[Xen-API] [PATCH 2 of 2] vfi hotplug: drop support for XS 5.5.0 from vsw
# HG changeset patch
# User David Scott <dave.scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
# Date 1278596114 -3600
# Node ID 24f202bcabdaa5636c87013db6c2f8f035969a0c
# Parent 75e2b541f6709d5bb8472782cbefad324c7ec459
vfi hotplug: drop support for XS 5.5.0 from vswitch functionlity.
This was imported from the vswitch tree (which wants to work on XS
5.5.0) for ease of import but back them out here.
diff -r 75e2b541f670 -r 24f202bcabda scripts/vif
--- a/scripts/vif Thu Jul 08 14:35:13 2010 +0100
+++ b/scripts/vif Thu Jul 08 14:35:14 2010 +0100
@@ -25,16 +25,6 @@
-# XAPI before build 29381 (approximately) did not provide some of the
-# data in XenStore that we rely on.
-. /etc/xensource-inventory
-if test "$PRODUCT_VERSION" = "5.5.0" || test "${BUILD_NUMBER%[a-z]}" -le 26131
- xs550=true
- xs550=false
local arg=$(xenstore-read "${PRIVATE}/other-config/promiscuous"
@@ -96,43 +86,19 @@
local vif_uuid=$(xenstore-read "${PRIVATE}/vif-uuid" 2>/dev/null)
- if $xs550 && [ -z "${vif_uuid}" ] && [ -n "${vm_uuid}" ]; then
- vif_uuid=$(xe vif-list --minimal vm-uuid="${vm_uuid}" device=$DEVID)
- fi
if [ -n "${vif_uuid}" ] ; then
- set_vif_external_id "vif-uuid" "${vif_uuid}"
+ set_vif_external_id "vif-uuid" "${vif_uuid}"
local vif_details=
local net_uuid=$(xenstore-read "${PRIVATE}/network-uuid" 2>/dev/null)
- if $xs550 && [ -z "${net_uuid}" ] && [ -n "${vif_uuid}" ]; then
- net_uuid=$(xe vif-param-get uuid="${vif_uuid}" param-name=network-uuid)
+ if [ -n "${net_uuid}" ] ; then
+ set_vif_external_id "network-uuid" "${net_uuid}"
- if [ -n "${net_uuid}" ] ; then
- set_vif_external_id "network-uuid" "${net_uuid}"
- fi
local address=$(xenstore-read "/local/domain/$DOMID/device/vif/$DEVID/mac"
if [ -n "${address}" ] ; then
set_vif_external_id "vif-mac" "${address}"
- if $xs550; then
- # vNetManager needs to know the network UUID(s) associated with each
- # datapath. Normally interface-reconfigure adds them, but XAPI does
- # not use interface-reconfigure for internal networks. Instead, XAPI
- # calls the addbr ioctl internally, so we have to do it here instead
- # for internal networks. This is only acceptable because xapi is lazy
- # about creating internal networks: it only creates one just before it
- # adds the first vif to it. There may still be a brief delay between
- # the initial ovs-vswitchd connection to vNetManager and setting this
- # configuration variable, but vNetManager can tolerate that.
- local bridge=$1
- if [ -n "${net_uuid}" ] ; then
- logger -t scripts-vif "${bridge} network-uuids ${net_uuid}"
- echo "-- br-set-external-id $bridge network-uuids ${net_uuid}"
- fi
- fi
scripts/vif | 40 +++-------------------------------------
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
Description: Text Data
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