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[Xen-API] [PATCH 3 of 4] Update code to change edition to use new module

To: xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH 3 of 4] Update code to change edition to use new modules
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 15:18:22 +0100
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# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1279116492 -3600
# Node ID 5e1ae12e5f4531a3fdc1de93535dece93be62456
# Parent  6e38ba9d62d64a0067865d5fc754fff3f86e90fd
Update code to change edition to use new modules

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 6e38ba9d62d6 -r 5e1ae12e5f45 ocaml/license/fakev6.ml
--- a/ocaml/license/fakev6.ml
+++ b/ocaml/license/fakev6.ml
@@ -16,10 +16,6 @@
 open D
 let initialise address port edition =
-       (* check edition  *)
-       if not (List.mem edition ["STD"; "ADV"; "ENT"; "XD"; "PLT"]) then
-               failwith "unknown edition";
        ("real", Int32.of_int (-1))
 let shutdown () =
diff -r 6e38ba9d62d6 -r 5e1ae12e5f45 ocaml/license/license_init.ml
--- a/ocaml/license/license_init.ml
+++ b/ocaml/license/license_init.ml
@@ -32,75 +32,60 @@
        let existing_license_params = Db.Host.get_license_params ~__context 
~self:host in
        let existing_edition = Db.Host.get_edition ~__context ~self:host in
        let default = default () in
-       let new_license = try 
-               let existing_license = of_assoc_list existing_license_params in
-               match existing_edition with
-               | "free" ->
-                       (* old Floodgate-free behaviour *)
-                       begin try
-                               License_file.do_parse_and_validate 
-                               info "Existing free license with expiry date %s 
still in effect." (Date.to_string (Date.of_float !license.expiry));
-                               !license (* do_parse_and_validate already sets 
!license *)
-                       with
-                       | License_file.License_expired l -> l (* keep expired 
license *)
-                       | _ ->
-                               (* activation file does not exist or is invalid 
-                               if existing_license.expiry < default.expiry 
then begin
-                                       info "Existing free license with expiry 
date %s still in effect." (Date.to_string (Date.of_float 
-                                       {default with expiry = 
-                               end else begin
-                                       info "Generating new free license, 
which needs to be activated in 30 days.";
-                                       default
+       let free = Edition.to_string Edition.Free in
+       let new_license =
+               try 
+                       let existing_license = of_assoc_list 
existing_license_params in
+                       try match Edition.of_string existing_edition with
+                       | Edition.Free ->
+                               (* old Floodgate-free behaviour *)
+                               begin try
+                                       License_file.do_parse_and_validate 
+                                       info "Existing free license with expiry 
date %s still in effect." (Date.to_string (Date.of_float !license.expiry));
+                                       !license (* do_parse_and_validate 
already sets !license *)
+                               with
+                               | License_file.License_expired l -> l (* keep 
expired license *)
+                               | _ ->
+                                       (* activation file does not exist or is 
invalid *)
+                                       if existing_license.expiry < 
default.expiry then begin
+                                               info "Existing free license 
with expiry date %s still in effect." (Date.to_string (Date.of_float 
+                                               {default with expiry = 
+                                       end else begin
+                                               info "Generating new free 
license, which needs to be activated in 30 days.";
+                                               default
+                                       end
-                       end
-               | "enterprise" | "platinum" | "enterprise-xd" ->
-                       (* existing license is a v6 Essentials license -> try 
to check one out again *)
-                       begin try
-                               V6client.get_v6_license ~__context ~host 
-                       with _ -> error "The license-server connection details 
(address or port) were missing or incomplete." end;
-                       begin match !V6client.licensed with 
-                       | None ->
-                               let upgrade_grace = read_grace_from_file () > 
Unix.time () in
-                               if upgrade_grace then begin
-                                       info "No %s license is available, but 
we are still in the upgrade grace period." existing_edition;
-                                       {existing_license with grace = "upgrade 
-                               end else begin
-                                       info "No %s license is available. 
Essentials features have been disabled." existing_edition;
-                                       {existing_license with expiry = 0.} (* 
expiry date 0 means 01-01-1970, so always expired *)
+                       | edition ->
+                               (* existing license is a v6 Essentials license 
-> try to check one out again *)
+                               begin try
+                                       V6client.get_v6_license ~__context 
~host ~edition;
+                               with _ -> error "The license-server connection 
details (address or port) were missing or incomplete." end;
+                               begin match !V6client.licensed with 
+                               | None ->
+                                       let upgrade_grace = 
read_grace_from_file () > Unix.time () in
+                                       if upgrade_grace then begin
+                                               info "No %s license is 
available, but we are still in the upgrade grace period." existing_edition;
+                                               {existing_license with grace = 
"upgrade grace"}
+                                       end else begin
+                                               info "No %s license is 
available. Essentials features have been disabled." existing_edition;
+                                               {existing_license with expiry = 
0.} (* expiry date 0 means 01-01-1970, so always expired *)
+                                       end
+                               | Some license ->
+                                       info "Successfully checked out %s 
license." existing_edition;
+                                       (* delete upgrade-grace file, if it 
exists *)
+                                       Unixext.unlink_safe 
+                                       if !V6client.grace then begin
+                                               Grace_retry.retry_periodically 
host existing_edition;
+                                               {existing_license with grace = 
"regular grace"; expiry = !V6client.expires}
+                                       end else
+                                               {existing_license with grace = 
"no"; expiry = !V6client.expires}
-                       | Some license ->
-                               info "Successfully checked out %s license." 
-                               (* delete upgrade-grace file, if it exists *)
-                               Unixext.unlink_safe 
-                               if !V6client.grace then begin
-                                       Grace_retry.retry_periodically host 
-                                       {existing_license with grace = "regular 
grace"; expiry = !V6client.expires}
-                               end else
-                                       {existing_license with grace = "no"; 
expiry = !V6client.expires}
-                       end
-               | "" -> 
-                       (* upgrade from pre-MNR *)
-                       if existing_license.sku = "XE Express" then begin
-                               info "Upgrade from free: set to free edition.";
-                               (* all existing license_params are kept; only 
fill in edition field *)
-                               Db.Host.set_edition ~__context ~self:host 
-                               {default with sku = "free"; expiry = 
-                       end else begin
-                               info "Upgrade from Essentials: transition to 
enterprise edition (30-day grace license).";
-                               Db.Host.set_edition ~__context ~self:host 
-                               let expiry = upgrade_grace_expiry () in
-                               write_grace_to_file expiry;
-                               Unixext.unlink_safe !License_file.filename;
-                               V6alert.send_v6_upgrade_grace_license ();
-                               let name = Edition.to_marketing_name 
Edition.Enterprise in
-                               {default with sku = "enterprise"; expiry = 
expiry; grace = "upgrade grace"; sku_marketing_name = name}
-                       end
-               | _ ->
-                       warn "Edition field corrupted; generating a new free 
license, which needs to be activated in 30 days.";
-                       default
-               with _ ->
+                       with Edition.Undefined_edition _ ->
+                               warn "Edition field corrupted; generating a new 
free license, which needs to be activated in 30 days.";
+                               default
+               with License.Missing_license_param _ ->
                        (* no license_params -> first boot *)
-                       Db.Host.set_edition ~__context ~self:host ~value:"free";
+                       Db.Host.set_edition ~__context ~self:host ~value:free;
                        begin try
                                info "Found a free-license activation key with 
expiry date %s." (Date.to_string (Date.of_float !license.expiry));
diff -r 6e38ba9d62d6 -r 5e1ae12e5f45 ocaml/license/v6client.ml
--- a/ocaml/license/v6client.ml
+++ b/ocaml/license/v6client.ml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 let v6rpc xml = Xmlrpcclient.do_xml_rpc_unix ~version:"1.0" ~filename:socket 
~path:"/" xml
 (* conversion to v6 edition codes *)
-let editions = ["enterprise", "ENT"; "platinum", "PLT"; "enterprise-xd", "XD"]
+let editions = [Edition.Free, "FREE"]
 (* reset to not-licensed state *)
 let reset_state () =
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
                                if success then begin
                                        match !licensed with
                                        | None -> ()
-                                       | Some l ->
-                                               info "Checked %s license back 
in to license server." l;
+                                       | Some edition ->
+                                               info "Checked %s license back 
in to license server." (Edition.to_string edition);
                                                reset_state ()
                        | _ -> 
@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@
                                (* check return status *)
                                if license = "real" then begin
-                                       info "Checked out %s license from 
license server." edition;
+                                       info "Checked out %s license from 
license server." (Edition.to_string edition);
                                        licensed := Some edition;
                                        grace := false
                                end else if license = "grace" then begin
-                                       info "Obtained %s grace license." 
+                                       info "Obtained %s grace license." 
(Edition.to_string edition);
                                        licensed := Some edition;
                                        grace := true;
                                        if Xapi_fist.reduce_grace_period () then
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
                let ls = Db.Host.get_license_server ~__context ~self:host in
                let address = List.assoc "address" ls in
                let port = int_of_string (List.assoc "port" ls) in
-               debug "obtaining %s v6 license; license server address: %s; 
port: %d" edition address port;
+               debug "obtaining %s v6 license; license server address: %s; 
port: %d" (Edition.to_string edition) address port;
                (* obtain v6 license *)
                connect_and_get_license edition address port
diff -r 6e38ba9d62d6 -r 5e1ae12e5f45 ocaml/license/v6client.mli
--- a/ocaml/license/v6client.mli
+++ b/ocaml/license/v6client.mli
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (** {2 State variables} *)
-val licensed : string option ref
+val licensed : Edition.edition option ref
 (** Equal to the edition string, if a license has been checked out,
  *  or None otherwise *)
 val expires : float ref
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 (** {2 Obtaining and Releasing a License} *)
-val get_v6_license : __context:Context.t -> host:[`host] Ref.t -> 
edition:string -> unit
+val get_v6_license : __context:Context.t -> host:[`host] Ref.t -> 
edition:Edition.edition -> unit
 (** Obtain a v6 license via the licensing daemon. The edition parameter is
  *  either "enterprise" or "platinum". Uses the contact details in 
host.license_server. *)
 val release_v6_license : unit -> unit
diff -r 6e38ba9d62d6 -r 5e1ae12e5f45 ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml
--- a/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml
+++ b/ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml
@@ -1214,53 +1214,54 @@
        let current_edition = Db.Host.get_edition ~__context ~self:host in
        let current_license = !License.license in
        let default = License.default () in
-       let new_license = match edition with
-       | "free" ->     
-               if current_edition = "free" then begin
-                       info "The host's edition is already 'free'. No change.";
-                       current_license
-               end else begin
-                       info "Downgrading from %s to free edition." 
-                       (* CA-27011: if HA is enabled block the application 
from downgrading to free *)
-                       let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) in
-                       if Db.Pool.get_ha_enabled ~__context ~self:pool then
-                               raise (Api_errors.Server_error 
(Api_errors.ha_is_enabled, []))
-                       else begin
+       let new_license = 
+               try match Edition.of_string edition with
+               | Edition.Free ->       
+                       if Edition.of_string current_edition = Edition.Free 
then begin
+                               info "The host's edition is already 'free'. No 
+                               current_license
+                       end else begin
+                               info "Downgrading from %s to free edition." 
+                               (* CA-27011: if HA is enabled block the 
application from downgrading to free *)
+                               let pool = List.hd (Db.Pool.get_all ~__context) 
+                               if Db.Pool.get_ha_enabled ~__context ~self:pool 
+                                       raise (Api_errors.Server_error 
(Api_errors.ha_is_enabled, []))
+                               else begin
+                                       V6client.release_v6_license ();
+                                       Unixext.unlink_safe 
!License_file.filename; (* delete activation key, if it exists *)
+                                       default (* default is free edition with 
30 day grace validity *)
+                               end
+                       end
+               | e ->
+                       (* Try to get the a v6 license; if one has already been 
checked out,
+                        * it will be automatically checked back in. *)
+                       if Edition.of_string current_edition = Edition.Free then
+                               info "Upgrading from free to %s edition..." 
+                       else
+                               info "(Re)applying %s license..." edition;
+                       begin try
+                               V6client.get_v6_license ~__context ~host 
+                       with _ -> raise (Api_errors.Server_error 
(Api_errors.missing_connection_details, [])) end;
+                       begin match !V6client.licensed with 
+                       | None -> 
+                               error "License could not be checked out. 
Edition is not changed.";
                                V6client.release_v6_license ();
-                               Unixext.unlink_safe !License_file.filename; (* 
delete activation key, if it exists *)
-                               default (* default is free edition with 30 day 
grace validity *)
+                               raise (Api_errors.Server_error 
(Api_errors.license_checkout_error, [edition]))
+                       | Some license ->
+                               let name = Edition.to_marketing_name 
(Edition.of_string edition) in
+                               let basic = {default with License.sku = 
edition; License.sku_marketing_name = name;
+                                       License.expiry = !V6client.expires} in
+                               if !V6client.grace then begin
+                                       Grace_retry.retry_periodically host 
+                                       {basic with License.grace = "regular 
+                               end else
+                                       basic
-               end
-       | "enterprise" | "platinum" | "enterprise-xd" ->
-               (* Try to get the a v6 license; if one has already been checked 
-                * it will be automatically checked back in. *)
-               if current_edition = "free" then
-                       info "Upgrading from free to %s edition..." edition
-               else
-                       info "(Re)applying %s license..." edition;
-               begin try
-                       V6client.get_v6_license ~__context ~host ~edition
-               with _ -> raise (Api_errors.Server_error 
(Api_errors.missing_connection_details, [])) end;
-               begin match !V6client.licensed with 
-               | None -> 
-                       error "License could not be checked out. Edition is not 
-                       V6client.release_v6_license ();
-                       raise (Api_errors.Server_error 
(Api_errors.license_checkout_error, [edition]))
-               | Some license ->
-                       let name = Edition.to_marketing_name (Edition.of_string 
edition) in
-                       let basic = {default with License.sku = edition; 
License.sku_marketing_name = name;
-                               License.expiry = !V6client.expires} in
-                       if !V6client.grace then begin
-                               Grace_retry.retry_periodically host edition;
-                               {basic with License.grace = "regular grace"}
-                       end else
-                               basic
-               end
-       | _ ->
-               error "Invalid edition ('%s')!" edition;
-               raise (Api_errors.Server_error (Api_errors.invalid_edition, 
+               with Edition.Undefined_edition e ->
+                       error "Invalid edition ('%s')!" e;
+                       raise (Api_errors.Server_error 
(Api_errors.invalid_edition, [e]))
        License.license := new_license;
        Db.Host.set_edition ~__context ~self:host ~value:edition;
 ocaml/license/fakev6.ml       |    4 -
 ocaml/license/license_init.ml |  117 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 ocaml/license/v6client.ml     |   12 ++--
 ocaml/license/v6client.mli    |    4 +-
 ocaml/xapi/xapi_host.ml       |   91 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 5 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

Attachment: xen-api.hg-3.patch
Description: Text Data

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