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[Xen-API] [PATCH] Require lifecycle specification for APIs

To: xen-api <xen-api@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-API] [PATCH] Require lifecycle specification for APIs
From: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 11:23:34 +0100
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# HG changeset patch
# User Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>
Require lifecycle specification for APIs

Another step in the transition to better lifecycle information in the API.
Each API in the datamodel.ml should have an explicit lifecycle description 
attached to it (which may be [] for prototypes). Specifying 'in_product_since' 
is still allowed for backwards compatibility, but should no longer be used!

Signed-off-by: Rob Hoes <rob.hoes@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r 2fac409dc86f ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
--- a/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
+++ b/ocaml/idl/datamodel.ml
@@ -185,7 +185,19 @@
        ; internal_deprecated_since=None
-let call ~name ?(doc="") ?(in_oss_since=Some "3.0.3") ~in_product_since 
+let get_published lifecycle =
+       try
+               let _, published, _ = List.find (fun (t, _, _) -> t = 
Published) lifecycle in
+               Some published
+       with Not_found -> None
+let get_deprecated lifecycle =
+       try
+               let _, deprecated, _ = List.find (fun (t, _, _) -> t = 
Deprecated) lifecycle in
+               Some deprecated
+       with Not_found -> None
+let call ~name ?(doc="") ?(in_oss_since=Some "3.0.3") ?in_product_since 
        ?result ?(flags=[`Session;`Async])
        ?(effect=true) ?(tag=Custom) ?(errs=[]) ?(custom_marshaller=false) 
        ?(no_current_operations=false) ?(secret=false) ?(hide_from_docs=false)
@@ -196,20 +208,30 @@
        (* if you specify versioned_params then these get put in the params 
field of the message record;
         * otherwise params go in with no default values and 
-       let call_release = {internal=get_product_releases in_product_since; 
-               opensource=get_oss_releases in_oss_since;
-               internal_deprecated_since = internal_deprecated_since;
-       } in
+       if lifecycle = None && in_product_since = None then
+               failwith ("Lifecycle for message '" ^ name ^ "' not specified");
        let lifecycle = match lifecycle with
                | None ->
-                       let publish = [Published, in_product_since, doc] in
+                       let published = match in_product_since with
+                               | None -> []
+                               | Some rel -> [Published, rel, doc]
+                       in
                        let deprecated = match internal_deprecated_since with
                                | None -> []
                                | Some rel -> [Deprecated, rel, ""]
-                       publish @ deprecated
+                       published @ deprecated
                | Some l -> l
+       let call_release =
+               {
+                       internal = (match get_published lifecycle with 
+                               | Some published -> get_product_releases 
+                               | None -> ["closed"]);
+                       opensource = get_oss_releases in_oss_since;
+                       internal_deprecated_since = get_deprecated lifecycle;
+               }
+       in
                msg_name = name;
                msg_params =
@@ -2637,28 +2659,40 @@
 (** Make an object field record *)
-let field ?(in_oss_since = Some "3.0.3") ?(in_product_since = rel_rio) 
?(internal_only = false)
+let field ?(in_oss_since = Some "3.0.3") ?in_product_since ?(internal_only = 
        ?internal_deprecated_since ?(ignore_foreign_key = false) 
?(writer_roles=None) ?(reader_roles=None)
        ?(qualifier = RW) ?(ty = String) ?(effect = false) ?(default_value = 
None) ?(persist = true)
        ?(map_keys_roles=[]) (* list of (key_name,(writer_roles)) for a map 
field *)
        ?lifecycle name desc =
+       (* in_product_since currently defaults to 'Some rel_rio', for backwards 
+        * This should eventually become 'None'. *)
+       let in_product_since = match in_product_since with None -> Some rel_rio 
| x -> x in
+       if lifecycle = None && in_product_since = None then
+               failwith ("Lifecycle for field '" ^ name ^ "' not specified");
        let lifecycle = match lifecycle with
-       | None ->
-               let publish = [Published, in_product_since, desc] in
-               let deprecated = match internal_deprecated_since with
-                       | None -> []
-                       | Some rel -> [Deprecated, rel, ""]
-               in
-               publish @ deprecated
-       | Some l -> l
+               | None ->
+                       let published = match in_product_since with
+                               | None -> []
+                               | Some rel -> [Published, rel, desc]
+                       in
+                       let deprecated = match internal_deprecated_since with
+                               | None -> []
+                               | Some rel -> [Deprecated, rel, ""]
+                       in
+                       published @ deprecated
+               | Some l -> l
+       in
+       let release =
+               {
+                       internal = (match get_published lifecycle with 
+                               | Some published -> get_product_releases 
+                               | None -> ["closed"]);
+                       opensource = get_oss_releases in_oss_since;
+                       internal_deprecated_since = get_deprecated lifecycle;
+               }
        Field {
-               release = {
-                       internal=get_product_releases in_product_since; 
-                       opensource=(get_oss_releases in_oss_since);
-                       internal_deprecated_since=internal_deprecated_since;
-               };
+               release = release;
                qualifier=qualifier; ty=ty; internal_only = internal_only; 
default_value = default_value;
@@ -2704,7 +2738,7 @@
 let default_field_writer_roles = _R_POOL_ADMIN (* by default, only root can 
write to them *)
 (** Create an object and map the object name into the messages *)
-let create_obj ?lifecycle ~in_oss_since ~in_product_since 
~internal_deprecated_since ~gen_constructor_destructor ~gen_events ~persist 
~name ~descr ~doccomments ~contents ~messages ~in_db
+let create_obj ?lifecycle ~in_oss_since ?in_product_since 
?(internal_deprecated_since=None) ~gen_constructor_destructor ~gen_events 
~persist ~name ~descr ~doccomments ~contents ~messages ~in_db
        ?(implicit_messages_allowed_roles=_R_ALL) (* used in implicit obj msgs 
(get_all, etc) *)
        ?force_custom_actions:(force_custom_actions=None) (* 
None,Some(RW),Some(StaticRO) *)
@@ -2719,20 +2753,34 @@
                | Field f->Field{f with 
field_setter_roles=get_field_writer_roles f.field_setter_roles;
                ) contents in
+       if lifecycle = None && in_product_since = None then
+               failwith ("Lifecycle for class '" ^ name ^ "' not specified");
        let lifecycle = match lifecycle with
                | None ->
-                       let publish = [Published, in_product_since, descr] in
+                       let published = match in_product_since with
+                               | None -> []
+                               | Some rel -> [Published, rel, descr]
+                       in
                        let deprecated = match internal_deprecated_since with
                                | None -> []
                                | Some rel -> [Deprecated, rel, ""]
-                       publish @ deprecated
+                       published @ deprecated
                | Some l -> l
+       in      
+       let release =
+               {
+                       internal = (match get_published lifecycle with 
+                               | Some published -> get_product_releases 
+                               | None -> ["closed"]);
+                       opensource = get_oss_releases in_oss_since;
+                       internal_deprecated_since = get_deprecated lifecycle;
+               }
        let msgs = List.map (fun m -> {m with 
msg_obj_name=name;msg_allowed_roles=get_msg_allowed_roles m.msg_allowed_roles}) 
messages in
        { name = name; description = descr; obj_lifecycle = lifecycle; messages 
= msgs; contents = contents;
                doccomments = doccomments; gen_constructor_destructor = 
gen_constructor_destructor; force_custom_actions = force_custom_actions;
-               persist = persist; gen_events = gen_events; obj_release = 
{internal=get_product_releases in_product_since; opensource=get_oss_releases 
in_oss_since; internal_deprecated_since = internal_deprecated_since};
+               persist = persist; gen_events = gen_events; obj_release = 
                in_database=in_db; obj_allowed_roles = 
messages_default_allowed_roles; obj_implicit_msg_allowed_roles = 

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