value:(Some (VMap []));
diff -r 490c915ac23b -r 8ef58fae00a0 ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/cli_operations.ml
@@ -3928,19 +3928,17 @@
        let name_description = get "name-description" ~default:"" in
        let is_policy_enabled = Record_util.bool_of_string(get 
"is-policy-enabled" ~default:"true") in
   let backup_retention_value = map "backup-retention-value" ~default:"1" 
XMLRPC.To.string API.From.int64 in
-  let backup_last_run_time = Date.of_string (get "backup-last-run-time"        
~default:(Date.to_string (Date.of_float 0.))) in
        let archive_frequency = map "archive-frequency" ~default:"never" 
XMLRPC.To.string API.From.vmpp_archive_frequency in
        let archive_target_type = map "archive-target-type" ~default:"none" 
XMLRPC.To.string API.From.vmpp_archive_target_type in
        let archive_target_config = read_map_params "archive-target-config" 
params in
        let archive_schedule = read_map_params "archive-schedule" params in
-       let archive_last_run_time = Date.of_string (get "archive-last-run-time" 
~default:(Date.to_string (Date.of_float 0.))) in
        let is_alarm_enabled = Record_util.bool_of_string(get 
"is-alarm-enabled" ~default:"false") in
        let alarm_config = read_map_params "alarm-config" params in
        let ref = Client.VMPP.create ~rpc ~session_id ~name_label 
                ~is_policy_enabled ~backup_type ~backup_retention_value 
-    ~backup_schedule ~backup_last_run_time ~archive_target_type
+    ~backup_schedule ~archive_target_type
     ~archive_target_config ~archive_frequency ~archive_schedule
-    ~archive_last_run_time ~is_alarm_enabled ~alarm_config
+    ~is_alarm_enabled ~alarm_config
   let uuid = Client.VMPP.get_uuid ~rpc ~session_id ~self:ref in
   printer (Cli_printer.PList [uuid])
diff -r 490c915ac23b -r 8ef58fae00a0 ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_vmpp.ml
@@ -65,20 +65,6 @@
     Some (String.sub str start len)
   with _->None
-let add_alert_to_audit_log ~__context ~vmpp ~name ~priority ~body =
-  let session_id=Context.get_session_id __context in
-  let action="message.create" in
-  let permission=action in
-  let uuid = Db.VMPP.get_uuid ~__context ~self:vmpp in
-  let name_label = Db.VMPP.get_name_label ~__context ~self:vmpp in
-  let s_name = Rbac_audit.get_sexpr_arg "name" name "" "" in
-  let s_obj_uuid = Rbac_audit.get_sexpr_arg "obj_uuid" name_label uuid 
(Ref.string_of vmpp) in
-  let s_body = Rbac_audit.get_sexpr_arg "body" body "" "" in
-  let sexpr_of_args = s_name::s_obj_uuid::s_body::[] in
-  Rbac_audit.allowed_post_fn_ok ~__context ~session_id ~action ~permission 
~sexpr_of_args ()
 let create_alert ~__context ~vmpp ~name ~priority ~body =
   assert_licensed ~__context;
   match inside_data_tag body with
@@ -558,11 +544,19 @@
   assert_non_required_key ~ks:alarm_config_keys ~key 
~db:(Db.VMPP.get_alarm_config ~__context ~self);
   Db.VMPP.remove_from_alarm_config ~__context ~self ~key
+let set_backup_last_run_time ~__context ~self ~value =
+  assert_licensed ~__context;
+  Db.VMPP.set_backup_last_run_time ~__context ~self ~value
+let set_archive_last_run_time ~__context ~self ~value =
+  assert_licensed ~__context;
+  Db.VMPP.set_archive_last_run_time ~__context ~self ~value
 (* constructors/destructors *)
 let create ~__context ~name_label ~name_description ~is_policy_enabled
-  ~backup_type ~backup_retention_value ~backup_frequency ~backup_schedule 
-  ~archive_target_type ~archive_target_config ~archive_frequency 
~archive_schedule  ~archive_last_run_time
+  ~backup_type ~backup_retention_value ~backup_frequency ~backup_schedule 
+  ~archive_target_type ~archive_target_config ~archive_frequency 
   ~is_alarm_enabled ~alarm_config
 : API.ref_VMPP =
@@ -589,10 +583,12 @@
   Db.VMPP.create ~__context ~ref ~uuid
     ~name_label ~name_description ~is_policy_enabled
     ~backup_type ~backup_retention_value
-    ~backup_frequency ~backup_schedule ~backup_last_run_time
+    ~backup_frequency ~backup_schedule
+    ~backup_last_run_time:(Date.of_float 0.)
     ~is_backup_running:false ~is_archive_running:false
     ~archive_target_type ~archive_target_config
-    ~archive_frequency ~archive_schedule ~archive_last_run_time
+    ~archive_frequency ~archive_schedule
+    ~archive_last_run_time:(Date.of_float 0.)
     ~is_alarm_enabled ~alarm_config ~recent_alerts:[];

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